On Friday, August 9th at 3:30 p.m. traffic was backed up for hours due to a rollover crash along East Telegraph, west of Cavin Road. Eastbound traffic was blocked. Cars heading east were navigated through the center divider to avoid the crash area. Lanes reopened by 5:30 p.m. An ambulance at the scene transported at least one person to the hospital.


Fillmore City Council.
Fillmore City Council.
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Fillmore City Council Meeting
Pictured is Rondi Guthrie, spokesperson for Southern California Edison Wildfire Mitigation, who gave a presentation on the various activities Edison has employed to help protect against future wildfires.
Pictured is Rondi Guthrie, spokesperson for Southern California Edison Wildfire Mitigation, who gave a presentation on the various activities Edison has employed to help protect against future wildfires.

A broad-scoped presentation was provided by Rondi Guthrie, spokesperson for Southern California Edison Wildfire Mitigation. It explained the many and various activities and equipment types employed by Edison to protect against expected future wildfires throughout the state.

Rio Vista Park: City Council approved the following actions:1.Accept the Rio Vista Park improvements located easterly of the basin fencing as complete; 2.Accept the Rio Vista Park basin area as substantially complete, pending successful plant establishment for final acceptance;3.Authorize the reduction of the overall Tract 5496-1 subdivision improvement Bond # PB10163700337 by $821,265 to reduce the Community Park Construction and Landscaping bond amount to 25% for 1-year warranty period and 4.Authorize Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Contract Services Agreement for Spec No. 17-04 Landscape Maintenance Services with Mariposa Landscapes, Inc. to add landscape maintenance and irrigation services for Rio Vista Park.

The Council approved the Planning Commission recommendations that it take the following action: 1.Submit comments about amending the Downtown Specific Plan. 2.Direct City Staff to develop a Request Proposal and budget for City Council approval to select a consultant to update the Downtown Specific Plan.

City staff desires to amend the Downtown Specific Plan to recognize that existing buildings downtown will have different land uses in the future and that policies should be established to relax parking and architectural standards.

The Planning Commission reviewed this item at a public hearing held on July 17, 2019. The Commission adopted a resolution recommending that the City Council amend the Downtown Specific Plan to add new regulations for adaptive reuse projects. Accordingly, City Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Introduce Ordinance No. 19-914 for first reading, approving Downtown Specific Plan Amendment 19-02 and Finding of Exemption from CEQA. Request approved.

Faith Community Church City of Fillmore. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTIONAND APPROVAL OFAN INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE, AND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ENABLING ADAPTIVE REUSE OF EXISTING CHURCH BUILDING AS A MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT AND SPECIALTY RETAIL COMMERCIAL COMPLEX LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 1ST STREET AND CENTRAL AVENUE REQUEST: The Applicant, 461 Central Avenue LLC (the “Applicant” with Alex Glasscock as the Applicant’s Agent), seeks approval of legislative changes and entitlements for the adaptive reuse of a property currently developed, but no longer in use, as a church and school, on 40,511 square feet of land located at the southwest corner of 1st Street and Central Avenue, known as 461 Central Avenue(the “Property”). The church and school buildings are proposed to retain the exterior façade, with an interior conversion of the buildings to a mixed-use residential apartment complex with 26 dwelling units, 4 of which will be restricted to rent as affordable senior units, and 3,777 square feet of specialty commercial building space (the “Project”).

The Planning Commission has recommends that the City Council take the following actions: 1.Approve Resolution No. 19-3728, adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program2.Approve Resolution No. 19-3729, adopting General Plan Amendment 18-023.Approve first reading to introduce Ordinance No 19-915 adopting Downtown Specific Plan Amendment 18-014.Approve first reading to introduce Ordinance No. 19-916, adopting Zone Change 18-025.Approve Resolution No. 19-3730, approving Development Permit 18-09, subject to conditions of approval. Requests approved.

REQUEST: The Applicant, Harold Foy, requests approvals to merge 5 lots into 1 lot and construct a three-story mixed-use complex consisting of 18 residential condominiums and 4,821 square feet of street level commercial space. The Applicant also requests approval of a CEQA categorical exemption.

The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Project which requires adopting the following: 1. Resolution 19-3732, Approving Vesting Tentative Map 5923,2. Resolution 19-3733, Approving a Density Bonus, and 3. Resolution 19-3735 Approving Development Permit 14-02 and a CEQA Categorical Exemption subject to Conditions of Approval. Council approved project.

