Fillmore, CA – As part of a national one-to-one technology initiative, Apple will soon put the latest iPads, Apple TVs and MacBook Air devices into the hands of every student and staff member at Piru Elementary School in the Fillmore Unified School District. Thanks to a competitive grant awarded in October 2014 by Apple ConnectEd, the oldest school in the District will officially become among the most technologically advanced. Piru Elementary was one of 114 schools nationwide and one of only 11 in the entire state of California to receive funding.

This is cause for celebration when the first of many Apple device rolls outs begins at a gala celebration at Piru Elementary on June 2 at 8 a.m. Local elected officials, administrators, site staff and students and parents will be on hand as Apple gives out MacBook Air devices to teachers and conducts the first of what will be more than 17 days of staff training over the upcoming school year.

“Our participation in the Apple ConnectED initiative will help us extend teaching and learning across every classroom and platform at Piru Elementary School,” said Dr. Adrian Palazuelos, Fillmore District Superintendent. “We are overjoyed to be a partner with Apple in this work and know that it will have tremendous benefit and relevance for our entire school community.”

Apple’s ConnectEd grant provide products, support and opportunities to schools that need them most. Every student at Piru Elementary will receive an iPad that each will use at school and home to integrate classroom learning on a daily basis. Every teacher and administrator will receive an iPad and MacBook Air. All classrooms on campus will be outfitted with upgraded/enhanced connectivity, Apple TVs and supplemental projectors where needed. In addition, Apple will provide all professional services, project management, ongoing professional development and any essential third-party application or component.

Students and teachers will have the opportunity to continue learning beyond the walls of the classroom with free mobile broadband services from AT&T.

“This grant is a very exciting opportunity and will have a tremendous impact on our students and community,” said Martha Hernandez, District Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. “This amazing technology will enrich the educational experience for our students by bringing an awareness of new fields of study and career opportunities.”

Not only that, these resources promise to launch students, parents and staff at Piru Elementary to the highest levels of global competence. Teachers and staff will become well-trained facilitators and experts at leveraging their new digital tools, enabling students to create their own knowledge and compete and succeed in an increasingly complex digital world and future economy.

“I am thrilled by this recognition from Apple and excited to embark on our journey to a different level of excellence,” said Diana Vides, Principal of Piru Elementary and author of the school’s ConnectED grant. “This funding will give my students access to the world at their fingertips, a wealth of knowledge and resources to my staff and amazing opportunities for our entire community.”

Visit to learn more about Apple and ConnectED.


Megan Luna-Baker has been named Fillmore Middle School Employee of the Year. Principal Scott Carroll is pictured
with Megan.
Megan Luna-Baker has been named Fillmore Middle School Employee of the Year. Principal Scott Carroll is pictured with Megan.

My name is Megan Baker and I have been teaching at Fillmore Middle School for four years. I received my credential and Master of Science in Special Education at California Lutheran University. My dream was to come back to the Fillmore Unified School District and give back to the community that helped shape me into the person I am today.

I graduated from Fillmore High School in 2007. I remember during my Freshman orientation for high school that we were asked who do we want to be. My mission in life was to be known for love and compassion that knows no bounds. I thank my principal Scott Carroll and the staff at Fillmore Middle School for recognizing my love, compassion, and commitment to my students and presenting me with employee of the year at Fillmore Middle School. It is an honor to teach at FMS and for the Fillmore Unified School District.


Fillmore High School graduating senior, Alondra Ramos (right) is the recipient of the 2016 Rosie Torres Scholarship For Future Teachers. Michael Torres (left) recently presented the award at an on-campus ceremony.
Fillmore High School graduating senior, Alondra Ramos (right) is the recipient of the 2016 Rosie Torres Scholarship For Future Teachers. Michael Torres (left) recently presented the award at an on-campus ceremony.

Fillmore, CA — Alondra Ramos, a graduating Fillmore High School senior, has been named the 2016 recipient of the Rosie Torres Scholarship for Future Teachers. Members of the Torres family were on hand to present Ramos with the $1,000 scholarship at a June 1 award ceremony held on campus.

“At the center of every effective education system is the classroom teacher,” says Michael Torres. “We congratulate Alondra for her performance in the classroom and the dedication, hard work, and ambition she has demonstrated throughout her high school years. We wish her success as she embarks on her next goal to become part of the future generation of educational leaders.”

The Rosie Torres Scholarship For Future Teachers was established three years ago to provide college financial assistance to Fillmore High School graduating seniors with plans to pursue a career in early childhood education, elementary education or secondary education.

