Rotarian Bob Hammond, son Matthew visiting from the Citadel, and Mother Lisa stop for a Family photo to celebrate the holiday’s.
Rotarian Bob Hammond, son Matthew visiting from the Citadel, and Mother Lisa stop for a Family photo to celebrate the holiday’s.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

The Camarillo Police Department’s Traffic Bureau would like to remind motorists that a new cell phone law takes effect on January 1st 2017.

On Jan 1st, 2017, the existing cell phone law, California Vehicle Code 23123.5, is being repealed and a new cell phone law, which was signed by Governor Brown on September 2016 (Assembly Bill 1785) is being put in its place.

California Vehicle Code 23123.5. now states:
(a) A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while holding and operating a handheld wireless telephone or an electronic wireless communications device unless the wireless telephone or electronic wireless communications device is specifically designed and configured to allow voice-operated and hands-free operation, and it is used in that manner while driving.

(b) This section shall not apply to manufacturer-installed systems that are embedded in the vehicle.

(c) A handheld wireless telephone or electronic wireless communications device may be operated in a manner requiring the use of the driver’s hand while the driver is operating the vehicle only if both of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The handheld wireless telephone or electronic wireless communications device is mounted on a vehicle’s windshield in the same manner a portable Global Positioning System (GPS) is mounted pursuant to paragraph (12) of subdivision (b) of Section 26708 or is mounted on or affixed to a vehicle’s dashboard or center console in a manner that does not hinder the driver’s view of the road.

(2) The driver’s hand is used to activate or deactivate a feature or function of the handheld wireless telephone or wireless communications device with the motion of a single swipe or tap of the driver’s finger.

This new cell phone law means if drivers intend to use their cellphones while operating a motor vehicle, drivers must have their cell phones mounted to the dashboard, center console, or windshield and can only use a “feature” on the phone with a single swipe or tap of the driver’s finger.

A violation of this law is an infraction. The base fine for the first offense is $20.00 and $50 for each subsequent offense.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “The percentage of drivers text-messaging or visibly manipu¬lating handheld devices increased from 1.7 percent in 2013 to 2.2 percent in 2015. Since 2007, young drivers (age 16 to 24) have been observed manipulating electronic devices at higher rates than older drivers. Data shows the average time your eyes are off the road while texting is five seconds. When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.”

Nature of Incident: New cell phone law, effective January 1st , 2017
Report Number:
Location: California
Date & Time: January 1st , 2017
Unit(s) Responsible: Camarillo Police Department Traffic Bureau
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
Prepared by: Sergeant Sean Britt #3572
News Release Date: 12/22/2016
Media Follow-Up Contact: Sergeant Sean Britt #3572
Approved by: Captain Cory Rubright

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).


Part 1 of 2
Fire Department Toy Drive a huge success. Exact numbers of children who turned out for the annual Fillmore Fire Department Toy Drive were not available at press time, but from the photos that we received they were in the hundreds. The kids were each given a gift and a winter coat which added to a Merry Christmas. Thanks once again to our Fire Department for their support of this happy event. Photos by Bob Crum.
Fire Department Toy Drive a huge success. Exact numbers of children who turned out for the annual Fillmore Fire Department Toy Drive were not available at press time, but from the photos that we received they were in the hundreds. The kids were each given a gift and a winter coat which added to a Merry Christmas. Thanks once again to our Fire Department for their support of this happy event. Photos by Bob Crum.
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Part 2 of 2
Photos by Bob Crum.
Photos by Bob Crum.
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Updated Collision Report

On December 19, 2016, at approximately 3:20 P.M., a multi-vehicle traffic collision occurred resulting in a fatality in the unincorporated area of Ventura County. The collision was on SR (State Route) 126, at Center Street, Piru.

