An accident occurred Sunday at about 8:50 p.m. An older Ford pickup impacted a late model Chevrolet Cruze from the rear. The truck continued up the embankment on A Street near the high school stadium and through a chain link fence. No injuries were reported and the cause of the accident was not determined by press time.
An accident occurred Sunday at about 8:50 p.m. An older Ford pickup impacted a late model Chevrolet Cruze from the rear. The truck continued up the embankment on A Street near the high school stadium and through a chain link fence. No injuries were reported and the cause of the accident was not determined by press time.
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Part 1
Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

On Thursday, October 9th, a joint forum was presented by the Fillmore City Council candidates, and the Fillmore United School Board candidates. Following is coverage of Part One of the School Board portion of the forum. Part Two will be printed in next week’s edition of the Gazette.

Candidates: Michael Saviors, Sean Morris, Scott Beylik
Incumbent Candidates: Lucy Rangel, Dave Wilde, Tony Prado.
Moderator: Bill Herrera. Timekeeper: Douglas Tucker.

Opening Statements
Sean Morris; I think there is so much potential at Fillmore Schools. I will set some great goals.

Scott Beylik; My goal is to make Fillmore schools a place where all local families are proud to be a part of...create an environment of open communication, transparency and accountability with a long term vision for policy, course curriculum that will meet the needs of all students and prepare them for the future.

Lucy Rangel; I lived here in Piru and Fillmore and have taught both 4th and 6th grades. I have a knowledge of teaching.

Tony Prado; I am not trying to buy a seat, I didn't expect it would take $3,000 to $4,000 to get a seat on FUSD. I've served on the School Site Council and coached.

Dave Wilde; I taught and served in five different districts and as a peer teacher. I enjoy working with children.

Michael Saviors; I've lived in Fillmore 14 years and I have a son in Fillmore Middle School and a daughter in Fillmore High School. I was appointed to the FUSD School Board for a short time and worked as a substitute bus driver. I want my children to have the best education offered to them.

(1) What professional skills, experience and other unique qualities do you possess that make you the best candidate for the seat on the School Board?
Sean Morris; For many years I've worked as a broker and have seen that some do well and some don't. Those that do well have pride in what they do. They are accountable. I want to see the best for every child.

Scott Beylik; I have the ability to listen...I've sat on many non-profits, ran businesses, met payroll, we have 13 employees. I understand you need to stay on top of things. That's what I plan for if I'm elected to the school board.

Lucy Rangel; I'm a team player, you have to get along with people. I excel at leadership, I've had a lot of leadership rolls. I know the program.

Tony Prado; I'm a team leader. I have been on school site boards, I've been a coach and have lead coaches.

Dave Wilde; I've taught at schools for 37 years. I was an athletic director for 9 years. I have been in leadership rolls. I feel pretty confident I can lead.

Michael Saviors; I have experience in the classrooms, it's a challenge. All my years in the Police Department have made me a good listener. I've been a board member and I know the challenges.

(2) Given Fillmore's demographic, average household income levels and standardized test results, where do you envision our students higher education potential to be?
Scott Beylik; Simple answer is 'unlimited'. It's where they see themselves and want to be. Those students that aren't motivated toward college, we need to back up vocational training.

Lucy Rangel; We have 80.6% reduced lunches. We need parent involvement. We need to provide services for them no mater their economic status.

Tony Prado; I agree, parents need to be involved. We provided a program at Moorpark to bring the parents in.

Dave Wilde; The parents come to us with a disadvantage, we need to address their needs. The new Superintendent is working with Kathy Long on a tutoring program.

Michael Saviors; If the student has the drive we should give them every opportunity to succeed.

Sean Morris; We have to have benchmarks for our ESL students. We have great students, the problem is we're not advancing students.

(3) In your opinion is the School District offering instruction appropriate to the diverse educational backgrounds of all the students? Why or why not?
Lucy Rangel; I think we're moving in the right direction with Common Core State Standards. The standards are moving in the right direction for high archiving students and low achieving.

