Hall of Fame Game - Friday, November 7th
Induction Ceremony - Satudurday, November 8th

The whole community is cordially invited to the CLASS OF 2014 Fillmore High School Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Saturday, November 8th, 2014 7:00pm Fillmore High School Gymnasium. The newly updated FHS Sports Hall of Fame room will be open for viewing at 6:00pm on the High School Campus. Annual Hall of Fame Game is Friday, November 7th, 2014 (Fillmore vs Carpenteria) New & current Hall of Fame members, Teams, & Charles A. Mozley award winner will be announced between Varsity & JV football games.

Congratulations to the New inductees!

John Romero - '69
Rick Grimes - '75
Daniel (Danny) Ocegueda - '92


1958 Football Team
1960 Boys Track
2002 Boys Soccer

3rd Annual Charles A. Mozley Award: Gilbert "Mo" Sosa.


Greg Totten, Ventura County District Attorney.
Greg Totten, Ventura County District Attorney.

CAMARILLO, CA - Ventura County District Attorney Greg Totten today condemned television ads and campaign mailers from Congressional incumbent Julia Brownley attacking Jeff Gorell on domestic violence and called on Brownley to immediately take them off the air.

"As a Ventura County Prosecutor for seven years, Jeff Gorell fought to protect women from acts of violence. Brownley's ads are false, unfair and malicious. Jeff has never, and will never condone violence against women," said Totten.

"I am very disappointed that Congresswoman Brownley's campaign would stoop to this level of desperation," continued Totten. "During his service in the State Assembly, Jeff has been a strong voice for Crime Victims, earning support from Law Enforcement, including the Los Angeles Police Protective League, for his work in strengthening laws against criminals who prey on women"

"These kind of hateful attacks have no place in our elections," declared Totten. "Congresswoman Brownley should take them off the air and immediately apologize to Jeff and Laura Gorell for her campaign's disgraceful attacks against a Veteran and a Prosecutor whom the Ventura County Star has praised for his integrity."



SACRAMENTO, CA – With the influenza season now upon us, Dr. Ron Chapman, director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and state health officer, today urges Californians to get a flu shot. While flu activity in California remains low with no laboratory confirmed outbreaks or deaths, now is the time to get immunized.

Influenza can cause severe disease across all age groups. According to the California influenza surveillance report recently published, there were 404 influenza-associated deaths reported in persons under 65 years of age in California during the 2013-14 influenza season. This was the highest number of deaths reported to CDPH since the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza and related complications are the eighth leading cause of death in the United States, associated with thousands of hospitalizations and deaths each year in the U.S.
“Influenza is much more serious than the common cold and has the potential of causing serious illness and death,” said Chapman. “But there is something we can do about it - getting vaccinated now is the best way to protect ourselves and our family against influenza and its complications.”
CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older, including pregnant women. Healthy people between two and 49 years of age, who are not pregnant, may opt for the nasal spray flu vaccine instead of a shot.

All 2014-2015 flu vaccines protects against an influenza A (H1N1) virus, an influenza A (H3N2) virus and an influenza B virus, and some also protect against a second influenza B virus. This year’s flu vaccine contains the same strains that were part of the 2013-14 flu vaccine.

To stop the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses, Californians should also:

• Stay home when sick.

• Cover a cough or sneeze by using your elbow or a tissue and properly disposing of the used tissue.

• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, avoiding contact with your eyes, nose and mouth.

Dr. Chapman encourages Californians to contact their health care provider, physician office, clinic, or pharmacy who are now offering flu vaccines. Some local health departments may also offer low or no cost flu immunizations. For more information about influenza visit the CDPH influenza web page.To find a flu vaccine location near you, visit www.flu.gov.



PCPL Site October 2014 Update by TheFillmoreGazette

(l-r) City Council candidates Carrie Broggie, Tim Holmgren and Diane McCall
(l-r) City Council candidates Carrie Broggie, Tim Holmgren and Diane McCall
Enlarge Photo
Question #5: The proposed Business Park is vital to Fillmore’s future tax base. What would you do to facilitate the success of the Business Park?
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Carrie Broggie
Broadening the tax base in Fillmore is key to the community’s economic stability, and the business park plays a significant role in reaching that goal. Since the first Master Plan was released in 2008, the economic decline in our area, as well as the rest of the country, has given us pause on the original business park plan, and I will recommend that the Plan be re-evaluated in several areas.
For example: Re-evaluate the Development Impact Fees (DIFs) that each new business coming into the park is responsible for. (Schools, transportation, water, sewers, parks, etc.); Work with city staff and the businesses to create an equitable, workable, fee structure for the Common Area Infrastructure Formula (CAIF) to cover the costs of common roads, storm drains, levees, etc.; Alternatively, consider the inclusion of a Mello Roos fee to cover the DIF and CAIF. This would simplify the formulas currently in place, yet each business buying into the park would be contributing equitably.
I believe that changes to the above-referenced issues will make the business park a more attractive location for companies seeking establishment or relocation of their businesses. Without the confines of the fees structured in the original Business Park Plan, I believe that businesses will perceive the City of Fillmore as a “business-friendly” community.
Additionally, the current City Council has created the Fillmore Development Council – a 13-member council of business people who have varying degrees of experience in the business community within the state of California. While I would not want to put the responsibility of the development of this business park fully upon this council, I do have high expectations that the council, tasked with nothing other than attracting businesses to our community, will be instrumental in the success of the Fillmore Business Park.

