Kathy Long, County of Ventura Board of Supervisors, District 3
Kathy Long, County of Ventura Board of Supervisors, District 3

Opinion Editorial by Kathy Long

To the Editor:

This letter is in response to your Open Letter and email asking for my reply as to the proposed Piru Charter School, and now the subsequent denial of the Petition by the pro-charter State Board of Education with a 6-2 vote. My comments will reflect why I felt it necessary to stand with the parents of Piru in opposition to the Petition. I have served as the elected representative of the Piru community since 1997. Piru is an unincorporated community, not served by the present or former elected City Council Members of Fillmore, but served by the elected Board Members of the Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD).

I followed the process of the Petition application since it was first presented to FUSD and denied; then to the County Board of Education where it was also unanimously denied. I reviewed thoroughly the Petition and subsequent report from the County Board. I felt the County Board did an excellent analysis that raised reasonable doubt as to the sustainability of the Charter Petition, both fiscally and programmatically. So at that point, 10 locally elected representatives voted to oppose the Petition and over 100 parents. As the petition then moved to the state Charter Advisory Board, where it did receive support; the glaring deficiency in the Charter School law again became obvious—the parents’ voice was seriously discounted in the law.

In my many years of representing Piru, I have never seen such a divisive issue rattle this community. Over 100 parents organized rallies and raised funds to charter busses to travel to Sacramento twice to have their voices heard. They felt excluded from the formation of the Charter Petition and from the process. Their community became divided, and there was misinformation from many sides of the issue that created an enormous frustration. I believe that frustration was a result of the parents not being asked to be engaged from the beginning. They felt their choice for the education of their children was being taken away from them.

In the design of charter schools, one size does not fit all. Piru is not a community like Los Angeles, South Central, nor the Valley where there are often additional schools to choose from within a neighborhood, besides a Charter school. Charter schools are either “start ups” or “conversions”. This petition was a “conversion” of the only elementary school in the neighborhood, leaving no choice for the parents not supporting the charter, but to bus their children into Fillmore. I believe the State Board of Education Board members recognized that the Petition action did just that—took the neighborhood choice away from the Piru parents.

With the denial of the petition, we have a golden opportunity before us to focus on the needs of this school and the community. The District must fulfill the infrastructure commitments that were made, support the teachers and the Principal, and capture the passion of the parents to improve the educational opportunities for their children. This rural, low-income school may be challenged, but the Academic Performance Index Base Scores have risen 94 points since 2007. That result only comes from teachers and parents working together for the good of the children. We must never give up on our children, and we must always reach out first to the parents to collectively guide the changes needed to excel. Now it’s time to move on and bring the community together, give the Piru parents and teachers the respect they deserve, and focus on educating the future generations. I am inspired by the Piru “parents with power, padres con poder” and was proud to stand with them to have their voices heard.

Kathy Long, Chair
Third District Supervisor

Open Letter to Supervisor Long from Gazette Publisher Martin Farrell

Dear Supervisor Long,
You have recently stated your opposition to the Piru Charter School petition on grounds that it is unpopular with Piru residents, and you intend to testify against it at the final hearing.
I would urge you to reconsider this decision because it is based upon false information. A majority of Piru residents do not oppose the charter proposal; residents vigorously support the charter. Bitter opposition comes only from a group which has been misled by school district authorities anxious about the loss of money and authority. The lies which have been spread about the charter proposal are astonishing.
Here are some of them:
1. The charter school would be private, demanding tuition. FALSE.
2. No bus would be provided for the school. FALSE.
3. No special education classes would be provided. FALSE.
4. No band would be provided. FALSE.
5. Students would have to meet special academic achievement to enroll. FALSE.
6. Some students, residents of Piru, would not be able to attend. FALSE.
7. The budget would not sustain the school. FALSE. CA Dept. of Ed. says it is sound.
8. The school would be “experimental”. FALSE.
9. Volunteer hours would be required. FALSE.
10. No after-school programs. FALSE.
11. Small class sizes not guaranteed. FALSE.
12. Some registrations would be reported to immigration. FALSE.
13. Piru School is doing just fine as is. FALSE. It is ranked 11th from the bottom when compared to 100 similar California elementary schools, and facilities are in very poor condition.
14. There will be no GATE program. FALSE. It will be better than ever.
If all Piru residents knew the truth I believe the hostile opposition would stop.
Once again, Supervisor Long, I urge you not to oppose the charter, for the above reasons. There is simply no basis to believe the charter school would not be a huge success. Knowing the truth now, I hope you will rise above Union and District pressure to kill the promise of a Piru Charter School. Please take a close look at these facts and support the charter.
Martin Farrell
The Fillmore Gazette


Kathy Long, County of Ventura Board of Supervisors, District 3
Kathy Long, County of Ventura Board of Supervisors, District 3

Opinion Editorial by Richard Durborow

The recent vote by the Sate Board of Education not to approve Piru Charter School hurts all of us but most of all it marginalizes the future of our children. The students of Piru and Fillmore are now going to miss out on an opportunity to have a school in their community based on innovation, integrity, and results. A vote for “no choice” was a vote to banish children to failing schools just because of their zip code. This is both revolting and unacceptable. If you want more for your children you must stand up to the Fillmore School Board and insist they stop doing business as usual and start supporting school reform.

