From USGS:
2010 July 07 23:53:33 UTC
This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Magnitude 5.4
Date-Time Wednesday, July 07, 2010 at 23:53:33 UTC
Wednesday, July 07, 2010 at 04:53:33 PM at epicenter

Location 33.417°N, 116.483°W
Depth 11.7 km (7.3 miles)
Distances 22 km (13 miles) NNW (332°) from Borrego Springs, CA
23 km (14 miles) SE (131°) from Anza, CA
33 km (20 miles) NE (52°) from Lake Henshaw, CA
41 km (25 miles) SW (215°) from Indio, CA
45 km (28 miles) S (174°) from Palm Springs, CA
94 km (58 miles) NE (41°) from San Diego, CA

Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 0.3 km (0.2 miles); depth +/- 0.6 km (0.4 miles)
Parameters Nph=122, Dmin=10 km, Rmss=0.26 sec, Gp= 29°,
M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=3
Source California Integrated Seismic Net:

Event ID ci10736069


Published on Wed Jul 7 16:56:14 2010 PDT
Southern California Seismic Network: a cooperative project of
U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena, California
Caltech Seismological Laboratory, Pasadena, California

Version 1: This report supersedes any earlier probability reports about this event.


Magnitude : 5.9 Ml
Time : 7 Jul 2010 04:53:33 PM PDT
: 7 Jul 2010 23:53:33 UTC
Coordinates : 33 deg. 25.05 min. N, 116 deg. 28.96 min. W
13 mi. ( 21 km) NNW of Borrego Springs, CA
28 mi. ( 44 km) S of Palm Springs, CA
Event ID : 10736069


STRONG AFTERSHOCKS (Magnitude 5 and larger) -
At this time (immediately after the mainshock) the probability of a strong and possibly damaging aftershock IN THE NEXT 7 DAYS is approximately 40 PERCENT.

Most likely, the recent mainshock will be the largest in the sequence. However, there is a small chance (APPROXIMATELY 5 TO 10 PERCENT) of an earthquake equal to or larger than this mainshock in the next 7 days.

WEAK AFTERSHOCKS (Magnitude 3 to 5) -
In addition, approximately 20 to 50 SMALL AFTERSHOCKS are expected in the same 7-DAY PERIOD and may be felt locally.

This probability report is based on the statistics of aftershocks typical for California. This is not an exact prediction, but only a rough guide to expected aftershock activity. This probability report may be revised as more information becomes available.

Background Information About Aftershocks
Like most earthquakes, the recent earthquake is expected to be followed by numerous aftershocks. Aftershocks are additional earthquakes that occur after the mainshock and in the same geographic area. Usually, aftershocks are smaller than the mainshock, but occasionally an aftershock may be strong enough to be felt widely throughout the area and may cause additional damage, particularly to structures already weakened in the mainshock. As a rule of thumb, aftershocks of magnitude 5 and larger are considered potentially damaging.

Aftershocks are most common immediately after the mainshock; their average number per day decreases rapidly as time passes. Aftershocks are most likely to be felt in the first few days after the mainshock, but may be felt weeks, months, or even years afterwards. In general, the larger the mainshock, the longer its aftershocks will be felt.

Aftershocks tend to occur near the mainshock, but the exact geographic pattern of the aftershocks varies from earthquake to earthquake and is not predictable. The larger the mainshock, the larger the area of aftershocks. While there is no "hard" cutoff distance beyond which an earthquake is totally incapable of triggering an aftershock, the vast majority of aftershocks are located close to the mainshock. As a rule of thumb, a magnitude 6 mainshock may have aftershocks up to 10 to 20 miles away, while a magnitude 7 mainshock may have aftershocks as far as 30 to 50 miles away.


To: U.S. West Coast, Alaska, and British Columbia coastal regions
From: NOAA/NWS/West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
Subject: Tsunami Information Statement issued 07/7/2010 at 4:57PM PDT

At 4:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time on July 7, an earthquake with preliminary magnitude 5.9 occurred 60 miles/97 Km northeast of San Diego, California .

The magnitude is such that a tsunami IS NOT EXPECTED. However, in coastal areas of intense shaking, locally generated tsunamis can be triggered by underwater landslides. This will be the only WCATWC message issued for this event.

The location and magnitude are based on preliminary information. Further information will be issued by the United States Geological Survey or the appropriate regional seismic network.