Tony Prado; With Common Core State Standards it's going to take shape. When students are successful it shows in their test scores. We need to get the parents into the classroom to work with their kids.

Dave Wilde; We need to make sure we give the support to our teachers. I think we have an Assistant Superintendent that is doing a great job, she has the experience.

Michael Saviors; Every school district has problems. We spend a lot of time with ESL, they need the help. Maybe those that don't need the help are being ignored a bit.

Sean Morris; We need to focus, see how Common Core fits with each student. Kids are sponges, they absorb.

Scott Beylik; Based on our academic benchmarks there's a disconnect. We need to make sure we make those connections.

(4) What is your vision for the district over the next four years? How will you hold yourself accountable to achieve this vision?
Tony Prado; My vision is simple, Distinguished School Status. To tell the Superintendent our goal is to move to a higher status and a competitive school.

Dave Wilde; We need to support parents and teachers. Have effective teachers.

Michael Saviors; We need pride. Common Core is going to bring us up to where everyone else is regarding technology usage. Fillmore High School is going to have wifi.

Sean Morris; We need to articulate with our superintendent, teachers and parents to develop a trust again. Close the gap between boys and girls. Be innovative. We need a cash reserve, a rainy-day fund.

Scott Beylik; We need a safe campus, which is a good learning environment. We need occupational classes for those not going to college.

Lucy Rangel; We need to provide more choice for families. I'd like to see one of our schools become a magnet school. More variety of classes with technology at the high school.

(5) Describe your view of the roles of the School Board and the Superintendent. What is the ideal relationship between these two offices?
Dave Wilde; The Board should set the goals...the Superintendent should work to achieve them. The Board has to decide if we're moving in that direction. Our roll is to address the towns concerns.

Michael Saviors; The School Board is the policy maker. I plan to better our schools with a good relationship with the Superintendent.

Sean Morris; Fight for ideas and get in alignment with decisions...our job is to make sure the Superintendent is meeting those goals.

Scott Beylik; The biggest thing is to set the vision for the Superintendent. What ever policy we decide on we must be transparent. The Board (in the past) forgot their responsibility to keep a check on the Superintendent.

Lucy Rangel; We need to be open and make the best decisions and vision for our all comes with good mutual respect.

Tony Prado; The goal a Board Member is raising student achievement. You have to involve the parents...have an open dialog. The Board has to set the standards.

(6) Common Core State Standards for grades K-12 have been adopted and are being implemented within the Fillmore Unified School Distinct. What do you think your responsibility and role is as a school board member to inform parents and students of the change to these new standards and curricula? How do you plan to address the Common Core implementation if you are elected?
Michael Saviors; The Board is the governing body. We should have open communication when implementing the Common Core State Standards. As a Board we could hold community meetings for everyone to be informed on how we plan to achieve Common Core.

Sean Morris; We will work with Common Core to meet the needs of the students. I'd like to give notice to of all the changes to the community.

Scott Beylik; Common Core, we're stuck with it. We need to provide all the teachers what they will need to teach it training or technology.

Lucy Rangel; We really don't have a choice in the matter. It's mandated, but they (the State or Government) aren't providing the money or resources needed to implement it. There are some good things with Common Core.

Tony Prado; Our students are going to be competitive with the world. It's a global society. Common Core provides rigor that makes a student think critically.

Dave Wilde; Our Superintendent is really concerned about parent participation. Students are required to think critical and we must provide teachers and students with the technology needed.


Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

The October 21, 2014 Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting contained a presentation on the District's Program Improvement status along with a debrief by the Superintendent on campus projects and an enrollment report.

Assistant Superintendent Martha Hernandez gave a presentation on where FUSD stands with its Program Improvement Corrective Actions. Program Improvement is what the California Department of Education designates schools or districts that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress is educating their students. Program Improvement (PI) began at FUSD with three schools: Piru Elementary, San Cayetano and Fillmore Middle School (FMS). In 2011 an Alternative Governance Board (AGB), a subcommittee of the Board, was created with the purpose of working with school sites that are in their third year of PI. AGB is one of the interventions under No Child Left Behind and is responsible for monitoring and planning of corrective actions and restructuring plans. AGB visit classrooms, review student work and teacher lesson plans, interview staff, review agendas and minutes of meetings along with other duties.

