On 07/11/2021, the Ventura County Lockwood Deputy responded to an overdue off-road motorcycle rider in the Los Padres National Forest. At approximately 5:50 PM, the Lockwood Valley Substation received a call of a motorcycle rider, Jeffrey Skinner, who had ridden down the Miller Jeep Trail on 07/10/2021, and spent the night at the Sunset Campground. Mr. Skinner’s plan was to ride out of the area the next morning. The concerned caller had not heard from Mr. Skinner since 6:30 PM, on 07/10/2021.Mr. Skinner was not familiar with the trail, the challenging terrain and the extreme heat the area was experiencing.

With twilight quickly approaching, a Ventura County Sheriff’s helicopter began an aerial search of the Piru Creek Trail, while 2 Utility Terrain Vehicles were deployed from the Lockwood Valley Substation to assist with the search. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Fillmore Search and Rescue team was also activated and responded to the area to conduct a ground search.

At approximately 7:45PM, the Sheriff’s helicopter located a motorcycle on Piru Creek trail without a rider. The helicopter later located Mr. Skinner at the Gold Hill campground. Mr. Skinner stated he began suffering from heat related issues and spent the day trying to cool himself in a nearby creek bed and utilizing the shrubbery for shade. When the temperature finally began to drop on the trail, he hiked out on foot to the Gold Hill Campground area where the helicopter spotted him. Mr. Skinner was evaluated by medical personnel and transported to the Lockwood Valley Substation.

The Lockwood Valley Substation would like to commend the Mr. Skinner for remaining calm, staying on the trail and having a plan to deal with the extreme conditions in the forest. His actions assisted in locating him quickly and surviving the heat and difficult trail he found himself on.

Nature of Incident: Overdue Off-Highway Motorcycle Rider
Report Number: RB# 21-91404
Location: Los Padres National Forest/ Sunset Campground
Date & Time: 07/11/2021 @ 1750 Hours
Unit(s) Responsible: Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Lockwood Valley Substation.
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
Jeffrey Skinner Burbank, CA, 48
Prepared by: Senior Deputy Robert Steele
Approved by: Captain Jose Rivera


On Saturday, July 17th, 2021, at 5:13pm, Fillmore Sheriff ’s, Fillmore City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported injury collision at 1160 Ventura Street. Arriving fire crews reported three vehicles with moderate damage, all occupants reported to be out. Arriving paramedics treated one patient on scene; no ambulance transport made. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Saturday, July 17th, 2021, at 5:13pm, Fillmore Sheriff ’s, Fillmore City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported injury collision at 1160 Ventura Street. Arriving fire crews reported three vehicles with moderate damage, all occupants reported to be out. Arriving paramedics treated one patient on scene; no ambulance transport made. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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Ventura, CA - With cases of COVID-19 rising locally and increased circulation of the highly transmissible Delta variant, the County of Ventura Public Health Department strongly recommends that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors in public places. This serves as an extra precautionary measure for those who are fully vaccinated and will further limit spread of the Delta variant in the community at large.

"The Delta variant is spreading quickly in our State. All community members should take action to protect themselves and others against this potentially deadly virus," said County of Ventura Health Officer Doctor Robert Levin. "While vaccines remain our best tool against COVID-19, masking in indoor and crowded outdoor settings will help us curb the spread of this latest wave of infection. Ventura County data have recently shown that unvaccinated people are 22 times more likely to become infected and hospitalized than vaccinated residents. Several of our hospitalized people have been vaccinated and that is several too many."

In June, the Delta variants comprised 43 percent of all specimens sequenced in California. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted that Delta variants are now responsible for 58 percent of new infections across the country. Fully vaccinated people are well-protected from infections and serious illness due to known COVID-19 variants including Delta variants, and vaccinating as many people as possible, as soon as possible, continues to be our best defense against severe COVID-19 infection, and the harm it can do to our region. Vaccines are safe, effective, free, and widely available to everyone 12 and older. “For the most part this is a surge of cases among our unvaccinated and it is preventable. Get vaccinated,” said Doctor Levin.