A reminder to drive safely over the 4th of July holiday
61-year-old Jose Ramirez Reyes was killed in a single vehicle accident on Highway 23, Thursday, when he lost control of his pickup. Reyes was pronounced dead at the scene. Reyes was headed north on Highway 23 shortly after 7:00 a.m. when he entered an S shaped curve, traveled across the southbound lane into a guard rail, overturned and came to rest in the southbound lane. The cause of death is under investigation. Photo courtesy Milan Boyanich.
61-year-old Jose Ramirez Reyes was killed in a single vehicle accident on Highway 23, Thursday, when he lost control of his pickup. Reyes was pronounced dead at the scene. Reyes was headed north on Highway 23 shortly after 7:00 a.m. when he entered an S shaped curve, traveled across the southbound lane into a guard rail, overturned and came to rest in the southbound lane. The cause of death is under investigation. Photo courtesy Milan Boyanich.
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In what was a third vehicle accident within two hours, Monday, an older model Toyota pickup overturned in a ditch near 1420 Highway 23 on Grimes Canyon. No report of serious injury was released. The truck suffered severe damage. The cause of the accident is under investigation.
In what was a third vehicle accident within two hours, Monday, an older model Toyota pickup overturned in a ditch near 1420 Highway 23 on Grimes Canyon. No report of serious injury was released. The truck suffered severe damage. The cause of the accident is under investigation.
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Monday afternoon, a collision occurred between a pickup and this two-door Ford at the intersection of Highway 126 and C Street. No injuries were reported. The Ford suffered serious damage and the pickup was moderately damaged.
Monday afternoon, a collision occurred between a pickup and this two-door Ford at the intersection of Highway 126 and C Street. No injuries were reported. The Ford suffered serious damage and the pickup was moderately damaged.
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Monday afternoon a collision between a new Toyota Prius and a late model Saturn occurred at the intersection of Highway 126 and Orange Street. No serious injuries were reported but both vehicles suffered significant damage. The cause of the accident is under investigation.
Monday afternoon a collision between a new Toyota Prius and a late model Saturn occurred at the intersection of Highway 126 and Orange Street. No serious injuries were reported but both vehicles suffered significant damage. The cause of the accident is under investigation.
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Monday afternoon a collision occurred on Hwy 126 near Francisco’s fruit stand. The driver of a Harley Davidson, heading east was struck by a van which pulled in front of him. The wife of the driver of the motorcycle was thrown about 50 feet, and was taken by ambulance to a hospital. The driver of the motorcycle suffered leg injuries and was also taken to the hospital. The driver of the van was not injured.
Monday afternoon a collision occurred on Hwy 126 near Francisco’s fruit stand. The driver of a Harley Davidson, heading east was struck by a van which pulled in front of him. The wife of the driver of the motorcycle was thrown about 50 feet, and was taken by ambulance to a hospital. The driver of the motorcycle suffered leg injuries and was also taken to the hospital. The driver of the van was not injured.
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The following words were written by a well respected author attempting to get the Head of State of our great nation to recognize the extreme consequences associated with misuse of governmental power and authority.

The history of that Head of State is one of repeated seizures and injustices, all having the purpose of the establishing absolute power and control over the people of this country.

The author subsequently created a document which constituted a written a petition of grievances. It outlined the reasons the citizens would no longer tolerate the loss of their liberties and rights. The document was presented to that Head of State. Those grievances stated, in part:

1. "He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
2. He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
3. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
4. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws;
5. He has excited CONTINUED »

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 9:45 pm Fillmore Shooting. Gang Related, 700 Blk "B" St: Witnesses stated they saw a dark colored sedan occupied by 4 subjects driving Southbound in the 700 blk of "B". Several shots were heard and one of two subjects (Javier Izarraraz 20 yrs) walking on the street was hit in the left leg by a bullet. He was taken to Santa Paula Hospital in stable condition. Sheriffs major crimes team responded with CSI. The suspects are at large..

View of Santa Felicia Dam from new pump station on Piru Canyon Road.
View of Santa Felicia Dam from new pump station on Piru Canyon Road.
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UWCD and Lake Piru Operators review north day use area plans during morning tour.
UWCD and Lake Piru Operators review north day use area plans during morning tour.
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Lake Piru Pontoon Boats for rent. New docks installed and slips for over 80 vessels.
Lake Piru Pontoon Boats for rent. New docks installed and slips for over 80 vessels.
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United Water Conservation District and Recreation Resource Management (RRM) met at Lake Piru for a tour of lake and park improvements on Friday, June 25. RRM is the concessionaire for lake operations. This half day session included a tour of the lake to view recent improvements as well as discuss operations and policy matters, including much-needed improvements and review of alcohol policy.

This story is accompanying photos highlight the major site improvements. Following the tour, officials met at the Ranger’s office to discuss a number of matters. This included a discussion and refinements to alcohol-free policy that went into effect this year. There appeared to be continued support to maintain this policy in order to create and maintain a family-friendly environment at this jewel of a recreation destination.

Following this session, the Board’s Recreation Committee will report any actions for consideration by the full board in coming meetings of the full Board.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Friday, June 25 at 12:34 a.m. S101760020 - Suspicious subject Stop - 800 block 3rd Street, Fillmore - Fillmore units were on patrol in the middle of the night looking for burglars who have been active in the community when they noticed a suspicious male. They attempted to stop the subject who then ran from deputies. A foot pursuit ensued and the subject was finally caught and detained at B St. @ 4th. 18 year old Herman Uriostegui was arrested for under influence of drugs 11550, possession of narcotics 11377, possession of burglary tools 466, and resisting arrest 148 P.C.