Supervisor Kathy Long’s response to the Gazette’s Open Letter is completely disingenuous. It’s as if she woke up one day and decided she had nothing better to do than jump on board superintendent Sweeney’s propaganda machine. I am sure it looked to her like a great opportunity for publicity. All she could see were the votes she might pick up along the way. Unfortunately supervisor Long I have some bad news for you. Your decision to act before thinking is not going over very well with the public. It turns out that people expect more from their elected officials. They expected you to take a position after examining all the facts and talking to both sides. In academic vernacular it’s called research. You should have taken the time to research the issues. That’s why the Fillmore Gazette wrote to you in the first place. After reading your shallow response it is clear you still remain clueless to the gravity of the situation. Wake up supervisor Long. Giving equal education to underserved and isolated communities like Piru is one of the most important civil rights issues of our time.

The California Department of Education tried to make things clear for those who wanted to read a fair and impartial analysis of the Piru Charter Petition when they submitted this response:

The PCS petition includes all of the elements required under statute and regulation for the establishment of a charter school. The California Department of Education (CDE) finds that granting the PCS charter is sound educational practice for the following reasons: the petition describes an educational program likely to meet the needs of pupils within the community where the school will locate; petitioners are demonstrably likely to implement the program set forth in the petition; the petition includes the required affirmations and signatures; and the petition contains reasonably comprehensive descriptions of the 16 elements pursuant to EC Section 47605(b)(5).

Supervisor Kathy Long is all about protecting the status quo. What a disappointment. Out of touch with her local schools. Out of touch with what it really takes to improve student learning.

Richard Durborow
Piru Charter School


U.S. Army Captain Jason Pace.
U.S. Army Captain Jason Pace.

Fillmore resident Jason Pace has had a very interesting military career having served as both an enlisted Non-Commissioned Officer and as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Marine Corps and as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Army.

Jason attended Fillmore Unified Schools until the eleventh grade when he left Fillmore High School after taking the California High School Proficiency Exam which allowed him to leave high school early to attend Ventura College. He attended San Cayetano and Sespe Elementary Schools, Fillmore Junior High School and Fillmore High School. At Fillmore High School he was on the football, tennis and wrestling teams in his Freshman year. Jason was active with the Boy Scouts through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Fillmore. For his Eagle Project he did a flagpole restoration and permanent lighting to allow the flag to be flown day and night at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Fillmore. He coordinated and participated in the restoration of the flag pole, installed lighting and performed the landscaping around the flag pole. (His brother Devin's Eagle Project was to design the playground at the North Fillmore Storefront soon after the Storefront was completed.)

Jason Pace is the son of DeLores Pace and the late Gary G. Pace. He is married to Eunice E. Pace (Escobar) and has three children, Miller (Alcocer) 18 years, Sybellen 14 years and Chelsea 12 years.

Jason enlisted in the United States CONTINUED »

Pictured are Cindy and Scott Klittich, owners of Otto & Sons Nursery.
Pictured are Cindy and Scott Klittich, owners of Otto & Sons Nursery.

Otto & Sons Nursery was named Business of the Year at a presentation on April 29th at El Pescador Restaurant. The owners of the nursery Scott & Cindy Klittich accepted the award. The nursery is located at 1835 E. Guiberson Road. Otto & Sons Nursery has been in Fillmore for over 30 years and has always supported the community in many ways. Plants have been donated or loaned for many events including High School Graduation, landscaping at Fillmore High School, Middle School, San Cayetano, Piru, Sespe and Mountain Vista Schools. Boys and Girls Club, Fillmore Women Service Club, Central Park, and Shiells Park have all been recipients of Otto & Sons Nurseries generosity. Otto & Sons Nursery has donated to the Fillmore Civic Pride Committee’s Yard of the Month program for many years. They also participate in the Ventura County Fair by creating a beautiful rose filled landscape display each year.

Otto & Sons Nursery moved to Fillmore in CONTINUED »

Doug Wilhelm (left) was presented with “Outstanding Citizenship” and his community beautifi cation efforts by
Mayor Patti Walker (right) at Tuesday nights council meeting.
Doug Wilhelm (left) was presented with “Outstanding Citizenship” and his community beautifi cation efforts by Mayor Patti Walker (right) at Tuesday nights council meeting.

