Stolen firearms seized from 900 block of Blaine Avenue, Fillmore.
Stolen firearms seized from 900 block of Blaine Avenue, Fillmore.
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Report #: 09-31998
Location: 900 Block Blaine Avenue, Fillmore, CA
Date & Time: 12/31/09 / 3:46 P.M
Unit Responsible: Fillmore Police Gang Unit

Suspect Arrested: Ivan Guzman 25 years Fillmore
Jose Mariscal 26 years Fillmore

On 12/31/09, at approximately 3:45 P.M, the Fillmore Police Department Gang Unit conducted probation searches in Fillmore. The street gang unit focused on making the community safer by removing drugs and firearms in advance of the New Year’s holiday.

During the operation, officers searched a residence in the 900 Block of Blaine Avenue in Fillmore. As a result, suspect Ivan Guzman was arrested for multiple felony counts including possession of stolen firearms and street terrorism. Both felony counts carry a bail of $105,000.

In addition suspect, Jose Mariscal, was arrested in the same house for outstanding warrants for theft and drug charges. He was booked along with Guzman. His bail is set at $12,500.

Officers took a dangerous criminal combination of a gang member, 5 guns, ammunition and drugs off the streets of Fillmore.


Airforce Airman First Class Jacob Bailey
Airforce Airman First Class Jacob Bailey

2007 Fillmore High School Graduate Jacob Bailey, 20 years old is stationed with the United States Air Force at Travis Air Force Base in Northern California. In addition to FHS Jacob attended Fillmore Middle School. Jacob was an avid soccer player and played with Fillmore’s Club Team “BIB”. He enjoyed many years in AYSO and was on the FHS soccer team all 4 years he attended. Jacob also had the privilege of being part of the 2005 FHS CIF championship soccer team.

Airman First Class (A1C) Jacob Bailey is the son of Janell and Arthur Beach of Fillmore California and Brad and Toni Bailey of Salt Lake City, Utah. His siblings are Justin Beach 13 years of Fillmore and Aaron Bailey 14 years of of Salt Lake City, Utah. His maternal grandparents are Ted and Claudine Saxton of Woods Cross, Utah and paternal grandfather Tony Bailey of Salt Lake City, Utah. Jacob follows a long line of family having served in the United States Armed Forces. Jacob currently has two cousins in the military; Jeremy Horton a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps who recently returned from Okinawa, Japan and William Platt a Private First Class serving in the United States Army Reserves currently deployed in Afghanistan. Jacob also has one uncle, Mark Saxton, a Master Sergeant currently in the United States Army Special Forces. Jacob’s step father, Arthur Beach, is a retired Senior Master Sergeant serving 21 years in the United States Air Force and was part of the inspiration for Jacob wanting to join the Air Force.

Airman First Class Jacob Bailey enlisted in the United States Air CONTINUED »



Attorneys for the Fillmore Convalescent Center announced today they will take immediate steps to set aside a Ventura County jury verdict handed down last Friday awarding $7.75 million to the family of a 71-year-old resident who filed an elder abuse lawsuit.

Between 2006 and 2007, Mrs. Arellano’s son hid a video camera in Mrs. Arellano’s room for a period of several months. During this time, unknown to Fillmore Convalescent Center, the video camera recorded unlawful and unacceptable acts of the recorded physical abuse behavior by a now former employee against Mrs. Arellano. Although Mrs. Arellano’s family was aware of the abuse, it was not brought to Fillmore Convalescent Center’s attention until March 2007 nor was there any indication of issues with Mrs. Arellano’s care until this time. Upon learning of these events, Fillmore Convalescent Center immediately terminated the employee and notified the California Department of Health as well as the long-term care ombudsman. Since this time, the ex-employee responsible for these unlawful and unacceptable acts was criminally charged and pleaded “no contest” to the criminal charges. Last Friday, after a 22 day trial, a Ventura County jury awarded $2.5 million in actual damages and $5 million in punitive damages against the facility, owner Eduardo Gonzales and the ex-employee.

“With regards to the verdict in this case, we strongly disagree with the decision and will be taking all appropriate legal steps to set aside the verdict,” said Thomas Beach, attorney representing Fillmore Convalescent Center (FCC). “We are also concerned as to why Mrs. Arellano’s family members did not inform Fillmore Convalescent Center or law enforcement of the recorded abuse when they first discovered it but rather allowed it to continue without notifying anyone,” said Beach.

Fillmore Convalescent Center was recently awarded a five-star rating which is the highest rating given to a long-term care facility. This U.S. Government rating is from the Nursing Home Compare System which is run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“We are proud of our five star rating and are committed to the health, safety and well-being of the residents at Fillmore Convalescent Center”, said Eduardo Gonzales, Administrator, Fillmore Convalescent Center. For the past 32 years, Fillmore Convalescent Center has provided and continues to provide the finest in quality care for all of our residents, including Mrs. Arellano, who is still a resident.