Piru Sewer Plant Ribbon Cutting
Fillmore Sheriffs Chief Tim Hagel and 3rd District County Supervisor Kathy Long joined in a guided tour and ribbon cutting to announce the opening of the Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant Saturday. Approximately 20 people attended the event.
Piru Sewer Plant Ribbon Cutting Fillmore Sheriffs Chief Tim Hagel and 3rd District County Supervisor Kathy Long joined in a guided tour and ribbon cutting to announce the opening of the Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant Saturday. Approximately 20 people attended the event.
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Director Reddy Pakala, Water and Sanitation Department, led a tour of the new $14.5 million Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant, Saturday, June 19, 2010. The day included a ribbon cutting with County Supervisor Kathy Long doing the honors. Remarks were made by Janet Bergamo, President, Piru Neighborhood Council. The Project Team included Pakala, Project Manager Eric Keller, Project Inspector Steve Jackson, Design-Build Team, Tetra Tech, and Pascal & Ludwig Constructors.

The Ventura County Waterworks District No. 16 was formed on May 8, 1972. The Ventura County Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the District.

The district provides sanitation services to the community of Piru. It also provides potable water service to properties along Pacific Avenue.

The original wastewater treatment plant was built in 1974. Up until March 2010, the District owned and managed this secondary wastewater treatment plant with a design capacity of 0.26 million gallons per day. The plant was operated and maintained by the Ventura Regional Sanitation district.

The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, issued a Time Schedule Order which stipulated that construction and start-up of a new wastewater treatment plant be completed by February 28, 2010.
In order to comply with the Regional Board permit requirements, the District recommended that a Design-Build approach be pursued. The Ventura County Board of Supevbisors approved the Design-Build project – a first in the County’s history. This approach enabled the district to complete the project on time and save thousand of dollars for the residents of the community.

The new Piru Wastewater Treatment plant was put into operation in February with a capacity to treat up to 0.5 MGD of wastewater.

Funding for construction of the new wastewater treatment plant was obtained by the Ventura County Public Works Agency water and Sanitation Department through a Federal Grant of $8.55 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka the Economic Stimulus Bill) and approximately $6 million from a State loan through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.

The Department Director and County Supervisor lobbied the State of California to provide loans for disadvantaged communities at 1% for 30 years. Loans are to be repaid from the customer sewer charges.


Roxanne Mata Hays, 35 of Fillmore, was pronounced dead at the scene of an accident on Piru Canyon Road, Thursday, June 17, 2010.

Hays apparently was driving south on Lake Piru Canyon Road and missed a steep curve along the lake’s western shore. Her car plunged over a 10-foot cliff, and into the lake, and into 12-feet of water. Boaters reported the accident to authorities at about 3:05 p.m. Authorities had to break the car window to recover Hays. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

An autopsy revealed Hays had died from asphyxia by drowning.


Federal and local authorities this morning arrested 13 individuals linked to mortgage fraud operations that filed fraudulent loan applications with several banks and other lenders, generated millions of dollars in loan fees and real estate commissions, and caused millions of dollars in losses when the homes went into foreclosure because the purchasers were unable to make their monthly payments.

Those arrested this morning are among 14 charged in two federal indictments that were returned last week by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles . The indictments outline schemes in which real estate professionals prepared mortgage applications that contained false information about borrowers' income, employment, assets, and intent to occupy the properties. In the first case, which names 10 defendants, investigators estimate that the conspiracy was responsible for banks funding at least $25 million in mortgages. In the second case, which names four defendants, authorities believe that banks funded at least $10 million based on fraudulent loan applications.

The defendants in these cases generated huge commissions and fees through the mortgage application process, with the largest commissions coming when the banks approved loans and paid "yield spread premiums" or "rebates" to mortgage brokers who convinced borrowers to seek high-risk "option ARM" and similar mortgages that started with low monthly payments that dramatically increased after the "teaser" period, leaving many borrowers unable to make their payments.

Today's arrests were CONTINUED »

Bill Burnett spoke to council concerning proposed business park.
Bill Burnett spoke to council concerning proposed business park.
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Mayor Patti Walker thanked the Board of Supervisors for their approved $50,000 to support the transportation of youths from Piru to Fillmore’s Boys & Girl’s Club.

The Budget Workshop has been rescheduled for Tuesday July 13 at the regular City Council meeting at 6:30 pm; the budget will be available on the City website on June 28.

From the podium, Walker presented the plaque she received from Cabrillo town homes on Main Street on behalf of the efforts of past councils, the present council, and staff to bring the housing project to fruition.

City Planner Kevin McSweeney announced the upcoming Friday Farmer’s Market to be held at the northeast corner of Sespe and Central Ave, starting July 13, running from 4pm-9pm. Thirty booths will be available for rent.

The Fourth of July hot rod show put on by Fillmore & Western is expected to run as planned at Central Park.
McSweeney also noted that the City has issued only two block party permits. Though the registration deadline has passed, the City will not turn anyone away this week, but McSweeney warns that it is not possible for authorities to process many permits at the same time. Permit seekers are asked to apply by July 1.

Public Comments
Resident Dave Roegner expressed CONTINUED »