Despite some hoarding, Vons Market, Super A and Fillmore’s many smaller markets and convenience stores can meet all your shopping needs. Grocers’ associations across the nation are encouraging shoppers to buy just enough food and supplies for a week. The shelves will be restocked as usual and there will be no shortages if the community will shop as it usually does. The run on grocery stores, empty shelves and long lines are all unnecessary, according to the California Grocers Association (CGA). “We have dealt with fires and earthquakes and natural disasters so we are set up in such a way that there is an abundance of freight and supplies in our distribution centers,” said Ron Fong, President and CEO of the CGA. Stay calm, keep some distance and remember other people need supplies, too.
Despite some hoarding, Vons Market, Super A and Fillmore’s many smaller markets and convenience stores can meet all your shopping needs. Grocers’ associations across the nation are encouraging shoppers to buy just enough food and supplies for a week. The shelves will be restocked as usual and there will be no shortages if the community will shop as it usually does. The run on grocery stores, empty shelves and long lines are all unnecessary, according to the California Grocers Association (CGA). “We have dealt with fires and earthquakes and natural disasters so we are set up in such a way that there is an abundance of freight and supplies in our distribution centers,” said Ron Fong, President and CEO of the CGA. Stay calm, keep some distance and remember other people need supplies, too.
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Courtesy City of Fillmore

Post Date: 03/18/2020 9:57 PM

To our Active Adult Center Seniors, due to the growing concerns about the COVID-19 Virus and the closure of the Active Adult Center, the City of Fillmore will be providing meals to those who are in need and qualify under the guidelines established by the Ventura County Agency of Aging listed below:

Congregate eligibility requirements for the Senior Nutrition Program:

A. Congregate Meals

Individuals eligible to receive a meal at a congregate nutrition site are:

1. Any older individual;

2. The spouse of an older individual;

3. A person with a disability, under age sixty (60) who resides in housing facilities occupied primarily by older individuals at which congregate nutrition services are provided; and

4. A disabled individual who resides at home with and accompanies an older individual who participates in the program.
Definitions. “Older individual” means a person sixty (60) years of age or older.

If you would like to request a meal or know someone in the community who is in need, please contact Marie Garfio at 805-524-3030 or Julie Latshaw at 805-524-1500 ext. 234 to request a meal. Please note that if you are not part f the County’s database, you will be requested to complete an intake form. If you would like to get a head start in completing the intake form, please download, print, print and return the form to Intake form. Deliveries are expected to take place next week.

For more information concerning the Active Adult Center please call 805-524-3030.


Photo of the Week: "Rascal waiting for supper under a table" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7D MKII camera, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @ 238mm. Exposure; ISO 160, aperture f/6.3, shutter 1/200 sec.
Photo of the Week: "Rascal waiting for supper under a table" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7D MKII camera, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @ 238mm. Exposure; ISO 160, aperture f/6.3, shutter 1/200 sec.
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Selfie euphoria!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Writer's block is a condition in which a skilled writer (me) with the desire to write finds himself (me) unable to write. Thinking only invisible thoughts produces nothing. I'm sitting here at my computer staring at the monitor. Unable to conjure appropriate words, a blank page stares back. Overwhelmed by the constant barrage of coronavirus (COVID-19) news, thoughts are ruthlessly suppressed.

Moreover, healthwise, I'm in the highly vulnerable group which keeps COVID-19 front and center in my mind. Hence, the subject of photography seems irrelevant, barren of importance. However, let's agree that doom and gloom serve no useful purpose so indulge me a diversion if but a couple of minutes.

Phonetographers: Samsung is taking a bite out of the Apple iPhone! Just as Canon and Nikon aficionados gather (illegally these days) around a campfire and argue the merits of their beloved camera, so do phonetographers debate iOS vs. Android cellphone operating systems. The debates, often reaching a fever pitch, are matchless silliness. No one wins their argument because the utterances are subjective. The only arguable difference between the two is the operating systems and cameras. Cameras!

