Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

I wanted to let you know that I have made some personnel changes that will affect Fillmore Middle School. I have promoted Mr. Todd Schieferle to work in the District Office. Mr. Schieferle will be in charge of Human Resources. Mr. Schieferle has been a counselor, a dean, and the principal at FMS and will be missed by all.

To replace Mr. Schieferle, I have asked Mrs. Tricia Godfrey to move from her position as assistant principal to become principal. Mrs. Godfrey and Mr. Schieferle have worked in partnership for two years as leaders at the school. Having Mrs. Godfrey as principal will ensure that the great progress the school has made will not be derailed with this change.

To replace Mrs. Godfrey, I have asked Mr. Scott Carroll to become the school’s assistant principal. Mr. Carroll is an excellent FMS sixth grade teacher who I know will become an outstanding assistant principal. He has been the school’s AVID and advisory coordinator this year. And, he has been the administrative designee for the past two years.

The school has made great strides under the leadership of Mr. Schieferle and Mrs. Godfrey. I know the school will continue to improve under the direction of Mrs. Godfrey and Mr. Carroll. All three will begin their transition to their new positions after our spring break. I look forward to seeing each assume their new job responsibilities and witnessing great things in the future.


Jeff Sweeney, Superintendent

Estimados Padres de Estudiantes de la Escuela Intermedia:

Quiero darles a saber CONTINUED »


Purported gang members, Cesar Calderon, 23, and Manuel Ceniceros, 22, both of Fillmore, were arrested Tuesday
evening at a residence on Los Serenos Street. Both were charged with resisting a police offi cer, being under the influence, and under warrants. A K-9 unit was used to retrieve one of the men from the attic.
Purported gang members, Cesar Calderon, 23, and Manuel Ceniceros, 22, both of Fillmore, were arrested Tuesday evening at a residence on Los Serenos Street. Both were charged with resisting a police offi cer, being under the influence, and under warrants. A K-9 unit was used to retrieve one of the men from the attic.
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Chris Hook of the American Public Works Association (AWPA) presented to Mayor Patti Walker the Project of the Year award for our new wastewater treatment plant, at Tuesday’s regular council meeting. Honors for plant design were also paid to the city on February 18, at the National Engineers Week Banquet held at the Reagan Library. The Fillmore Wastewater Treatment Plant was recognized as Project of the Year. Seated left, Bert Rapp who was responsible for the entire project.
Chris Hook of the American Public Works Association (AWPA) presented to Mayor Patti Walker the Project of the Year award for our new wastewater treatment plant, at Tuesday’s regular council meeting. Honors for plant design were also paid to the city on February 18, at the National Engineers Week Banquet held at the Reagan Library. The Fillmore Wastewater Treatment Plant was recognized as Project of the Year. Seated left, Bert Rapp who was responsible for the entire project.
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Councilmember Brooks’ statement:
Councilmember Brooks’ statement: "I have a different view of our sewer plant venture. I believe the decision to add a twenty six million dollar water recycling system was a poor choice with a costly result. It was an unneccessary component which has hiked up our sewer rates. Many citizens think that our sewer system project should have been vigorously streamlined in order to keep sewer rates down. As I listen to the reactions of the public I find that the majority of Fillmore citizens feel that our new sewer system has been overplanned and overbuilt at the expense of our wallets for decades to come. The cost to consumers is just too high."

Project of the Year
A presentation was made by Chris Hook of APWA, for the Fillmore Water Recycling Program, which was selected as the Ventura County American Public Works Association (APWA) project of the year in the Wastewater and Water category. In addition APWA selected the Fillmore project to represent all Ventura County Public Agency projects as the Project of the Year at the National Engineers Week Banquet at the Reagan Library on Thursday, February 18th. Public Works Director Bert Rapp was present to accept the honor.

