Joshua Magallon, Fillmore, 24
Joshua Magallon, Fillmore, 24

On May 3, 2012, the Fillmore Police Gang Unit with the assistance of the Sheriff’s Gang Unit served a search warrant at the residence of Joshua Magallon. The Fillmore Police Gang Unit received information that Joshua Magallon who is on California Youth Authority State Parole for Assault with a Deadly Weapon was in possession of firearms. The investigators recovered a stolen handgun, a large amount of ammunition, and evidence of Magallon selling Methamphetamine. Magallon was also under the influence of a controlled substance.

Joshua Magallon was booked into the Ventura County Jail for numerous weapons and narcotic charges, as well as a parole hold. Magallon is not eligible for bail at this time.

Gang Search Warrant / Recovery of Weapons and Illegal Narcotics
Report Number: 12-9792
Location: 1300 Block of Waterford Lane, Fillmore, CA
Date & Time: May 3, 2012 / 7:30 am
Unit Responsible: Fillmore Police Gang Unit / Sheriff’s Gang Unit
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
Joshua Magallon Fillmore 24
Deputy Preparing Media
Release: Sgt. Anthony Aguirre
Media Release Date: May 3, 2012
Follow-Up Contact: Sgt. Anthony Aguirre 805-524-2235 /
Approved by: Captain Monica McGrath


Samantha Barker Wins Miss Teen Fillmore 2012
Miss Fillmore 2012 Anissa Magdaleno (center) and court 1st Princess Brooke Aguirre (left), and 2nd Princess Laura Garnica. Photos courtesy of Dale Crockett Studio.
Miss Fillmore 2012 Anissa Magdaleno (center) and court 1st Princess Brooke Aguirre (left), and 2nd Princess Laura Garnica. Photos courtesy of Dale Crockett Studio.
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Miss Teen Fillmore 2012 Samantha Barker (center) and court 2nd Princess Danielle Ramirez (left), and 1st Princess Stephanie Meza.
Miss Teen Fillmore 2012 Samantha Barker (center) and court 2nd Princess Danielle Ramirez (left), and 1st Princess Stephanie Meza.
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SFC Zavala receiving the Purple Heart
SFC Zavala receiving the Purple Heart
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SFC Zavala and COL Wolff
SFC Zavala and COL Wolff

SFC Gilbert T. Zavala, served with Task Force 71, Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan, during OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM in the Helmand Province, Gereshk, Afghanistan. On the morning of 20 OCT 2008 at 0830, while serving with a combined Special Operations Task Force, Afghan Security Guards and Afghan National Police were attacked by a three sided ambush while conducting a Combat Reconnaissance Patrol in the Helmand Province, Afghanistan. SFC Zavala's entire convoy came under direct fire initiated by a mortar round and for 30-40 minutes the convoy was under intense volumes of fire from RPG's, recoilless rifles and mortar fire while dispersed in a Wadi north of the Helmand canal in the Loy Mandah region. The Special Forces TM SGT's vehicle was receiving accurate PKM machine gun fire along with multiple Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG) rounds narrowly missing the Civil Affairs vehicle. Upon receiving the command over the radio, SFC Zavala started to move his vehicle to higher ground to try to gain fire superiority and after moving about 50 meters his vehicle received a direct hit in which the RPG which penetrated the vehicles armor. The blast peppered the interpreter with shrapnel and knocked SFC Zavala and SFC Montenegro unconscious. SFC Montenegro, the Team Medic, was the first person to regain consciousness and he then revived SFC Zavala. IOT regained control of the vehicle. Unable to talk and having trouble hearing due to the concussion of the blast, SFC Zavala opened his door to let out the smoke to allow oxygen into the vehicle since the RPG blast initiated the fire extinguisher system. After establishing visual contact with the SF TM SGT, SFC Zavala drove the CA vehicle north about 100-150 meters to get out of range of any incoming rounds. Upon stopping the vehicle, SFC Zavala was immediately attended to for injuries sustained from the explosion. After receiving aid, SFC Zavala then jumped into the turret of his vehicle and noticed the 50 Cal machine gun was damaged, then moved to the M240 machine gun and returned fire towards the enemy positions that were still firing onto the CA and SF TM SGT vehicles with RPG's and PKM fire. After the enemy fled, SFC Zavala then jumped out of the turret and ran to the other side of his vehicle to assist in the treatment of casualties and removed them from the vehicle to prep for MEDEVAC. For his injuries, SFC Zavala is therefore awarded the Purple Heart.