SUBJECT: Discussion of the Certificate of Occupancy for Rotorcraft Support Inc., 67 D Street and Consideration of an Offsite Improvement Agreement to defer public improvements and an Amendment of the Agreement Allowing Deferral of Payment of DIFREQUEST City staff is requesting that the City Council review the status of the Rotorcraft Support Inc. project and give direction to City on the following: 1.Determining if a Final Certificate of Occupancy can be issued, 2.An Offsite Improvement Agreement to defer the construction of public improvements and on-site improvements for 1 year, and 3.An amendment the Development Impact Fee deferment (DIF) agreement to extend the time for payment for 1 additional year and addition of unpaid transportation fees.

Council Directed staff to extend the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for two weeks, until the next Council meeting, to give staff more time to work on the agreements and bond amounts with Rotorcraft to see if agreement can be reached.


On Tuesday, August 13th at the Veterans Memorial building from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m., the City of Fillmore hosted Bunco night as part a fundraising effort towards a new roof for the Veteran’s Memorial Building. It’s $5 to play, no-skill dice game, super fun and really easy to learn. Game night is also a pop-up shop experience as well with vendors from local shops, and you can get dinner too. My Park Lane Jewelry, Donna’s Handcrafted Signs & crotchet hats/scarves, KJam Goods & Jewelry, My Thirty One Bags & more, Paparazzi Jewelry, Shamsi’s Creations, Scentsy & Pampered Chef with Colleen, were all participating this week. Attendee’s could buy dinner provided by 2Morrow’s BBQ, authentic Memphis BBQ. Game night occurs the second Tuesday of every month at 511 Second Street in Fillmore, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. You can call 805-524-1500 ext. 713 for more details! Courtesy Fillmore City Hall Facebook Page.
On Tuesday, August 13th at the Veterans Memorial building from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m., the City of Fillmore hosted Bunco night as part a fundraising effort towards a new roof for the Veteran’s Memorial Building. It’s $5 to play, no-skill dice game, super fun and really easy to learn. Game night is also a pop-up shop experience as well with vendors from local shops, and you can get dinner too. My Park Lane Jewelry, Donna’s Handcrafted Signs & crotchet hats/scarves, KJam Goods & Jewelry, My Thirty One Bags & more, Paparazzi Jewelry, Shamsi’s Creations, Scentsy & Pampered Chef with Colleen, were all participating this week. Attendee’s could buy dinner provided by 2Morrow’s BBQ, authentic Memphis BBQ. Game night occurs the second Tuesday of every month at 511 Second Street in Fillmore, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. You can call 805-524-1500 ext. 713 for more details! Courtesy Fillmore City Hall Facebook Page.
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On Friday, August 8th between 12:30 a.m. and 5:20 a.m. a vegetation fire broke out in the Santa Clara River Bottom between Fillmore and Santa Paula, near Highway 126 and Timber Canyon Road intersection. Multiple engines, fire crews, water tenders and bulldozers were brought to help battle the blaze. After several hours crews were able to extinguish the fire which burned more than more than three acres. One firefighter suffered minor injuries; no reports of any structures threatened. Cause of the fire is under investigation. Photo courtesy Ventura County Fire Department.
On Friday, August 8th between 12:30 a.m. and 5:20 a.m. a vegetation fire broke out in the Santa Clara River Bottom between Fillmore and Santa Paula, near Highway 126 and Timber Canyon Road intersection. Multiple engines, fire crews, water tenders and bulldozers were brought to help battle the blaze. After several hours crews were able to extinguish the fire which burned more than more than three acres. One firefighter suffered minor injuries; no reports of any structures threatened. Cause of the fire is under investigation. Photo courtesy Ventura County Fire Department.
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There are only a few days left before the FREE Cardboard Boat Race at the Fillmore City Tennis and Swim Aquatics Center. Happening Friday, August 30th, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. PLEASE REGISTER BY AUGUST 20TH! You can go to Fillmore’s City Hall or the Fillmore Aquatics Center to pick up a registration form and get more information if interested, or go to https://bit.ly/2YE16Ei to download/ print the form at home and email completed forms to recreation@fillmoreca.gov. Its totally free to participate in the cardboard boat race, all you need to do is bring your already assembled vessel made from cardboard & duct tape ONLY (decoration with Sharpie markers welcomed). Courtesy City of Fillmore.