Mayor Patti Walker presented a Proclamation to Citizen Doug Wilhelm for “outstanding citizenship and his community beautification efforts,” noting that she has personally witnessed his daily excursions to pick up trash in Fillmore. Wilhelm also helps remove graffiti. “His labor of love should serve as a shining example,” said the mayor. Upon receiving a standing ovation, Wilhelm explained, “I’m just trying to be part of the solution.” He encouraged “everyone out there to get involved and do the best we can.”

Mayor Walker also presented Kathleen McCreary, President of the Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau, with a Proclamation designating May 8-16 as Travel and Tourism Week, emphasizing the economic importance or tourism. McCreary mentioned that the Bureau has tripled its business since its move to the end of Central Park and thanked the City for their support.

Public Comments
Citizen Norma Amaro asked the community for donations of used magazines to Vintage Pleasures, which sells them for a dollar apiece to support Alzheimer research. So far, $100 has been raised. Amaro said the store would resell re-donated magazines purchased from the program. Amaro also presented the Fillmore Alzheimer Memory Walk 2010; Oxnard and Thousand Oaks are holding walks in October. Fliers with more information are available at Vintage Pleasures.

Citizen Jesse Amaro announced CONTINUED »

Tuesday night’s school board meeting drew a large crowd. Discussion of the Resource Officer was a hot topic.
Tuesday night’s school board meeting drew a large crowd. Discussion of the Resource Officer was a hot topic.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Five teachers from San Cayetano Elementary School told the Fillmore Unified School District Board Tuesday night about their experiences at the Johnson Space Center.

Those who participated included Melony Chisholm, who introduced the rest of the team. Others participating were: Brandy Walker, Scott Olson, Vivianna Laureano and Rory Mous. “This is one of the most extraordinary experiences I have ever had,” said Chisholm.

The group spent 12 days at the Center, working with engineers and scientists. Their task was to assemble the Plumbing Micro Gravity experiment, which their students had built earlier with a grant from NASA. San Cayetano was one of 10 schools accepted for the grant. The experiment measured gravity and weightlessness. Each member of the team was presented a Power of One award plaque by Board President Tony Prado. He congratulated them on their outstanding work in science and as teachers at San Cayetano School.

Their Principal, Jan Marholin, was also surprised with a Power of One award. “We are presenting her the award her outstanding work and leadership in securing the grant and seeing that her team carried through, said Prado. Marholin said, “This was my sixth year participating. This was a truly wonderful experience.”

Five Piru parents thanked the board for CONTINUED »

Grad Nite Live has offered a safe graduation alternative to students for 20 years. This year GNL is $9,500 short to meet its goal of providing a fun, memorable harbor cruise. Please support GNL with a donation to help them meet their expenses, Call Mrs. Chaney at 524-4909.
Grad Nite Live has offered a safe graduation alternative to students for 20 years. This year GNL is $9,500 short to meet its goal of providing a fun, memorable harbor cruise. Please support GNL with a donation to help them meet their expenses, Call Mrs. Chaney at 524-4909.

Grad Nite Live was founded by Fillmore citizens concerned about unsupervised graduation celebrations, some taking the lives of former graduates in traffic collisions involving alcohol. Starting in 1990, not one death has occurred during grad nite celebrations, thanks to Grad Nite Live. Each year a boat is rented to cruise Long Beach harbor for the night, giving the kids a real celebration and keeping them safe. Grad Nite Live has only $12,251 for the boat with money from fund raisers and donations; we are short $3,000, and there is still the 5 buses at $1,300 each we have ordered for 270 students. We also have to pay $800 for breakfast and $600 for the 'Roving Magician'. We are selling the Sandwich Meals with Frank at The Central Station for the month of May on sale now. Also the Attractions Spa has 3 different types of treatments (Massage, Facials & Waxing) at different price ranges. Available now or Gifts for Mothers Day. We also are offering 3 Pool Tables and 2 cars (1954 Buick Special 2-door and 1955 Chevy Cameo Pickup). These are all offered to help Grad Nite Live with a percentage of the sale price. Grad Nite Live will have a booth at the Festival selling Scentsy Wickless, Attractions Spa giving mini massages and selling the different treatment sessions, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Sandwich Meals, Central Music Franks Pizza and Soda at Central Station. Everybody wants to help and it’s a lot of money to come up with. If you are interested in any of these items Pool Tables or Cars call 625 0494 or any of the meal tickets, pizza, spa, call 317-9002, 407-5759 or 524-4909 All the other items will be available at the Festival May 14th, 15th & 16th. Let’s keep GNL alive!