Tim Holmgren
The business park promises not only to be vital to Fillmore’s future tax base, but also to the economic future of Fillmore’s citizens. It’s critical that we do everything we can to get the business park built and I’ve always believed that the best thing that government can do to help business grow and create jobs is to stay out of the way. If we want to see the business park develop and flourish, we need to make it as easier for them to get started.
How do we accomplish that? What is it that’s been in the way of development up to now? There are three major factors that need to be addressed. First, the development impact fees associated with developing the business park need to be revamped. The first developer to begin building can’t get hit with an enormous bill to pay. Second, the Common Area Infrastructure Fees (CAIFs) need to be modified for the same reason. We can’t make it so expensive to build that no one wants to get started.
Finally, we need to attract business to Fillmore. We need to actively and aggressively go out and find businesses that want to come to Fillmore and make it attractive for them to make the move. The city has already begun addressing all three of these factors and we’re moving in the right direction. The development impact fees and the CAIFs are being looked at to see how they can be adjusted to encourage developers. The Fillmore Development Council has been formed and is moving forward to identify and attract business.
What does Fillmore need to do to facilitate the success of the business park? We need to continue doing what we’ve already started.

Diane McCall
As a Planning Commissioner in 2005 I had the opportunity to review, comment and recommend the current business park project for approval. Today, in reflecting back to that original vision for what the business park would eventually become, I see a city that has persevered through some extremely challenging financial times, and yet our needs remain the same. As Council Members we set long term goals for a better community, and the business park has definitely been one of those goals. This critical project has always been earmarked to improve our financial health through an increased tax base and job creation. As a council member, I will ensure that we reach beyond Ventura County to locate and secure “employers” who are able to provide jobs, not just occupy space. We must locate and entice companies who may be manufacturers, warehousing or large equipment repair and sales that can enhance our tax base and provide viable employment opportunities for our residents. We will continue to re-vamp our development impact fees, making our location more financially appealing than our neighboring cities. It is important to market our selling points of our superior location due to our proximity to the Interstate 5, Highways 126 and 101. Our local employment base is rich with blue collar labor all the way up to college educated executives and our current housing mix is supportive of all employment classes, making Fillmore attractive to outside companies. Lastly, I will ensure that we are selective with the occupancy mix. We must market to companies that will be willing to partner with Fillmore and share in our long term goals and visions for a better community. It is important to remember that good council members react and GREAT council members have vision and work to make it happen.

(l-r) Mike Saviers, Scott Beylik, Sean Morris, Lucy Rangel, Dave Wilde, Tony Prado
(l-r) Mike Saviers, Scott Beylik, Sean Morris, Lucy Rangel, Dave Wilde, Tony Prado
Enlarge Photo
Question #4: Are there any practices or policies utilized by other school districts you would like to see implemented at Fillmore Unified School District? Explain.
Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Mike Saviers
I would say that if I am given this opportunity to serve I would want to familiarize myself with all the policies and and practices of the Fillmore Unified School District before making that determination. There is always room for improvement and we would be foolish to think that all our programs and practices are the "best practices". If another District is doing something that has been tested and verified and is working better than ours we should look at those opportunities to better ourselves. If members of our own District have ideas that have the potential to better the District we should look at them to identify any and all opportunities for improvement. Other District's may have programs and policies that would strengthen our District if implemented here, but without a well informed and educated Board of Trustees to know the workings and current policies and programs currently in place we would be wasting valuable time, time that might be better spent on other objectives.

Scott Beylik
A number of key policies are in existence and have become industry standard around the nation that should be evaluated for adoption by the Fillmore Unified School District. Specifically, policies relating to open and transparent meetings that leverage a community-based approach to problem solving and decision-making are by far some of the most important. A number of other governing bodies encourage the public to participate in an open forum where questions are asked answered and vital input from the community is heard and factored in to the final decision making process.
Another beneficial practice currently in play in the Ventura Unified School District is a monthly review and report of the districts financial status. The Current practice in play at the Fillmore Unified School District ia a bi-annual financial report. By having more frequent updates available to board members, we can make and/or modify our decisions with the most current information available.
Ventura Unified has also made it common practice to ensure one board member is present at every school and community event. This practices sends a clear message to faculty, students & parents that the board is connected with the school system and is knowledgeable on present-day issues.
Lastly, I would be excited to see the board develop and utilize a committee approach for managing special projects. The committee would consist of numerous school faculty members as well as students and parents that would work collectively to ensure all perspectives are considered during the decision making process.