Samsung robustly excited the cellphone market with its new Galaxy S20, S20+ and S20 Ultra. The Samsung S20 website says: "This is the phone that will change photography. A massive leap forward in resolution and zoom for mobile photography." BOOM! I'm preordering an S20+ and an Ultra model! Nah, just kidding. No psychologist could restore my sanity were I to rush to buy. On the other hand..... hmm, anyone interested in buying all my Canon photo gear?

It looks like cellphones have not escaped the megapixel race. Samsung proclaims 64 and 108MP depending on the model. Mr. Kelly of Forbes wrote: "Don’t worry, you aren’t going to get 64 and 108MP photos. Samsung has adopted ‘Pixel Binning, ’ which uses lots of smaller pixels to create one large 2.4μm pixel with a 12-megapixel final image size. The big benefits of this approach are dramatic improvements in low light photography."

Regarding the zoom ranges, he said: "Extreme Zoom - dubbed ‘Space Zoom’, delivers up to 30x digitally on the Galaxy S20 and S20+ and a mind-blowing 100x on the S20 Ultra. While an undeniably cool party trick, it’s hard to imagine a true real-world (legal) scenario where you’d need this. As such, the 10x optical zoom of the S20 Ultra is going to be more useful, which makes it a shame that the other models are stuck with 3x."

Another feature Samsung touts: "8K video recording. Wow! Wait! Impressive! Does anyone have an 8K TV or an 8K computer display? And considering the massive size of an 8K video file, it seems like I'd need 1TB of storage for a couple of minutes of video. I'll stick with ole 1080.

Narcissistic types will love the Galaxy S20 Ultra's 40MP selfie camera with phase-detection auto-focus. Repeat: 40MP selfies! Incredible! Think about capturing your gorgeous face in billboard-size resolution! Think about a gazillion Facebook 'likes'! Yep, I knew I'd get you itching to order one! Chop chop!

The photo of the week presented a dilemma. Being housebound, no new adventures. Rummage hard drive archives? Instead, I grabbed my camera (the real camera with dials) and went outside. There sat my buddy Rascal waiting for supper. Bam! Photo of the week. Rascal is one of my four rescue cats. So horn-mad cantankerous was he at the outset, it took me six months to domesticate this purrdycat.

For entertainment during these gloomy times, another video of the fascinating Faria Beach sandpipers scurrying around at supper time.

Send comments, suggestions or questions to:

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

March 18, 2020

Fillmore USD Families

The purpose of this message is to provide Fillmore Unified School District families with an update for March 18, 2020 regarding district actions to address COVID-19.

Today our Board of Trustees directed the closure of all Fillmore Unified schools and offices through Friday, May 1, 2020. All district and school events, meetings, activities, athletic practices, and athletic competitions have been cancelled thru May 1, 2020.

This closure is in support of the recommendations from public health officials to encourage “social distancing” to slow the spread of the virus. It is strongly recommended that individuals stay home during the closure as much as possible, and do not gather in public places.

A decision to reopen schools will be made in close consultation with the State of California, Ventura County Public Health, and the Ventura County Office of Education. We hope to reopen on Monday, May 4, 2020, but that decision will depend on the circumstances at the time. District families will be provided with notice prior to May 4, 2020.

We are aware that this closure has resulted in a loss of time spent learning in the classroom and are working to create educational opportunities for students while schools are closed. It is our intent to provide an update to families during the week of March 23rd regarding the district approach to distance learning.

We understand that school closures have significant impacts on our students and families, and we hope to resume normal operations in the future. Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.

Adrian E. Palazuelos, Ph.D.
Fillmore Unified School District

Additional Information
World Health Organization Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)

VC Emergency (Official Ventura County Incident Information Source)

California Department of Public Health website:

CDC website:

City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

The City of Fillmore has declared a Local Emergency due to the Public Health threat caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19). Although there are still zero confirmed cases in Fillmore, the declaration is out of an abundance of caution to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our community members and employees. This action is in response to the Ventura County Public Health Department’s recent announcement declaring a local emergency and the Governor’s recent declaration of a state of emergency. The City of Fillmore’s emergency declaration will enable City officials and staff to mobilize resources, formalize an emergency action and contingency plan, and obtain additional resources should an outbreak occur in the City.