Citizen of the Year Sarah Hansen
Citizen of the Year Sarah Hansen
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Officer of the Year Deputy Brian Hackworth
Officer of the Year Deputy Brian Hackworth
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Student of the Year Amanda Hernandez
Student of the Year Amanda Hernandez
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Firefighter of the Year Billy Gabriel
Firefighter of the Year Billy Gabriel
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Standing ovation given for Citizen of the Year Sarah Hansen

When David Crockett, president of the Chamber of Commerce, announced that this years recipient of Fillmore Citizen of the Year was Sarah Hansen, the patio at El Pescador erupted in a clamor of hoots, hollers, and applause that could be heard throughout Fillmore.

Sarah is known throughout Fillmore for her smile and good humor while forever trying to make Fillmore a better place. When you see that tall slender lady with the gray hair walking along the walking path who, when she sees you, smiles and gives you her “break-her arm” wave then you know you have seen Sarah Hansen. Whether it be leading a group of Soroptomists on their monthly cleanup walk, or on her own daily walk with bag in hand picking up trash, (Is it 13 years or 15 years?) or with a group of seniors on their weekly walk enjoying nature, birds, butterflies, trees or flowers, it is Sarah keeping the path clean and getting her daily exercise.

What has Sarah done for Fillmore? Sarah makes time weekly to deliver flowers from Hospice to all citizens that need a friendly flower or a smile. She helps with the annual Fillmore “Light up a Life” program for them and serves on the support group. Serving as Church Lay Leader and Chair of Mission and Outreach, she can be found delivering a large box or two of groceries from the First United Methodist Church to a family in need or you can see her weekly pulling weeds or planting flowers in the church‘s yards to beautify the area.

Being a charter member of the City of Fillmore Civic Pride 2020, she has been instrumental in organizing 3 years of tree planting along the bike path, scattering wild flowers along the highways, and bike paths. In 2007 she helped her special friend Marie Wren in reorganizing the Senior Citizen center. Sarah took charge of the library and was leader of their monthly book club and gave weekly nature walks. Naturally!

Her involvement in Soroptomists includes having ran the Imogene Vest Memorial Fishing Derby for over 10 years at Lake Piru with the monies raised going for scholarships. She continues to serve on their scholarship committee and enjoys the relationship with the young adults. Her current big project with the group is as Chairman of and raising money and awareness for the Peace Pole project which began with the celebration of the International Day of Peace, Sept. 2008 & 2009 with a temporary pole and will conclude in September with placement of a permanent pole.

She is a team captain in the Relay for Life program for the American Cancer Society.

In past years, she was CONTINUED »


Egedi sues
On April 1, 2010, former Fillmore Fire Chief Pete Egedi (40) filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the City of Fillmore, Fillmore City Council, City of Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department, and ten unnamed individuals claimed to be negligently and legally responsible for the alleged events and injuries cited in the civil complaint. The lawsuit lists violations of Firefighter’s Procedural Bill of Rights Act, violation of Due Process denying Egedi an Administrative Appeal, violation of the Brown Act, and violation of Fillmore’s Municipal Code, and includes a demand for a jury trial.

The Ventura Star reports that Egedi was terminated over allegations of misappropriating thousands of dollars, transferring money to his wife, as well as funding a city employee’s abortions and purchasing a wide-screen TV he had installed at his home. If convicted, Egedi could spend up to roughly five years in prison, says Senior Deputy District Attorney Kevin Drescher.

According to the complaint, the city allowed searches of Egedi’s storage space without his presence, consent, or a valid search warrant, and without first notifying him of the investigation. The complaint also alleges that his continued employment as Fire Chief was deprived him without due process of law; his request for an administrative appeal of his termination has not been addressed.

Further allegations include CONTINUED »


Los Angeles – The owner of B.A. Income Tax, located in Santa Paula, made his initial appearance in United States District Court yesterday afternoon to answer charges that he aided and assisted in the preparation of false tax returns, willfully failed to file tax returns, and committed wire fraud with respect to mortgage loans.

Benjamin Aparicio, of Fillmore, was charged in a 17-count indictment obtained by prosecutors earlier this month. The indictment alleges that Aparicio aided and assisted in the preparation of thirteen fraudulent returns for the 2003 tax year.

Aparicio is alleged to have claimed losses on five individual income tax returns stemming from a limited liability company that his clients were not entitled to deduct. The indictment also alleges that Aparicio aided and assisted in the preparation of three individual income tax returns upon which he claimed Schedule A deductions that his clients were not entitled.

Aparicio is also alleged to have aided and assisted in the preparation of false partnership income tax returns on five occasions. These partnership income tax returns claimed income and deductions that Aparicio knew the businesses were not entitled to claim.

Additionally, the indictment alleges CONTINUED »