Sean Morris
At the School Board Training provided by the Ventura County Office of Education, two ideas where drilled in my head: Transparency and Planning. These are two policies/practices that I would like to emphasize.
Transparency. Transparency is assured by communication with all parties and finding ways to make sure the community knows what is occurring in the District. We need to communicate the District’s Vision. I will communicate our vison as a Board Member at school, community and city events. I will share with people what is happening within the district and proclaim our successes from the “Mountain Tops.” We must be the ambassadors of our District and Schools. We will bring down many of the perceived barriers that are inhibiting communication and trust by creating an environment of approachability and understanding.
Plan for Success. The Superintendent and Board need to develop a plan for success. We need to start with the three most important needs, for example; Improving English Learner (EL) Test Scores, Opening & Staffing Libraries, and Improving Facilities. We will outline a strategy to meet the goals and put in place the necessary steps to make sure we have long term success. This will be done by publishing our plan and outlining who is accountable to make sure that these goals are obtained. We will monitor the plan and make adjustments when necessary. I suggest we have a report card to the community every six months outlining our progress in obtaining these goals; because, ultimately we as Board Members are responsible for the success and failures of the district.
It really comes down to developing a Vision, Planning, Communicating and Accountability. This is how I plan to serve our District. I would appreciate your vote: Sean Morris for School Board.

Lucy Rangel
Research shows that one of the key factors that distinguishes high performing schools from low performing ones is not only their high expectations for academic achievement, but also their high expectations for student behavior. One such practice that has made a positive impact at Isbell Middle School these past few years is a program called CHAMPS. CHAMPS is a proactive and positive approach to classroom management. This program helps administrators and teachers establish common goals, set guidelines for success, promote positive expectations, and motivate students to want to succeed.
Even though one of CHAMPS major focus is academic achievement, I would like to address the character education component of this program. In my opinion, this is an area our district really needs to focus on. For CHAMPS, success begins with character development. While it focuses on reducing discipline referrals, it also increases positive student behavior and promotes a safe school environment. The behavior expectations that are set up for CHAMPS are incorporated into each activity at school whether it be walking in the hallway, eating in the cafeteria, or studying in the classroom. And when students follow these expectations, the learning experience is optimized for everyone.
We all know that students are more motivated to do well and realize their potential in schools that have a positive environment, where they feel safe, included, and supported. CHAMPS trains students to be leaders in their schools, homes, and communities. They also learn the value and integrity that go with the practice of giving back to their community. We need to foster the development of caring and responsible citizens. CHAMPS is a practice I would like to implement here in our district.

Dave Wilde
I used to be concerned about the relationship with the city and being more transparent with our parents and community. When we hired Dr Palazuelos he wanted that to be one of his focus points. He is already working to make those goals come true. I was also concerned about providing the community with a superintendent that is more visible and accessible. He has already shown he is moving in that direction. I used to be concerned about ESL instruction and all our school sites, but especially the high school, but Martha Hernandez, our assistant superintendent in charge of curriculum, has already made some great moves towards addressing that issue. If some of you were at the last board meeting, you know what I am referring to.
There are a couple of things I feel need to be addressed and that is collaboration, and RTI at the high school. A teacher driven collaboration system needs to be put in place that provides the teachers with time to work with their colleagues to improve instruction as we move into common core. This has not been in place for the past two or three years and I challenge you to find a successful district who does not have a great collaboration program in place. Like collaboration, the high school also needs a teacher and data driven intervention program to addresses the individual learning needs of our students as they surface. When a student is identified as having difficulty in any class that problem needs to be identified early and addressed right away. This program would help prevent students from falling behind where it becomes difficult to catch up.
Teachers at all grade levels know what needs their students have. After all, they are the ones working with them directly each school day. That is why the teachers should have a huge say in the way they use collaboration and intervention program to address the individual learning needs of their students.