As of March 12th, 95 people have been tested by the Ventura County Public Health Lab for COVID-19, 2 results are pending confirmation and 22 travelers are on home quarantine. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that is easily spread through personal contact, which can lead to serious illness or death for vulnerable members of the community.

The City of Fillmore is following the Ventura County Public Health Department’s latest recommendations and the State’s public health experts to cancel and postpone community events and gatherings where large groups are expected. Consequently, the City of Fillmore is implementing the following precautionary measures:

- Cancellation and postponement of March, April and May community events including
Saint Patrick’s Day Fun Run, Easter Egg Hunt, Community Art Show, and the May Festival.
- Any facility rentals will still be held as scheduled.
We apologize for any inconvenience these measures may have caused, however the well-being of our community and staff is the City’s highest priority. Please visit our social media page and website for up to date information or

Community members are strongly encouraged to follow the Ventura County Public Health Department’s recommendations to protect themselves from the COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses highlighted below:

- If you have mild symptoms, there may be no need to go to a medical facility to see a doctor.
- Certain patients, such as the elderly, those that are immune compromised or have underlying health conditions should call their doctor.

- Primary care doctors are the point of contact for COVID-19 testing. You do not need to call Public Health to request COVID-19 testing. Your doctor will make the decision to test at one of the local private labs and if the test is positive your doctor will contact Public Health for confirmation.

- If you have questions, please call the clinic or your doctor before going in. If you do not have a healthcare provider, call 211 for assistance finding support near you.

- Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

- Get immunized against the flu to protect yourself and your family, and reduce the potential strain on the healthcare system, which may be impacted by COVID-19 concerns.

- Stay home if you are sick.

WHEREAS, in December 2019, an outbreak of respiratory illness due to a novel coronavirus (a disease now known as COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan City, Hubie Province, China; and

WHEREAS, COVID-19 has since spread outside of China, impacting more than 75 countries, including the United States; and

WHEREAS, the California Department of Public Health has activated its Medical and Health Coordination Center, and the Office of Emergency Services recently activated the State Operations Center to provide support and guide actions to preserve public health; and

WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, Governor Newson declared the existence of a state of emergency for the State of California; and,

WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, the County declared the existence of a local emergency for Ventura County; and,

WHEREAS, it is imperative to prepare for and respond to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases within the City, and to prepare to respond to an increasing number or individuals who may require medical care; and

WHEREAS, California Government Code Sections 8558 and 8630, et seq., and Fillmore Municipal Code Section 15.04.060(a)(1) empower the City’s Director of Emergency Services to declare a local emergency if the City Council is not in session; and

WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Fillmore is designated as the Director of
Emergency Services pursuant to Municipal Code Section 15.04.050(a); and

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fillmore is not in session and cannot immediately be called into session; and

WHEREAS, strict compliance with certain Fillmore Municipal Code and other City regulations could prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19, which issue cannot be timely addressed absent a declaration of emergency; and

WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the City’s Director of Emergency Services declared a local emergency thereby activating the Emergency Operations Center due to threats to people within the City from COVID-19, which threats are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of the City and will likely require the combined forces of the other political subdivisions of the county, state and federal government; and

WHEREAS, per Government Code Section 8630 a local emergency declared by the Director of Emergency Services shall not remain in effect for a period in excess of seven days unless it has been ratified by the City Council.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED THAT the Director of Emergency Services, hereby declare as follows:

SECTION 1. That there is proclaimed a state of local emergency to exist in the City of Fillmore, California, due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

SECTION 2. That this state of local emergency will continue for no more than seven days unless the City Council ratifies this proclamation.