In January of this year FUSD was notified the whole District had been identified as PI. In March of this year FUSD was assigned a State Board of Education Corrective Action and told that it must continue to set aside 10% of its Title I allocation to provide professional development for teachers and administrators to strengthen academic achievement. This also includes the implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS). There are quite a few changes in both testing and curriculum that CCSS requires. One of those is a new assessment called Smarter Balance. Last spring semester there was pilot testing of Smarter Balance to make sure the technology used would work properly. This is the first year Smarter Balance test scores will be counted at FUSD and will give a clearer idea of where the District stands.

On October 29th all FHS sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT and on November 4th the CAHSEE will be given.

FUSD Superintendent Dr. Palazuelos informed the Board that he had just been informed that very day of new changes being made regarding the influence of the PSAT and its impact on college entry to the University California system. Palazuelos seemed quite pleased with this change and feels it is a good move for students.

Palazuelos updated the Board on the improvements made during October to some of FUSD's school campuses. For safety reasons dead trees were removed from both the Junior Varsity Field and Sespe Elementary along with removal of exposed fence footings at San Cayetano. Trees were removed and replaced due to their improper growth at Mountain Vista and FMS and FMS's pavement received a good pressure wash to remove the years of students’ gum along with the gym floor being in the process of resurfacing. Fillmore High School had debris and pine needles cleared that had collected on its roof. But what Palazuelos spoke of with great pride was that Sierra High School is in progress of a pilot project to install wireless internet. Sierra was chosen to be first with wifi because of its size.

Palazuelos ended his debriefing with stating, "In the future we need to develop a Facility Master Plan for the District which provides a priority list."

Gary Hobelman, Assistant Superintendent Business Services, gave a presentation on the District's enrollment and average daily attendance. The elementary schools have not had a great change in enrollment in the past four years going from 1,808 students in 2010 to 1,831 in 2014. FMS had 840 students in 2010 and now has 867 students. Fillmore High School did see a drop from 1,159 students in 2011 to 1,075 students today. The good news Hobelman reported is FUSD has a higher daily attendance rate than the State average.

Student Representative Irma Torres reported on a great deal of student activities; girls' soccer tryouts and boys' JV soccer will be held throughout the week, there's a Blood Drive next Monday, next Thursday is College and Career Day held in the gym. Also; Future Farmers of America is having a dance at the School Farm, Red Ribbon Week will be held October 27-31. FHS football team won 27-0 against Rio Hondo Prep bring the winning streak to 6-1 and the last football game of the year will be on November 7th followed by a dance. The FHS Marching Band will have their first competition this Saturday at Simi Valley High School and on November 22nd seniors will have their Annual Senior Ball.

09/16/14 to 09/22/14
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Accident – Non injury
100 Blk. Lora Ln
A St./Ventura St.
Accident – Injury
N C St./El Paseo St.
800 Blk. Ventura St.
900 Blk. Meadowlark Dr.
300 Blk. Main St.
Search Warrant
200 Blk. Sierra Vista Ave.
Keep the Peace
100 Blk. Oakdale Ln.
Stolen Vehicle
4th St./Mountain View St.
200 Blk. Main St.
Barking Dog
300 Blk. 4th St.
Brandishing CONTINUED »

(l-r) City Council candidates Carrie Broggie, Tim Holmgren and Diane McCall
(l-r) City Council candidates Carrie Broggie, Tim Holmgren and Diane McCall
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Question #3: Fillmore and Western Railway is in danger of closure. What, if anything, should/can the City Council do to assist the Railway?