Hook stated that the Fillmore project was selected because of an innovative management approach and due to its many unique characteristics. For example the "Design-Build-Operate" procurement process helped assure that the plant was as efficient and economical as possible. It also included an exacting quality assurance program so that the plant would have low maintenance costs for 20 years.

Another unique aspect was that the project included about 20 acres of CONTINUED »


In 2009, the Fillmore Police Department applied for and just received a one time payment of $21,600 in JAG money to help offset operating costs in the City Police Gang Unit. The money has been provided at a critical time when police services are needed most.

The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is a partnership among federal, state and local governments to create safer communities. The JAG was created in 2004 by Congress to streamline justice funding and grant administration. JAG allows states and local governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on their own local needs and conditions.

The Byrne Justice Assistance (JAG) Program, administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), is the leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions. The JAG Program provides states, tribes, and local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and court, prevention and education, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, planning, evaluation, and technology improvement, and crime victim and witness initiatives.

BJA supports law enforcement, courts, corrections, treatment, victim services, technology, and prevention initiatives that strengthen the nation’s criminal justice system. BJA provides leadership, services, and funding to America’s communities by: Emphasizing local control; Building relationships in the field; Provide training and technical assistance in support of efforts to prevent crime, drug abuse, and violence at the national, state, and local levels; Developing collaborations and partnerships; Promoting capacity building through planning; Streamlining the administration of grants; Increasing training and technical assistance; Creating accountability of projects; Encouraging innovation; and Communicating the value of justice efforts to decision makers at every level.

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Trustees of the Fillmore Unified School District questioned two candidates who want to fill the vacant seat left by former Board Member David Dollar on the board Tuesday night.

The two applicants, Mike Saviers and Scott Lee, answered six questions from a list supplied by board members before a large crowd at the FUSD Headquarters. The process Tuesday started with an overview of District policy for making a provisional appointment. They then discussed the interview process and the questions.

The candidates were asked: Why do you think you are qualified to be a board member? Lee said he's a registered voter and has lived in Fillmore for quite a few years. His children attended Fillmore schools and he was involved in the Middle School Site Council. Saviers said he's lived here for nine years and has mid-management experience from his years in law enforcement. He retired from law enforcement and has worked as a substitute teacher in the elementary schools and was a school bus driver for two years.

Why do you want to be on the board? Saviers responded by saying that he's been a volunteer for the last seven years in youth sports and he likes to make a difference in children's lives. Lee said, “I'd like to help the board fill the gap until December. I haven't been away from the school board that long. I wouldn't have to be trained to be a board member.”

In light of challenges facing public CONTINUED »

UPDATED 03-10-10
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On March 7, 2010, at approximately 8:14 p.m., deputies from the Fillmore Station and personnel from the Fillmore Fire Department responded to a call of a pedestrian down from a traffic accident. A 33 year-old male from the City of Fillmore was crossing “A” St. on foot south of River St, just before the bridge at the Santa Clara River, when he was struck by a 1992 Buick sedan traveling south. The pedestrian was transported to the Ventura County Medical Center where he died as a result of his injuries.

The driver of the involved vehicle, 22 year-old Harim Gonzalez of Oxnard, and his passenger stated they did not see the pedestrian until after the collision. An independent witness in another vehicle traveling in the opposite direction on A St. verified their account of the collision.

Location: A St. south of River St., Fillmore, CA.
Date & Time: 3/7/2010, 8:14 p.m.

On March 7, 2010, at approximately 8:14 p.m., deputies from the Fillmore Station and personnel from the Fillmore Fire Department responded to a call of a pedestrian down from a traffic accident. A 33 year-old male from the City of Fillmore was crossing “A” St. on foot south of River St, just before the bridge at the Santa Clara River, when he was struck by a 1992 Buick sedan traveling south. The pedestrian was transported to the Ventura County Medical Center where he died as a result of his injuries.

The driver of the involved vehicle, 22 year-old Harim Gonzalez of Oxnard, and his passenger stated they did not see the pedestrian until after the collision. An independent witness in another vehicle traveling in the opposite direction on A St. verified their account of the collision.