A single car accident occurred Tuesday on Goodenough Road at approximately 3:45 p.m. No injuries were reported.
A single car accident occurred Tuesday on Goodenough Road at approximately 3:45 p.m. No injuries were reported.
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The male driver of the vehicle lost control, heading north, nearing “Deadman’s Curve”. No other vehicles were involved.
The male driver of the vehicle lost control, heading north, nearing “Deadman’s Curve”. No other vehicles were involved.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Detectives from Ventura County Sheriffs Department and Santa Barbara Co. Sheriff’s Department have been monitoring some burglary activity that appears to be from the same criminal group working up the coast. The Santa Barbara detective has also been in contact with San Luis Obispo County Sheriff and they have had similar burglaries. Our recent burglaries are tied to this group.

It appears the criminal crew is now possibly working their way back down the coast to our area as they just hit a construction site at a school off State Hwy 154 in Los Olivos last night. Small hand tools, chain saws, and air compressors were taken.

Fillmore Boys & Girls Club and Community Center.
Fillmore Boys & Girls Club and Community Center.
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Interim Chief Professional Officer for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Clara Valley, Sheila Tate, is happy to announce the addition of three new members to the organization’s Board of Directors. The new directors are Tammy Hobson, Earl McPhail and Tracy Grove. Tammy is a Fillmore resident local business owner (Live Well International) and comes to the Club with great dedication and enthusiasm. Tammy donated a great deal of time and effort for the Club’s Annual Dinner/Auction held in September, 2009, and has already agreed to serve as the event chair for the 2010 Dinner/Auction scheduled for November 6th. Earl McPhail is a long time Santa Paula resident, having lived in the area over 30 years. As a result of his 29 ½ years of service through his position as Ventura County Ag Commissioner, from which his is now retired, Earl has seen a great deal of growth in the communities in the Heritage Valley and says “ It is exceptionally important to do what we need to do to keep the Club open. Especially with today’s economic climate, we need to make the Club as available to as many young people as possible.” Earl became aware of the Club through his participation in several golf tournaments throughout the years, as well as his children’s participation in various Club activities. Now, with his children grown and his retirement, Earl feels he has the time available to give to the Club, for which we say “Thank you!” The third new member to the Board is Santa Clara Valley Bank’s Asst Vice President and Operations Manager, Tracy Grove. Tracy is not only in the newest group of Board members but is also the youngest person on the Board. Tracy is, having been born in Ojai, now living in Fillmore, a lifelong resident of the Santa Clara Valley and is looking forward to helping the Club as a Board Member. Tracy asked that we remind everyone, “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future!” Well said.

The Board of Directors, and staff, is looking forward to the New Year, guiding the Club through the current economic challenges, forming the Club into a new and even more effective organization dedicated to its mission statement “To inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.” This goal has never been more accurate or more needed, and the Board of Directors is ready to stand behind the Club, its purpose in the communities of the Santa Clara Valley and the children it is pledged to serve.


Justin Neff, 40 of Fillmore, was sentenced to nine years in state prison after pleading guilty of two felony charges, misdemeanor battery and making criminal threats.

Neff had been out of prison for only three days in November 2008 when he threatened his father and step-mother, throwing a remote control at her. He was accompanied by another parolee. Neff also threatened to kill his step-mother and shoved her against a wall.

Joseph O’Neill, Neff’s attorney, requested 32 months at sentencing, but with his long criminal history of domestic violence, Judge Steven Hintz imposed the nine year sentence.

Neff was also convicted of a drunken driving charge in a 1989 accident where a passenger was killed. He will receive anger management counseling as well as drug and alcohol counseling in prison.

Fillmore Fire Department
Fillmore Fire Department

On Saturday December 26, 2009 at approximately 9:45AM the City of Fillmore Fire Department was dispatched to a reported structure fire located at 540 Saratoga Avenue in the City of Fillmore. Upon arriving on scene personnel observed two rooms charged with light smoke as well as heat radiating from a wall adjacent to a wall furnace.

Upon removing the heater and adjacent gypsum board from the location, personnel were able to launch a quick attack Structure fire swiftly knocked down and knock down the remaining fire found within the wall space.

Firefighters conducted overhaul of the residence to insure there was no further extension to the attic or wall space. Damage to the structure was confined to the wall and wall furnace leaving the structure completely habitable.

No injuries to the occupants or firefighters occurred as a result of the incident. Residents are reminded of the
dangers associated with heaters – especially those greater than 20 years old. Installation and construction standards have changed to protect homeowners over the years however existing installations lack the margin of safety new devices provide. Prior to operating any heating device residents should contact their local heating &
cooling specialist for an annual inspection. You local expert can assist you in determining whether or not your device is functioning correctly.