“We are seeing a significant growth in Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations in our County. As of today, there are 504 new cases since July 12, 41 current hospitalizations and 9 community members in the ICU. The daily case rate per 100,000 has increased to 4.4,” said Public Health Director Rigoberto Vargas. “All community members are encouraged to get vaccinated to help protect themselves and loved ones. This will also help reverse this concerning trend of increasing cases since June 15.”

Out of an abundance of caution, people are strongly recommended to wear masks indoors in settings like grocery or retail stores, theaters, and family entertainment centers, even if they are fully vaccinated as an added layer of protection for both themselves and unvaccinated residents. Businesses are asked to expect universal masking for customers entering indoor areas of their businesses to provide better protection to their employees and customers. Workplaces must comply with Cal/OSHA requirements and fully vaccinated employees are encouraged to wear masks indoors if their employer has not confirmed the vaccination status of those around them. For masks to work properly, they need to completely cover your nose and mouth and fit snugly against the sides of your face and around your nose.

Public Health will continue to monitor transmission rates, hospitalizations, deaths and increasing vaccination rates throughout the County and will reevaluate the recommendation in the coming weeks. COVID-19 information can be monitored at www.vcrecovers.org.

People are considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. People with only one vaccine dose of Pfizer or Moderna are not fully protected. Completion of the vaccine series is necessary to provide full protection.

COVID-19 vaccines are available at multiple locations throughout the County of Ventura for all community members 12 or older. Information about locations can be found at www.myturn.ca.gov or by calling 833-422-4255.

On July 19, 2021, at 3:59pm, the Ventura County Sheriff ’s Department, Fillmore City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported traffic collision in the 700 block of Ventura Street in front of Carl’s Jr. A black Honda Accord and a box truck were involved. No ambulance transported was made. Sheriff’s units closed both eastbound lanes and the center divider was used for eastbound traffic. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On July 19, 2021, at 3:59pm, the Ventura County Sheriff ’s Department, Fillmore City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported traffic collision in the 700 block of Ventura Street in front of Carl’s Jr. A black Honda Accord and a box truck were involved. No ambulance transported was made. Sheriff’s units closed both eastbound lanes and the center divider was used for eastbound traffic. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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Want to know when your street is being cleaned? Check out the map above! If you have further questions contact the City at 805-524-1500, ext. 234.
Want to know when your street is being cleaned? Check out the map above! If you have further questions contact the City at 805-524-1500, ext. 234.
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Bank of Italy, 1918.
Bank of Italy, 1918.
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Fillmore State Bank Building, 1920.
Fillmore State Bank Building, 1920.
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Opening day Stephens Store, 1911.
Opening day Stephens Store, 1911.
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Bungalow Inn, 1911.
Bungalow Inn, 1911.
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Fillmore from Foothill, 1903.
Fillmore from Foothill, 1903.
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The Cottage Hotel.
The Cottage Hotel.
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Stephens and Harmonson stores, circa 1895.
Stephens and Harmonson stores, circa 1895.
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Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum

I went shopping in Ventura the other day. The trip wasn’t at all inconvenient. It was a 35 minute jaunt each way in a comfortable car. On the road, I started thinking about my grandparents and great grandparents and how they met their needs for food, clothing and everyday items.

The early settlers grew their own fruits and vegetables. They hunted for deer and fished the Santa Clara and Sespe Rivers for Steelhead trout. Most had a cow for milk and cattle, pigs or chickens for meat and eggs. Being self-sufficient was a necessity of life. To purchase what they could not produce themselves they would travel by horse or wagon to Ventura or later to Santa Paula, each journey out and back taking most of the day. At times, when the need arose for a large purchase such as a wagon or large farming tool, the trip had to be made to Los Angeles. The trip could take several days given that no rivers or streams had bridges and weather could be inclement in the winter.

One of the earliest merchants in our area was Norman Kellogg. He arrived in 1876 and settled on the east side of what is today, the Pole Creek channel. (At the time, Yellow Creek, as it was called, crossed from the canyon on the east to Sespe Creek. It would be decades before the creek was named for Pole Canyon and its channel moved to flow south into the Santa Clara River.) Kellogg built a home with a small store. Most of his sales, however, were done from his traveling grocery and supply wagon. The area he served was from a few miles east of Santa Paula to the Castaic area. He kept this business going until the arrival of the railroad in 1887.