Jonathan Castro, 26 years old, of Tulare, was the driver and only occupant of a GMC Savana cargo van traveling eastbound on SR-126 approaching Center Street at an unknown speed. Maria Del Carmen Paniagua, 41 year old, from Piru was stopped in a Ford using the left turn lane on eastbound SR-126 to turn onto northbound Center Street. For reasons still under investigation, the GMC cargo van driven by Mr. Castro drifted into the turn lane and collided with the rear of the Ford. As a result of the collision, the Ford was pushed into the westbound lanes of SR-l26 where it collided with the 2003 Chevrolet being driven by Mr. Jose Samuel Martinez. The Ford driven by Mr. Ramon Palomo and the Chevrolet driven by Mr. Oscar Magana became involved almost simultaneously as the initial collision unfolded.

As a result of the collision between the Ford driven by Ms. Paniagua and the Chevrolet, driven by Mr. Martinez, Ms. Paniagua was ejected from the Ford. Initial indications show that Ms. Paniagua was not wearing a seat belt. In the Ford being driven by Ms. Paniagua was her four years old daughter and her two year old grandson. Both children were seated in the rear seat of the Ford using child restraint systems. Both children in the Ford sustained severe injuries. In the Chevrolet driven by Mr. Martinez were two passengers, one seated in the right front passenger seat and an infant in the left rear seat. No known injuries to the infant are known this time.

This incident resulted in the full closure of all westbound and eastbound lanes of SR-126 for approximately five hours. The Ventura County Fire Department, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, Ventura County Air Unit, and Caltrans all responded to assist with medical care, emergency air and ground transportation to local hospitals and traffic control.

There is no indication at this time that alcohol and/or drugs were a factor in this collision.

This collision is under investigation by the CHP (California Highway Patrol) Moorpark Area office. Any witnesses to this collision are encouraged to contact the CHP’s Moorpark office at (805) 553-0800.

Fillmore Miss Teen Princess, Alexis Van Why, at The Salvation Army with Donations for the holidays. Story and Photos by Megan Van Why.
Fillmore Miss Teen Princess, Alexis Van Why, at The Salvation Army with Donations for the holidays. Story and Photos by Megan Van Why.
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Alexis Van Why, Miss Teen Princess 2016 of Fillmore, CA has been collecting donations for months from her community of Fillmore. Alexis wanted to pay if forward and give back to her county. The donations which included clothes, toys, baby items, jackets and numerous boxes of can goods were dropped off on 12/17/2016 to the Salvation Army men's and woman's shelter.

Giving to the community and county means so much to me. There are so many people in need of clothes and food and I thought what a great way to bring the community together by putting on a little "Giving Back" drive myself. I told everyone; what about not getting Christmas gifts this year and lets help the less fortunate and give. Donations started pouring in. Alexis said: It was such a humbling experience and something I will never forget, my heart felt so full. When I arrived at the shelter there were homeless there so grateful and so full of love for all these donations I was dropping off. They said it made their Christmas through this tough time. The smiles on their face the hugs we received were priceless. I want to thank my community of Fillmore who really helped me make this possible by dropping off donations to me for months. I couldn't have done it without them. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Fillmore's last city council meeting for 2016 heard angry but respectful residents complaining about next year's water and sewer rates.

The council chambers were filled to capacity as several residents explained that they could not afford the county's highest rates. A minimum of $142 per month is expected in 2017. Business owners as well as those retired and on Social Security and disability addressed their plight to council members.

Fillmore will have, by far, the highest rates in Ventura County, due to the bonds which financed the new water treatment plant. A week ago the council voted unanimously to approve a schedule of rate increases over the next five years, beginning with a 12 percent hike in the base residential sewer rate, from $92.29 to $103.36 per month, and a 2 percent increase in the base water rate, from $37.99 to $38.75.

Going from sewer-water rates already the highest in the county (double the rates in Thousand Oaks or Ventura) it is particularly hurtful in Fillmore which has the area's lowest median household income levels.