Officer Preparing Release: Sergeant Dave Wareham

Follow-up Contact: Deputy Jerry Petersen 805-524-2233

Approved By: Capt. R. Hindman

Date of Release: 3/7/2010

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

02/24/10 - 03/02/10
500 Block A St.
Annoy/Obscene Phone Call
400 Block Foothill Dr.
500 Block Central Ave.
500 Block A St.
Keep the Peace
250 E. Telegraph Rd.
400 Block Mt. View St.
800 Block Edison Ln.
1000 Block Candelaria Ln.
800 Block Burlington St.
Stolen Vehicle CONTINUED »

Bret Wear, 21, Santa Paula, was arrested for residential burglary and possession of stolen property.
Bret Wear, 21, Santa Paula, was arrested for residential burglary and possession of stolen property.

On 2-28-10, Bret Wear was arrested for breaking into an occupied residence and stealing property from that home. He was also identified as the same subject who broke into and stole property from at least two vehicles the same morning; he was found in possession of some of that stolen property at the time of his arrest.

Over the past several months, Wear is suspected of breaking into numerous other homes, garages, storage areas and vehicles in the areas between eastern Ventura, Santa Paula and Fillmore. Investigators believe Wear, and possibly other accomplices, are selling the stolen property to unsuspecting buyers. Anyone who has purchased any property from Wear or any of his associates is urged to contact Sheriff’s Department investigators at the Fillmore Station or the Headquarters Station.

The majority of the property Wear is suspected of stealing has serial numbers associated with it and if a person is found to be in possession of that stolen property, they could be arrested and prosecuted. The stolen property ranges from guns, TV’s, Wii game consoles, digital cameras, portable DVD players, digital camcorders, Sony Playstations, numerous tools such as paint sprayers, drills and grinders.

Location: Unincorporated area east of Ventura and west of Santa Paula

Date & Time/ RB#: 2-28-10 0600 / 10-4936

Unit Responsible: Headquarters Detective Bureau

Suspect Age City of Residence

(S) Bret Wear 21 Santa Paula

Officer Preparing Release: Detective Christine Rettura

Follow-up Contact: Detective Rettura at 662-6770 or Detective Hendren 525-2233

Date of Release: 3-1-10


Investigators of the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) have cited four stores for selling alcohol to minors. The actions were taken on February 27, 2010 during a minor decoy operation. During the operation, minors worked under the direct supervision of department investigators and attempted to purchase alcohol from 13 retail licensees in the city of Fillmore and unincorporated areas just outside the city.

Those who sold to the minor face a minimum fine of $250, and/or 24 to 32 hours of community service for a first violation. In addition, ABC will take administrative action against the alcoholic beverage licenses of the businesses that sold alcohol to minors. That may include a fine, a suspension of the license, or the permanent revocation of the license.

ABC is conducting the compliance checks state-wide to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors. Statistics have shown that young people under the age of 21 have a higher rate of drunken driving fatalities than the general adult population.

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

ABC is a department of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, which is under the direction of Secretary Dale E. Bonner, a member of the Governor's Cabinet.

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

The Fillmore Unified School District board gave special recognition to a pair of migrant education students and a parent at Tuesday night's board meeting.

Emilio Gomez and Mariela Inda-Ramirez were honored as migrant education students of the year. Emilio's father, Emigdio Gomez was also given recognition as parent of the year.

The migrant student of the year honor is awarded to the student(s) who exhibits exceptional leadership, maintains a grade point average of 3.5 or better; and plans to continue their education and involvement in their school and community. The migrant parent of the year is awarded to the parents who become involved in their children's education, strive to further their education and get involved in school and community.

Tricia Gradias, Migrant Education Coordinator, introduced the three honorees.

Certificates were presented by FUSD Board President Tony Prado.

Gomez, a senior, has a 3.6 GPA and was CONTINUED »