Photo of the Week: "Dog takes a giant leap over a hurdle with magnificent form" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7D2 camera, Tamron 16-300mm lens @20mm. Exposure; ISO 1000, aperture f/11, shutter speed 1/400th second.
Photo of the Week: "Dog takes a giant leap over a hurdle with magnificent form" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7D2 camera, Tamron 16-300mm lens @20mm. Exposure; ISO 1000, aperture f/11, shutter speed 1/400th second.
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Bob Crum
Bob Crum

I enjoy the Ventura County Fair. I usually visit at least four times during the run, including the rodeo. Not this year. Excruciating migraines hindered my ability to attend as usual.

I did go to shoot our FFA & 4-H champions/reserve grand champions at the Jr. Livestock auction. I have photographed the Jr. livestock auction for a long time, yet it doesn't get any easier. Photoing speedy jets at an air show is a walk in the park compared to photoing animals in an auction ring.

Photojournalism is about telling a story with a photo. Into the auction ring comes an FFA kid with her champion steer. Hmm. I rush to there to capture the shot and the animal moves. I quickly move. Now the kid moved! I move again. Good grief, the steer moves again. This dance continues unmercifully. I persevere, continually moving, until AHA!, got it by golly-the steer, kid and auctioneer in the composition-the story!

Oh-oh, here comes a pig! Pigs NEVER cooperate! Pigs in the auction ring are like sharks on the prowl, continually moving. A pig standing still for three seconds is like an eternity! Remember: Composition is key. Get the kid, pig and auctioneer lined up in the photo: The story! However, after decades of photoing pigs in the auction ring, I've concluded that the critters love to create pigdamonium. When pigs see a photographer, they refuse to stand still. Here's how a pig thinks: “OK, my handler is there, I'll move over here and destroy the photographers shot. When my handler is here, I'll move over there and continue to ruin the photographer's chances of getting the money shot! OK, pigs like trash, right? Good! Next year, I'm going to wear camouflage and hide my camera in, of course, a trash bag. HA! That'll fool the porkers. Or not!

After securing my obligatory photos, on to the All Alaskan Racing pig races. You see, me and pigs are a thing! Standard shooting procedure: Lock aperture at f/11 (for depth-of-field), increase the shutter speed to 1/640th second and ISO on auto and pan the piggies as they dash down the track jumping hurdles on the way. Must say: FUN!

In between races, I looked around the audience and saw a sea of phonetographers like never before! A haunting sight! If I had only $1 for every phonetographer at the Fair, I bet I could buy a yacht and sail the Mediterranean with a bevy of mermaids!

Then it was on to the racing dogs next door. These terriers, pugs and whatnot surprised me. They tear around the track faster than the piggies! On the first race, all I got was a blur of fur! Hmm. Time to switch to burst mode. The gate opened for the second race and brrrrrrrrrrt went the camera. The final count was 12 shots – nailed two. I did not lead the dogs enough. Did I say they run fast? I did better on the third and final race.

Late afternoon, I mosied around the midway, looking for, ahem, irresistible sunstar opportunities. Found a couple. The rest of the time was spent in a relaxing creative mode, playing with various compositions using various camera settings. I was not feeling well enough to go back and shoot the rodeo.

Photo of the week is one of the race dogs leaping. Check it's majestic form! Trust me; when the critter jumped the hurdle, it was flying.

I couldn't look at a bright computer monitor for very long due to continuing headaches so general photos of the Fair next week. Happy photoing!