The arrival of the railroad changed this way of life completely. Santa Paula and Ventura were just a short train ride away and a trip out and back to Los Angeles could be accomplished in a day. By the late 1890s the Sears, Roebuck catalogue made mail order a common method of purchasing everything from nails to clothing to houses or even a dairy silo.

In 1887, just before the arrival of the railroad, Elbert Bailey Turner had built and was the proprietor of Fillmore’s first rooming house, the Cottage Inn. C.C. Elkins spent his first night in Fillmore, with his family in Turners’ Inn. They had traveled 3 days by wagon from Compton and arrived in Fillmore on Christmas Day. The inn was on the northwest corner of Main and Central, very near the new tracks and depot.

The railroad’s arrival in Fillmore in 1887, quickly encouraged development of the local community now named Fillmore after a vice president of the Southern Pacific. The first stores were built north of the tracks and close to the Inn along the railroad right of way. These first businesses included a lumber yard, the rooming house, a general store built in 1888 by C.C. Elkins, a pool hall, fruit stand and, of course, a saloon. The general area became Main Street. By 1895 there were about 150 people living in and around Fillmore.

In April, 1933, Mrs. E. B. Turner wrote in a letter to the editor of the Fillmore Herald about access to food in the 1890s. She explained that there were “no stores or vegetable wagon every day at your door. Our meat was shipped from Ventura by the Hobson Brothers. Easly of Santa Paula furnished most of our vegetables. E. B. Turner butchered a hog now and then and Alfred Stone killed deer. He sold the best parts to us. I pickled beef and sides of pork to help out. We had a pen of fat chickens, paid 5 cents for a five or six pound young rooster so you can see it was not a fool’s job to take care of our little business.”

Much of the business developing in Fillmore catered not only to those residing in Fillmore but to the many farmers and cattlemen living in the outlying areas. In 1911 the Bungalow Inn was built to cater to train passengers. It had 20 guest rooms and an excellent dining room. The dining room not only served travelers, it also served as a meeting place for civic groups and local families.

As the town grew, more businesses were started. Saturday afternoons were busy as the farmers and their wives came to town to do the weekly shopping. Those long trips by wagon to Santa Paula and Ventura were less necessary. And when need or desire required a shopping trip to the “big city”, Los Angeles, the train made the trip quicker and easier.

In a very short time Fillmore became self-sufficient. Locals could purchase food, clothing, farming supplies and equipment locally. One of the first general merchandise stores in town was built in early 1888 by C.C. Elkins. It was on the northeast corner of what would become Central and Main Street. It was a two story wooden building with the store on the first floor and an apartment on the second floor. The first shipment of groceries for the store arrived in late January, 1888. According to C.C., he gave credit to many of the locals during the year since they didn’t received payment for their crops but once a year. He was quoted as saying, “I never lost any money to amount to anything.” The store was also the location of the post office and a voting place for many years
There were, however, occasional setbacks to orderly development. According to C.C. Elkins, dry weather and east windy conditions in 1903 combined with kerosene lamps, caused a major fire which started in the local saloon and burned down nearly every business on Main St. including the saloon, the shoe shop, the barber shop and the top of the store building built by C.C. Elkins and then owned by C. A. Harmonson. After this disaster merchants rebuilding their businesses made the move to Central Ave. With the rebuilding came stronger and more diverse buildings and businesses.

Richard Stephens built one of the first permanent structures, a grocery store, north of the railroad tracks on the corner of Main and Central Ave. It was finished in 1911 and remains in its original location on the northwest corner of Central Ave. and Main St. Today it is known as La Estrella Market. As you enter, look down and you will see the Stephens name in tile. Stephens had built a large warehouse behind his first store in the 1890s and eventually turned it into one of the first theaters in Fillmore. It was located right behind his grocery store and was a popular venue for traveling vaudeville entertainers. The theater building was there until about the mid-1950s when it was torn down. Today, in 2021, the Treasure Station is located in front of what was that theater.