Carrie Broggie
The Fillmore and Western Railway has not only put Fillmore on the map as a family destination on weekends to select a Christmas tree, or to meet Thomas the Tank Engine in person, it has also made Fillmore the favored destination for Hollywood producers and independent film makers for scenes involving trains and railroads. This translates into revenue for the City’s General Fund. (In FY2012/13 and 2013/14, film permit revenues totaled $197,155, surpassing film revenues for the city in all previous years.)
And that figure does not factor in the amount of tax revenue dollars earned from those working on the films and commercials who visit our shops and restaurants while visiting our community.
As chair of the Film Commission, I know how vital the train is to the draw of filming and tourism to the community and the revenue that comes with that. It is absolutely an economic boost to our downtown Central merchants, and our economy in general.
Because the City is not a party to the lawsuit that threatens the closure of the Fillmore and Western Railway, the City Council must wait it out and hope for a resolution that is satisfactory to both parties, one that would still permit the train to operate, while also being financially viable to the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC). Meanwhile, as we wait for the court proceedings to conclude, it is prudent for council members to research potential alternative options that could be proposed to the VCTC should the court rule that the Fillmore and Western Railway must cease operations permanently. Viable options should be prepared in advance to present to the VCTC immediately, so that no valuable time is wasted and the financial loss to Fillmore is kept to a minimum.

Tim Holmgren
The train is not just a draw for tourism and filming in Fillmore, it’s a major part of our history and heritage. The idea that we could lose the train is unthinkable. What should we do…what can we do, as a city, to keep our trains running?
The first thing to understand is that the disagreement is between the Ventura County Transportation Commission and Fillmore & Western Railway. Both sides have tried to come to an agreement but haven’t been able to come up with a deal they can agree on. There is now pending litigation, which means there is information to which we are not privy. Because we can’t know what’s happening behind closed doors, it’s important for us not to take sides until we know all of the information.
But whatever the outcome, Fillmore needs to do whatever’s necessary to keep the trains running. Our downtown merchants depend on them to stay in business. In a conversation I have had with one downtown merchant just the other day, I was told that their store would definitely go under if we lose the tourism from the trains.
We have to fight to keep the trains. But at the same time, we need to look for more ways to bring tourism to the city. We can’t be dependent on one source for our fiscal health. What events or activities can we add to what we’re already doing to bring in more tourism? We need something going on in Fillmore that will draw people to visit regularly. I’ve heard a number of ideas proposed and they’re all worth investigating. But while we consider additional sources of tourism, we must do what we can to make sure that Fillmore’s trains stay on schedule.

Diane McCall
The railway is an integral part of Fillmore’s current identity part of the fabric of our community. Myself and the current city council have been dedicated to assisting Fillmore and Western see it’s way through their current dispute with the County. At one point Fillmore brought in a consultant, at no cost to the railway, in an effort to assist in furthering the discussions between the two entities. However, the end result of those negotiations were unsuccessful. The city has also discussed taking over the Master Lease with the county and having the railway sublet in order to lift some of the burdens being placed on the operator.
At this time, Fillmore and Western has been granted a stay in their legal proceedings and will continue to operate as normal until such time a final ruling is made on their case against the County. The City will continue to patiently wait until that determination is made and continues to pledge its support in being a partner with the railway. In the event the ultimate decisions are not in favor of Fillmore and Western the city will need to take swift action in locating and securing another railway operator to assume a lease on the recreational lines and continue recreational rail service within Fillmore. As a current council member I was responsible for the drafting of a resolution from the City of Fillmore to the County requesting that regardless of the final outcome with Fillmore and Western, it is Fillmore’s ongoing desire to be allowed use of the rails for any current or future operators and retain this important tourist attraction within our community. At this time we patiently await the courts ruling and again as a council body are committed to keeping a piece of our towns identity in tact.