Rosie Torres devoted nearly 30 years to teaching in Fillmore Unified School District and touched the lives of hundreds of students throughout her career as an educator and community volunteer. Along with her family, she established the scholarship program to inspire the next generation of teachers and invest in Fillmore High School students who are committed to improving the lives of children.

Awards are determined based on academic performance, teacher recommendations and a written essay.
Ramos’ future plans are to attend Ventura College and the University of California, Santa Barbara to pursue a teaching credential, with a focus on mathematics.

Fillmore Citizen Patrol awarded $750 scholarships to five of this year’s 2016 graduating Explorer Scouts for their outstanding achievements. Front row: Explorers Mathew Jimenez, Danielle Ramirez, Lauro Medrano, Matthew Hammond, Nicholas Bartels. Back row: Isela Larin, Jonathan Medrano, John Harm, Ray Medrano, Ron Smith.
Fillmore Citizen Patrol awarded $750 scholarships to five of this year’s 2016 graduating Explorer Scouts for their outstanding achievements. Front row: Explorers Mathew Jimenez, Danielle Ramirez, Lauro Medrano, Matthew Hammond, Nicholas Bartels. Back row: Isela Larin, Jonathan Medrano, John Harm, Ray Medrano, Ron Smith.
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Fillmore Fire Chief Keith Gurrola spoke at the May 10th council meeting on behalf of the acceptance of field inventory of properties requiring weed and rubbish abatement, instruction to the Fire Chief to notify those property owners, and adoption of the City Council resolution NO. 16-3530 declaring said properties to be a public
nuisance and setting a public hearing for abatement on June 14, 2016.

Gurrola acknowledged that weeds and rubbish can cause a nuisance, but more importantly a fire hazard. He brought forth the possible issues of who was on the list, but assured the Council that any misunderstandings would be resolved promptly. The motion to accept the field inventory was carried.


For Supervisor - 3rd District
123 of 123 Precincts Reporting

CARLA CASTILLA 24.52% 6,718
KELLY LONG 22.01% 6,031
KEVIN KILDEE 18.90% 5,178
MIKE MORGAN 16.96% 4,646
JESUS TORRES 4.54% 1,243
DAN GOLDBERG 3.93% 1,078
WRITE-IN 0.27% 73

A Runoff between Castilla and Long will be on the November 2016 ballot.

At approximately 6:00am Saturday Fillmore Fire Department responded to a collision at the intersection of Ventura and B Streets. Two semi-trucks collided causing one truckload to shift; no injures were reported. As of 10:00am westbound Ventura Street was still partially blocked. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez
At approximately 6:00am Saturday Fillmore Fire Department responded to a collision at the intersection of Ventura and B Streets. Two semi-trucks collided causing one truckload to shift; no injures were reported. As of 10:00am westbound Ventura Street was still partially blocked. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez
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Photos and Video by Bob Crum


Photos and Video by Bob Crum

Part 1 of 2
(above) Former POW Captain Charlie Plumb, US Navy, was the keynote speaker at Monday’s Memorial Service. The Bardsdale Cemetery held its Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30th at 11AM. The Ceremony started with a fly-over by the 805th Navion Squadron. Featured speaker this year was former POW Captain Charlie Plumb a F-4 Naval Pilot aboard the carrier Kitty Hawk who was shot down on his 75th mission over Viet Nam 5 days before his scheduled return home. The Rev. Bob Hammond gave the Memorial Service and special music was provided by the Bardsdale Methodist Church Choir. Also assisting in the ceremony was VFW Post 9637 with the Volly, Boy Scout Troop 406, Cub Scout Troop 3400 and Bob Thompson playing Taps. The Boy Scouts put out the American flags on Friday, and they were picked up by the Bardsdale 4H on Tuesday. Garcia Mortuary furnished the doves releases at the end of the ceremony. Photos by Bob Crum.
(above) Former POW Captain Charlie Plumb, US Navy, was the keynote speaker at Monday’s Memorial Service. The Bardsdale Cemetery held its Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30th at 11AM. The Ceremony started with a fly-over by the 805th Navion Squadron. Featured speaker this year was former POW Captain Charlie Plumb a F-4 Naval Pilot aboard the carrier Kitty Hawk who was shot down on his 75th mission over Viet Nam 5 days before his scheduled return home. The Rev. Bob Hammond gave the Memorial Service and special music was provided by the Bardsdale Methodist Church Choir. Also assisting in the ceremony was VFW Post 9637 with the Volly, Boy Scout Troop 406, Cub Scout Troop 3400 and Bob Thompson playing Taps. The Boy Scouts put out the American flags on Friday, and they were picked up by the Bardsdale 4H on Tuesday. Garcia Mortuary furnished the doves releases at the end of the ceremony. Photos by Bob Crum.
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