The Fillmore State Bank, Fillmore’s first bank building was built in 1905 on the southeast corner of Santa Clara and Central. Construction was of brick with a facing layer of Sespe brownstone. The Fillmore library was on the second floor and for many years the local Masonic Lodge met in a large upstairs room. When the bank built a larger building in 1917 on the corner of Main and Central, the old bank building was used for many different purposes including a restaurant, a liquor store and the current realty office. The library also moved to the second floor of the new bank building. This bank became the Bank of Italy in 1927, then Bank of America, Bank of A. Levy and today, 2021, an empty shell used as a movie set. The upstairs area of the old building on Central and Santa Clara was modified into apartments and the façade of Sespe brownstone removed. The brownstone is now a wall in Bardsdale.

In the decade between 1910 and 1920 there was a building boom on Central Ave. as wood framing, concrete and brick replaced the simpler wooden structures. In 1919 the Farmers and Merchants Bank was built on the corner of Sespe and Central. Eventually it became the Security Pacific National Bank and today, is a dental office.

The three-story Fillmore Masonic Temple building on the corner of Sespe Ave. and Central Ave. was also built in 1919. The ground floor was home to a grocery store on the corner, a variety of other businesses along Sespe and Central and a new post office building on the corner of Sespe and the alley between Central and Fillmore Streets. The 1994 earthquake brought the building down and the site is now vacant.

Over time research at the museum has identified more than 900 businesses in Fillmore, Sespe and Piru. In future stories we will be highlighting these businesses and their contributions to their communities.

On Friday, July 9th, 2021, at 11:50pm, the Ventura County Sheriff ’s Department, Fillmore City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported fight involving 15-20 people in the area of Sespe Avenue and Clay Street. Arriving deputies encountered a possible stabbing victim at the intersection of Sespe and Central Avenue. Fire and paramedic personnel were dispatched to the scene. Minutes later an additional stabbing/shooting victim was reported at Sespe Avenue and Clay Street. A second ambulance was requested. Both patients were transported to VC Medical Center, condition unknown. Sheriff’s deputies established the crime scene with additional units from neighboring cities responding to assist. There were no initial reports of any suspect descriptions or information. Photos courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Friday, July 9th, 2021, at 11:50pm, the Ventura County Sheriff ’s Department, Fillmore City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported fight involving 15-20 people in the area of Sespe Avenue and Clay Street. Arriving deputies encountered a possible stabbing victim at the intersection of Sespe and Central Avenue. Fire and paramedic personnel were dispatched to the scene. Minutes later an additional stabbing/shooting victim was reported at Sespe Avenue and Clay Street. A second ambulance was requested. Both patients were transported to VC Medical Center, condition unknown. Sheriff’s deputies established the crime scene with additional units from neighboring cities responding to assist. There were no initial reports of any suspect descriptions or information. Photos courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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On Wednesday, July 7th, 2021, at 9:39pm, Fillmore Sheriffs, City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported hit & run involving a parked car in the 600 block of Fernglen Circle. Arriving fire crews reported two vehicles with one person with minor injuries. No ambulance transported was not required. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Wednesday, July 7th, 2021, at 9:39pm, Fillmore Sheriffs, City Fire and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported hit & run involving a parked car in the 600 block of Fernglen Circle. Arriving fire crews reported two vehicles with one person with minor injuries. No ambulance transported was not required. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo courtesy Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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Sheriff Bill Ayub will announced the dedication of the Jef Dye Memorial Highway, to honor the service of Fillmore Search & Rescue Team member Jeffrey “Jef” Dye, who was killed on Interstate 5 on the Grapevine while providing medical aid to victims whose vehicle overturned during a winter storm on Feb. 2, 2019. During the rescue, a vehicle left the highway and struck several SAR Team members, including Jef, who died as a result of his injuries. Jef will be honored for his selfless service to the community.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

The Fillmore Police Department would like to thank the community for the outpouring support and assistance over the Fourth of July holiday weekend. With the help of the community, the Fillmore Police Department responded to numerous crimes in progress, safely removed two subjects driving under the influence of alcohol from the roadway, and issued 24 citations for violations of illegal fireworks.

In total, 12 citations were issued to residents of Fillmore and 12 citations were issued to residents visiting our community from Camarillo, Oxnard, Moorpark, Sacramento County, and Los Angeles County.

Prepared by: Deputy J. Labbé
Approved by: Captain Garo Kuredjian

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).