(l-r) Mike Saviers, Scott Beylik, Sean Morris, Lucy Rangel, Dave Wilde
(l-r) Mike Saviers, Scott Beylik, Sean Morris, Lucy Rangel, Dave Wilde
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Question #2: What do you perceive as the most important issues for the School Board, and the District? What policies would you work to change, add or subtract?
Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Mike Saviers
The most needed attention at this time is the implementation of "Common Core". As a District and a Board we need to be ready to assist the schools, personnel and students in whatever way we can, be it technology, curriculum development and/or any other infrastructure needed. Secondly, I feel the Board needs to seriously address the reasons that parents and children feel it necessary to leave our district for others. We need to start asking "Why" rather than just allowing it to happen and not pursuing the reasons. We as a Board and District need to address these issues immediately. I have yet to hear from parents I have spoken to that academics is the reason for leaving.
I would like to see a more structured evaluation policy for all personnel within our District. Every year ALL staff working for this District need to be evaluated on their performance. Those excelling need to be recognized and those needing improvement need to be assisted in developing their skills. If they are never told their performance is substandard then how can they be monitored, performance improved and held accountable.

Scott Beylik
First and foremost, the safety and security of our students and faculty on all FUSD campuses needs to be reviewed now and on an ongoing basis to ensure a happy learning environment exists for our kids. In addition to safety and security, a critical review of faculty training and teaching methodology needs to be performed in an effort to boost academic performance and accountability. Fillmore Unified School District has been identified as a district needing improvement by the California Department of Education therefore it is clear that enhancements to our existing process are needed. Lastly, the district’s budget needs to be closely evaluated and adjusted to accommodate the much needed repairs of blighted school facilities, the funding of vital school positions & the creation of a reserve fund capable of filling the void during a deficit.
The process required to accomplish all of the above mentioned goals will not move forward without the regular input & solutions offered up by parents and faculty. Transparency and accessibility will be key factors included in my community-based approach to problem solving. I am confident in the teaching talent our district possesses and I am convinced we will collectively find solutions to our problems.

Sean Morris
The most important issue currently is raising our scores, in particularly the English Learner and Socio Economic. The District Schools are in Program Improvement. If we remain there, there is a chance we will have the state come and dictate to the board. Further our children deserve better than being in a program that is not performing to standards.
As a board we can help perpetuate an environment that allows the professionals do their job, create model programs and reward teachers who go beyond just the job description. We all need to go beyond the job description, to give that extra effort to pursue excellent and push scores way beyond the state standards.
Communication with community, staff, teachers and administration is a very high priority. I will ask questions during meetings so people are able to see my reasoning for an action we may take. I want to start a report card to the community so we are accountable for our plans and actions.
I would also like to determine how, through budget means and the community, to come up with more class offerings in the vocational services for high school students.
Finally, we need to look at our budget and understand where we can offer more classes through state means, where and how we can start capital improvements (fund) and avoid further barrowing money when the State does not issue monies to the district timely.

Lucy Rangel
Like many school districts throughout the county and state, Fillmore Unified is facing its share of challenges. Presently, the implementation of Common Core and providing staff development and training for our teachers have been some of our current issues. Reducing class size in grades K-3 is also an important issue we need to address. While our students need to be college and career ready, we need to provide more electives for our students. We need to advance our technology instruction, replace the music classes that had been eliminated, provide vocational courses and provide an intervention program for our struggling students at our high school.
Maintaining our facilities is also a crucial issue we need to plan for. Finally, we have neglected one of the most important components a school district needs to be successful – parent involvement. Especially in Title I schools, where we have a high percentage of low socio-economic families, we need a parent outreach program. We must include our parents and work collaboratively for the success of our students.
Although we review policies throughout the year, we need to update them so they are aligned to the new LCAP and LCFF along with the implementation of the CCSS. For example, the superintendent must insure that each school site submits a SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement). These will reflect the changes in state testing and must reflect the goals of the districts LCAP. If we focus on the SPSA for each site, it determines the schools priority for targeting funds to raise student achievement for ALL students.