About 5 percent of the city's sewer and water customers filed objections to the increases. Many of those who attended the council meeting said water and sewer costs have risen faster than Social Security income.

Those attending the council meeting applauded the council's decision to reject a proposal to reduce the amount of water included in the base water rate, which would have increased the rate further to some customers.

Council members were unanimous in their dislike for the new higher rates. But, Finance Director Gaylynn Brien explained that to honor its debt obligations and pay for operating expenses, the city needs $7.5 million a year from sewer billings.

The city's new sewer plant, open in 2009, was mostly paid for with bonds. If the rates are not raised the bond rating agencies would downgrade the city's bonds, forcing the city to pay higher rates for any additional money they might borrow.

Workers installing new traffic light at Mountain View and Highway 126.
Workers installing new traffic light at Mountain View and Highway 126.
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Largely due to the persistent efforts of Raymond Brown, a much needed traffic light has been erected at the intersection of Mountain View and Highway 126.

Brown got the ball rolling with his contacts with CalTrans and city council more than two years ago. He was worried about the fast traffic and the pedestrians that walk along the highway to and from El Dorado Estates. Once arrangements were made CalTrans has moved very quickly to complete the job, adding overhead lighting as well. This light will slow down westbound traffic making it much safer for everyone. Merry Christmas to Mr. Brown and CalTrans as well.

Parade Route stretched from San Salvador Mission to Piru Elementary
Piru Parade Grand Marshal Fred Ponce and his wife Yvonne Ponce wave to the crowds as they pass on the Vintage Fire Truck provided by Piru Fire Station.
Piru Parade Grand Marshal Fred Ponce and his wife Yvonne Ponce wave to the crowds as they pass on the Vintage Fire Truck provided by Piru Fire Station.
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Carrie Broggie
Carrie Broggie

Tuesday's City Council meeting was packed with residents, there to congratulate new council members, our new mayor, and to express strong opposition to water and sewer rate increases.

Carrie Broggie has been voted-in as the new Mayor of Fillmore. She has served with distinction on the Council for the past four years. Brogie replaces former Mayor Diane McCall who has also served with great distinction since her election as Mayor two years ago.

Manuel Minjares returns to his seat on the council after the Nov. 8 election. Mark Austin and Tim Holmgren are new to the Council. All three ran unopposed. Former Councilmen Douglas Tucker and Rick Neal both served one term then decided not to run for re-election. Minjares has done great work during his previous four years as Councilman.

Mark Austin comes to the council with extensive Planning Commission experience. He resigned from the Commission in 2011 after serving for 12 years. He left the Commission during a curious dispute with the Council over the proposed placement of a cell phone tower, now located adjacent to A Street and the railroad tracks. This was during what the Gazette characterized as the reign of the Katzenjammers, who were later all swept out of office. Austin is the owner of a land use consulting company located in Westlake Village.

Holmgren, 57, works for the Santa Paula Unified School District as a computer technician. A resident of Fillmore since 2008, he has been a regular attendee of council meetings for several years, and has spent the past six years as a Fillmore Planning Commissioner.

Holmgren started Safeguard Fillmore, an energetic anti marijuana group, largely responsible for having Fillmore being the only city in Ventura County to vote no on Proposition 64, the state marijuana legalization issue.


The Council chambers was filled to capacity last night. Numerous residents complained bitterly about the new water and sewer rate hike. Many explained that they were on Social Security, and some on disability, with no funds to pay for the new rate hike. Businesses as well strongly disapproved of the new rates, claiming they significantly increase the cost of doing business.

Hearing that the same costs in neighboring Thousand Oaks are less by more than 500 percent, the city explained that the financial structure for water and sewer charges in cities with lower rates is completely different. The City of Fillmore must be sure that its bond obligations are met to insure its ratings. If its bond rating drops it damages the ability to borrow and would force the city to pay a higher rate of interest on its municipal bonds. No solution to reduce the new water-sewer rates was suggested.