Tony Prado
In Fillmore, there currently exists an "achievement gap" among student subgroups that threatens their future. Access to high-quality educational experiences should be the right of every student in Fillmore and it is the responsibility of each school in the District to work toward that end. The Fillmore Unified School District achieves this goal with the college prep students at Fillmore High School. But when it comes to the average or below average student the District falls short, this is why our schools are in Program Improvement.
The Fillmore community and its students deserve the bests educational experience possible. Our schools need to provide an equitable and rigorous education. Among the principals at each school site there needs to be established a spirit of competition towards achieving a "California Distinguish School" status. The FUSD is probably the only district in Ventura County without one school achieving this awqrd. A California Distinguish School is an award given by California State Board of Education to public schools within the state that best represent exemplary and quality educational programs. Elgibility is based on federal and state criteria including the "No Child Left Behind" program, "Academic Performance Index" (API), and "Adequate Yearly Progress" (AYP). These are areas that our District needs to address and improve upon. By working towards achieving California Distinguish School status we would be working towards removing the District out of Program Improvement.
Imagine the pride in this community if one or more schools achieved this award, there would be no excuse for any parent wanting to move their child to another school district. Imagine the honor and pride the teachers would attain, knowing their standards and expectations were being recognized by the state of California. Imagine the teachers realizing their effectiveness in the classroom was right on! And if one school in the District could do it, why not the others?
We are a small community and we should be able to control our students destiny - to excel beyond their dreams. Yes, it can be done in the Fillmore Unified School District. It is a challenge that must be taken! Vote for Tony Prado for School Board

Mayor Manuel Minjares displays a Proclamation from the Ventura Regional Sanitation District to the City of Fillmore recognizing the town’s 100 Year Centennial at Tuesday night’s council meeting.
Mayor Manuel Minjares displays a Proclamation from the Ventura Regional Sanitation District to the City of Fillmore recognizing the town’s 100 Year Centennial at Tuesday night’s council meeting.

The October 28, 2014 Fillmore City Council Meeting began with Mayor Manuel Minjares displaying a Proclamation from the Ventura Regional Sanitation District to the City of Fillmore recognizing the town's 100 Year Centennial.

The Council then gave unanimous approval to the first agenda item; a completed Economic Development Strategic Plan presented to them by City Manager David W. Rowlands. The Plan covers a wide breadth of actions for the City to pursue and was haled as forward thinking. Council Member Rick Neal responded, "This is a great step in the right direction."

The second agenda item was presented by Finance Director Gaylynn Brien on Fillmore's updated Investment Policy and asked for approval of Multi-Bank Securities, Inc (MBS) to conduct investment activities for the City of Fillmore. Brien explained the research she did to qualify MBS and that the firm is "a highly thought of brokerage dealer with 20 years of working with city governments." The expected return on investments is 2.4% to 2.5% with a 5 year ladder instead of 2 years.

Council Member Rick Neal said he was pleased that MBS was a service and not a contract company, and as a provider Fillmore could change source at any time.

Council Member Diane McCall told Brien she was also pleased saying "...we're not tied into a contract" and that she appreciated all Brien's research.

Council Member Douglas CONTINUED »

Part 2
Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Moderator: Bill Herrera
Timekeeper: Douglas Tucker

Candidates: Michael Saviors, Sean Morris, Scott Beylik

Incumbent Candidates: Lucy Rangel, Dave Wilde, Tony Prado

(7) The School Distinct has been identified as being in Program Improvement. What does this mean to you as a school board member/candidate and how do you intend to address this reality if you are elected?

Sean Morris; All our schools are in Program Improvement. We lost students as a result. How do we go from where we are to where we need to go? The answer is we set the bar high.

Scott Beylik; If I was a School Board Member it means I failed at my job. As a future Board Member it means I have a far way to go. We need our students to excel.

Lucy Rangel; Everyone needs to held accountable. We're looking forward to the Spring (semester). The Superintendent needs to make sure teachers are doing their jobs. Parents need to know a student in kindergarten is equal to what a 1st grader (kindergarten now teaches what used to be taught in 1st grade).

Tony Prado; If teachers motivate the students, they (the students) will learn. Part of the problem is the Principals.

Dave Wilde; Our teachers are in class every day they know what is happening. Those kids that are missing out, the teachers need to come up with solutions. When a kid falls behind the teachers need to focus on them.

Michael Saviors; We as a Board should be embarrassed. We need to provide the teachers with what ever they need. As a Board we need to be receptive to them, provide the extra help.

(8) Fillmore, as do other CONTINUED »

09/30/14 to 09/29/14
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Stolen Vehicle
600 Blk. Clay St.
900 Blk. 3rd St.
200 Blk. Main St.
700 Blk. Ventura St.
600 Blk. Ventura St.
Accident – Injury
300 Blk. Main St.
Disturbance Party
600 Blk. Via Rodeo
Stolen Vehicle
400 Blk. 4th St.
900 Blk. 3rd St.
300 Blk. Main St.
Stolen Vehicle
700 Blk. Edison Ln.
Search Warrant
600 Blk. Via Rodeo CONTINUED »