SECTION 3. That as of March 13, 2020, all City departments are directed to take those actions, measures and steps deemed necessary to assure the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Fillmore including requesting mutual aid to the extent such aid is necessary.

David W. Rowlands, Director of Emergency Services
ATTEST: Oliva Lopez, City Clerk

2019 Explorer of the Year Brianna Morfin.
2019 Explorer of the Year Brianna Morfin.

The Fillmore Community Awards Committee & Fillmore Police Department are proud to announce Senior Explorer Brianna Morfin as the 2019 Explorer of the Year!

Briana was born in Santa Paula and moved to Fillmore at the age of 10. She is currently in high school, where she has maintained a 3.5 GPA. She plans on attending Ventura Community College after graduating. Her goal after Ventura Community College is to transfer to Cal State Los Angeles to pursue a degree in Clinical Psychology, with a minor in English.

Briana has been in the explorer program for over three years. Her drive to help the community and others helped her be promoted to Senior Explorer in the summer of 2019. She constantly strives to improve herself by attending leadership programs. One of her favorite programs was the Ronald Reagan Library Student Leadership Program, which led her to start the Creative Writing Club at her high school. Briana also attended the Thousand Oaks Youth Leadership Camp, this camp allowed her the chance to meet JROTC members from all over the state.

Briana thanks her family for their constant support. She credits the Explorer Program for the opportunity to explore a part of herself she couldn’t find without the various learning opportunities of the program.

Briana wrote, “To my Explorer Advisors, I thank you all for seeing the potential I had, when I didn’t see it myself. Your constant reassurance and support helps me overcome so many obstacles of self-doubt, you’ve built up my confidence. With all of that, I feel like I can overcome anything. To my fellow Explorers, I thank you for embracing who I am and for giving me a chance to help you all individually grow into the best person you could all be. Thank you both, advisors and explorers for walking me through this journey.”

Due to Covid19, we have, as this time, postponed the Community Awards Reception until mid-June. We will keep the public updated if this changes.

Congratulations Kathy Munoz Meza on your 40 year anniversary with Safeway/Vons! Kathy has made waiting in line a pleasure with her friendly smile and humor for 40 years! We’re lucky to have her!
Congratulations Kathy Munoz Meza on your 40 year anniversary with Safeway/Vons! Kathy has made waiting in line a pleasure with her friendly smile and humor for 40 years! We’re lucky to have her!
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

The City of Fillmore will be closing city hall beginning Wednesday, March 18 to the public. The closure will extend for two-week intervals at which time the need for continued closure would be assessed. City employees would continue to report to work. If you need to conduct city business please call, e-mail or use our on-line functions. We appreciate your understanding during this unprecedented time.

Due to Coronavirus concerns stores, and doctor and dental offices have posted signs outside their places of business for the community. Above are signs from Fillmore’s Rite Aid, and Dr. Hakansson, M.D. and Dr. Pratt’s offices. Restaurants are take-out and drive-thru only. Seniors are requested to only go out for groceries, and everyone is asked to stay in their residences except for essential travel.
Due to Coronavirus concerns stores, and doctor and dental offices have posted signs outside their places of business for the community. Above are signs from Fillmore’s Rite Aid, and Dr. Hakansson, M.D. and Dr. Pratt’s offices. Restaurants are take-out and drive-thru only. Seniors are requested to only go out for groceries, and everyone is asked to stay in their residences except for essential travel.
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This past weekend Vons in Fillmore and other stores throughout Fillmore were swarmed by shoppers and soon after had bare shelves of essential items such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial, bread and more. Due to the fear of COVID-19 stores could not keep up with demand, and some stores changed there hours to be able to restock their shelves. Hours are announced as 7am to 10pm.
This past weekend Vons in Fillmore and other stores throughout Fillmore were swarmed by shoppers and soon after had bare shelves of essential items such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial, bread and more. Due to the fear of COVID-19 stores could not keep up with demand, and some stores changed there hours to be able to restock their shelves. Hours are announced as 7am to 10pm.
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