The topic of discussion at Tuesday’s Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting was the an action taken by the Board on the adoption of the layoff notices sent out last month. Todd Schieferle, Director Human Resources, asked for final approval of the layoffs by the Board. Schieferle informed the Board that both attorneys, Margaret A. Chidester representing FUSD, and Fareq M. Hishmeh representing the Certified Teachers Association, came to an amicable agreement, thus avoiding a full hearing and the additional expense. Schieferle stated, “We’re running out of options….this had nothing to do with performance, it had to do with seniority.”

School Board Member John Garnica commented, “We have to go through this every year. This is something we had no choice in.” He went on to say that other schools had layoffs last year and are doing more layoffs this year and that Fillmore held out until there was no other option. Superintendent Dr. Alan Nishino remarked, “Every time there’s no money it’s a local decision, but when there is money it’s Sacramento’s decision. When it comes to the tough decisions we have to make them…we’re 47th in funding.” Nishino was referring to being 47th in funding per student out of the 50 States. Nishino also reminded those in attendance that the “…budget is still being hashed out and there are two competing initiatives on the ballot…they may be a deciding factor for next year.”

Also on agenda, CONTINUED »

The Fillmore Athletic Booster Club president Max Pina (center), presented a check for over $8500 to Principal John Wilber and Athletic Director Matt Suttle. The proceeds were from the March 17th Casino Night the club put on for the Athletics Department.
The Fillmore Athletic Booster Club president Max Pina (center), presented a check for over $8500 to Principal John Wilber and Athletic Director Matt Suttle. The proceeds were from the March 17th Casino Night the club put on for the Athletics Department.
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At 7am Sunday, a game warden found a dead Black Bear two miles east of Piru on Highway 126. The 300 pound-plus bear had been hit by a car. The car left the scene. The adult male bear was returned to the wild to let nature take its course.

Caydi Villarreal
Caydi Villarreal
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The wind is one of those “Good News, Bad News” occurrences! For some areas the good news is that the wind will blow the fouled polluted air from your community to another unfortunate community downwind! I am sure we all remember “Egg City” and the stench that blew into Fillmore in the evening from the drying heaps of chicken manure! In Fillmore and all of Ventura County the local citrus crop can be damaged by the wind by scarring the fruit making it bad news when selling that crop!

For me the bad news about the constant wind we have been experiencing this year is that the wind has created havoc with my flying of the American Flag and the flags representing the the military services of my only Son, Phillip Diaz, and first born Grandson Michael O'Neal. Phillip is in the Navy and Michael the Army. The flags fray quickly because of the strong winds and on Tuesday, April 10th, in what turned out to be a very windy day, my 20' telescopic flag pole reached the end of it's life! The strong wind caused damaged a part inside of the telescopic pole which then separated the pole into two pieces! Not to worry though because today I went to Harbor Freight and bought another pole! Since I order my flags in quantity I always have a fresh flag to fly! So bring it on WIND!

In my travels around town I have noticed a number of other homes that proudly display the American Flag, or in some cases the flag of one of the military services. But, these homes are few! I have also noticed some perfectly good flag poles prominently displayed in the front yards of some homes without flags proudly flying from them. There is a house on lower Foothill with two substantial flagpoles in the front yard without flags! And, the flagpole at the FUSD Maintenance Yard remains empty after a controversy that I didn't really understand between employees and FUSD Administration regarding flying the American Flag and the POW Flag! If it had to do with the cost of maintaining the flags I will gladly purchase four American and four POW flags a year to fly again on that pole! If that isn't the problem then I hope whatever it was can be worked out and the flags can again fly proudly!