Send comments, suggestions or questions to: focusonphotography@earthlink.net

(above) On Monday, August 5th at 10:15 a.m. at the Fillmore Library, Director Nancy Schram and District Supervisor Kelly Long accepted a State funding check for $1.5 million to be used on the Fillmore Library Expansion Project. The Fillmore Library received $1.5 million in State funding to support the Fillmore Library Expansion Project. A huge thank you to California Assembly Member Monique Limon and Senator Hannah Beth Jackson, who were crucial in getting the needed funds for the library expansion in Fillmore on the State’s radar, and we are so grateful for their efforts. The expansion will include a STEM MakerSpace, a classroom, several study rooms, new public computer stations, and effectively double the footprint of our existing library. We are so excited for the opportunities this will provide for the community of Fillmore, and are so grateful for all the support we have received to bring us to this point! Courtesy Ventura County and Fillmore Library Facebook pages.
(above) On Monday, August 5th at 10:15 a.m. at the Fillmore Library, Director Nancy Schram and District Supervisor Kelly Long accepted a State funding check for $1.5 million to be used on the Fillmore Library Expansion Project. The Fillmore Library received $1.5 million in State funding to support the Fillmore Library Expansion Project. A huge thank you to California Assembly Member Monique Limon and Senator Hannah Beth Jackson, who were crucial in getting the needed funds for the library expansion in Fillmore on the State’s radar, and we are so grateful for their efforts. The expansion will include a STEM MakerSpace, a classroom, several study rooms, new public computer stations, and effectively double the footprint of our existing library. We are so excited for the opportunities this will provide for the community of Fillmore, and are so grateful for all the support we have received to bring us to this point! Courtesy Ventura County and Fillmore Library Facebook pages.
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On Sunday, August 4th at the Annual Ventura County Fair, Sespe 4H kicked off the first week and had four kids place well in this year’s Goat Breading and Pygmy Goat Show for Small Live Stock. Pictured right is Brooke Allen (far right) along with one of the fair judges and the breeder of her goat. Brooke was awarded Supreme Grand Champion Weather Dam Doe, Senior Showmanship. Pictured below are three of this year’s winners in the Pygmy Goat show: Isabella Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Junior Showmanship; Ethan Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Registered Pygmy, 2nd place Junior Showmanship; and Sophia Ocegueda, Reserve Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Showmanship. Photos courtesy Kerrie Allen and Patrick Zavala
On Sunday, August 4th at the Annual Ventura County Fair, Sespe 4H kicked off the first week and had four kids place well in this year’s Goat Breading and Pygmy Goat Show for Small Live Stock. Pictured right is Brooke Allen (far right) along with one of the fair judges and the breeder of her goat. Brooke was awarded Supreme Grand Champion Weather Dam Doe, Senior Showmanship. Pictured below are three of this year’s winners in the Pygmy Goat show: Isabella Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Junior Showmanship; Ethan Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Registered Pygmy, 2nd place Junior Showmanship; and Sophia Ocegueda, Reserve Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Showmanship. Photos courtesy Kerrie Allen and Patrick Zavala
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Pictured above are three of this year’s winners in the Pygmy Goat show: Isabella Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Junior Showmanship; Ethan Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Registered Pygmy, 2nd place Junior Showmanship; and Sophia Ocegueda, Reserve Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Showmanship.
Pictured above are three of this year’s winners in the Pygmy Goat show: Isabella Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Junior Showmanship; Ethan Zavala, Supreme Grand Champion Registered Pygmy, 2nd place Junior Showmanship; and Sophia Ocegueda, Reserve Champion Unregistered Pygmy, 3rd place Showmanship.
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Pictured is Ethan Zavala of Sespe 4H who won Supreme Grand Champion, with his Registered Pygmy Goat at this year’s Ventura County Fair Small Livestock Show. Pictured with Ethan is project leader Kerrie Allen.
Pictured is Ethan Zavala of Sespe 4H who won Supreme Grand Champion, with his Registered Pygmy Goat at this year’s Ventura County Fair Small Livestock Show. Pictured with Ethan is project leader Kerrie Allen.
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On Saturday, August 3, just after 1 p.m., a vegetation fire broke out at Howe Road and Highway 126. Piru Engine 28 could see smoke about a mile out; once on scene firefighters found a 100 x 100 foot fire surrounding a small farm house. Crews stopped the fire before it could reach the house, however at least one vehicle was damaged by flames. No injuries were reported; cause of the fire is still under investigation. Photos courtesy Ventura County Fire Department.
On Saturday, August 3, just after 1 p.m., a vegetation fire broke out at Howe Road and Highway 126. Piru Engine 28 could see smoke about a mile out; once on scene firefighters found a 100 x 100 foot fire surrounding a small farm house. Crews stopped the fire before it could reach the house, however at least one vehicle was damaged by flames. No injuries were reported; cause of the fire is still under investigation. Photos courtesy Ventura County Fire Department.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Board meeting highlights for the Fillmore Unified School District

45 Day Budget Update
The Governing Board received a presentation on the 45 Day Budget Update. Presentation was delivered by Assistant Superintendent, Andrea McNeill and Director of Fiscal Services, Martha Corona.

Approve Adoption of Core/Basic Materials
The Governing Board approved the adoption of the following textbook, teacher's edition and instructional materials for Spanish III. The textbook, iAvancemos! 3, is the companion textbook for the series of iAvancemos! 1 and iAvancemos! 2, Fillmore Unified School District's current adoption, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Approve Transportation Advisory Committee
The Governing Board approved the career technical education advisory committee. The purpose of this committee is to develop recommendations on the pathway program and to provide liaison between the district and potential employers.

Approve Resolution No. 19-20-02 Assignments of Teachers Who Are Teaching Outside of Their Credential Authorization Or On An Emergency Permit
The Governing Board adopted Resolution No. 19-20-02 approving the teacher assignments as listed on the attached report for teachers working outside of their credential authorization.

Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations, and leaves.