In addition to the Military Banners proudly on display in Fillmore, I would like to encourage the residents of Fillmore, as well as the FUSD Maintenance Yard employees, to at the minimum to start using existing flagpoles to proudly fly the American Flag as a sign of support for the men and women from our community that are currently serving and for those serving in the Middle East! I have to say that I feel guilty each day I move about Fillmore involved in my daily routine of riding my bicycle, motorcycle, meeting for coffee with friends and planning other activities that surround family and fun. I think nearly every day of those young men and women serving in the war zone and the sacrifices they and their families are making for all of us! I wish for them daily to come home safely to this community and to their families!

My Grandson Michael is currently serving in Afghanistan and my Son Phillip will be deploying in early June to Afghanistan. I am committed, despite the wind, to flying their military service flags below the American Flag until they both return home safely from their deployments! I encourage other residents and families of currently serving military members to fly their flags also as their show of support for their family members! I know Fillmore can do this! Let's all support our own American Heroes who have sacrificed so much for us all! Let's make Fillmore a standout community for the support of our troops by making it the norm to see the American Flag flying proudly from not only existing flag poles, but also from newly placed flag poles! If any readers would like to share a picture and story of their display of the American, or any service flag I would be honored to place a picture in the paper with your story. Please email me at and I will begin the story!

Sheriff’s deputies responded to the scene of a fight on Surrey Way, Monday at approximately 8:00 p.m. Two juveniles were involved in the altercation. One juvenile inflicted moderate injuries to the other with a knife, before fleeing the scene. An investigation is under way and the perpetrator will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
Sheriff’s deputies responded to the scene of a fight on Surrey Way, Monday at approximately 8:00 p.m. Two juveniles were involved in the altercation. One juvenile inflicted moderate injuries to the other with a knife, before fleeing the scene. An investigation is under way and the perpetrator will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
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Fillmore Senior Center Board members join Fillmore City Council members at the dias.
Fillmore Senior Center Board members join Fillmore City Council members at the dias.
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Ari Larson updated the council on the upcoming Chamber of Commerce events.
Ari Larson updated the council on the upcoming Chamber of Commerce events.

This April 24, 2012 the Fillmore Senior Center Board of Directors joined the Fillmore City Council to report on the Center’s financial status. Also on the agenda was approval of a letter to the California Public Utilities Commission encouraging the Adoption of a No-Cost Opt-Out Provision for Smart Meters.

Fillmore Senior Center is feeling the pinch of a poor economy and cutbacks from just about all of its funding sources. In the past the Center had a $100,000 budget provided in part by Fillmore Redevelopment, the United Way and various other organizations such as the Lions and Soroptomists. Today the Center’s budget is $20,000 and much of that coming from the 4th of July Fireworks sales. This has resulted in an 11% cutback in the lunch program along with reduced home delivery of meals to seniors that depend on the service. There are many activities offered such as computer classes, yoga, various art classes such as sketching and watercolors, WII Bowling, various exorcise classes, Tai Chi Classes, line dancing, support groups, casino trips just to name a few. The Center is vital to many of the seniors in town with a monthly average of 750-800 participating in the various activities. The Center recently opened a boutique room offering handmade knitted and crocheted items for sale and has received a new pingpong table that had Mayor Gayle Washburn challenging anyone to a game. Washburn commented that Fillmore spent millions on a skate park, pool and a baseball field, adding that we need to take care of both our young and our old and that the old took care of us in the past, now it’s our turn to take care of them. The Center is a 501c3 Nonprofit and run by volunteers with only one paid part-time office staff that does most everything. The Board consists of seven members: Vivian Johnson, Neva Picketts, Alternate Scott Painter, Treasurer Iris Martin, Secretary Gloria Hansen, Vice President Don Murphy, and President Donna Voelker. The proceeds from the sale of fireworks will help keep the Center open and there is a need for volunteers this 4th of July to work the booth. Any extra help will go a long way.

Anna M. Frutos-Sanchez CONTINUED »