Dave Wilde
Before I discuss some issues addressing the education of our children there are two other important items that need to be dealt with right away, and in fact are. The first is the repair of the relationship between the city and the school district. In a small community such as Fillmore it is extremely important. The correct growth of the district and community depend on it. The second issue is transparency and accessibility, both of which our new superintendent is already working on. Our community deserves to feel confident that they are completely aware about what is the vision and direction of the district. They need to feel they have a voice.
In terms of education there are many things I am concerned about. Under the direction of Martha Hernandez, our new assistant superintendent of curriculum, one is already being addressed. That is the instruction of our ESL students. As we speak teachers are being prepared to satisfy the new guidelines and assessment programs handed down by the state. We need to do what ever possible to prepare our limited English speaking students to deal with the language barriers they face in the classroom. The high school is currently operating without a teacher, and data driven RTI and collaboration program. The minute any student begins to struggle in the classroom their problem needs to be identified and solved. It could take a day, week, or month. Each student has individual learning needs and it is our responsibility to recognize and correct them.
Common core is another major concern. However Adrian Palosuelos and Martha Hernandez are doing a great job of assisting our teachers to deal with the new instructional and assessments requirements. I am confident our teachers and staff will effectively deal with common core.

A Proclamation was presented by Mayor Manuel Minjares at Council for the effort of the Soroptomists Club recognition of October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and November Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Receiving the Proclamation was (l-r) Patti Walker, Betty Carpenter, Kathy Krushell, and President Jane David.
A Proclamation was presented by Mayor Manuel Minjares at Council for the effort of the Soroptomists Club recognition of October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and November Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Receiving the Proclamation was (l-r) Patti Walker, Betty Carpenter, Kathy Krushell, and President Jane David.
Enlarge Photo
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

The October 14, 2014 Fillmore City Council meeting began with a Proclamation for the effort of the Soroptomists Club recognition of October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and November Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Receiving the Proclamation was President Jane David, Kathy Krushell, Betty Carpenter and Patti Walker.

Fire Chief Rigo Landeros announced The 10th Annual Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service being held Saturday, November 15, 2014, 10:00 a.m.. The Fallen Firefighters of Ventura County Memorial is located at the Ventura County Government Center. Landeros will be the keynote speaker. The service will include the reading of the fallen, the traditional bell ceremony, the flag ceremony, bagpipes and other musical tributes.

There were three agenda items; the Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP), the Heritage Valley Transit service provider and a City Communication Plan.

The newly comprised Fillmore Development Council (FDC) is drafting an Economic Development Strategic Plan to move the city forward in the short and long term. Members of the FDC come from a diverse group consisting of both service and business; Mayor Manuel Minjares, Council Member Rick Neal, District Director Ernie Villegas, Chris Balden-Balden Town Center, President Southern California Association of Governments and Ventura Council Member Carl Morehouse, William Morris Chevrolet Bill Morris, Fillmore School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos, Fillmore City Manager David Rowlands, Fillmore Planning Director Kevin McSweeney, and Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros.

The FDC presented a draft of the plan proposal to the Council. The goal of the plan is to support a fiscally healthy city with major objectives and proposed implementation actions.

The plan's major objectives are improving the City's retail base, attracting green/clean technology industry firms, agriculture, filming, healthcare and highlighting the benefits of businesses and firms relocating to Fillmore. Also included is a budget goal of having a 40% reserve against General Fund expenditures along with supporting small business expansion, a business friendly environment and a predictable permitting process. Regarding land use, while considering the social and fiscal impacts on the City the plan calls for business and commercial areas that complement residential and public use. Having a truck stop on the west end of Highway 126 and C St. is being considered.

Rowlands informed the Council there are two companies in discussions of a tax sharing agreement in moving to Fillmore.

Council Members Rick Neal and Diane McCall liked what the plan called "incubator businesses", where small startup businesses in town are given guidelines on how to grow and what resources are available.

Council Member Steve Conaway responded, "This is a large scope of work, it's ambitious and exactly what we want. I'm fully supportive of this plan. This is great stuff. I think it's possible. It could be's do-able."
Mayor Pro Tem Douglas Tucker stated, "This is an outstanding plan" and remarked he liked the idea of looking at other cities and possibilities of partnering together.

Mayor Minjares ended the discussion stating, "There's a lot in this"....and stated he does not see everything going in that direction (considering the large scope of work), but agreed it is a great plan.

The second agenda item addresses the breakdown of communication between the City's elected officials, which includes the Fillmore Unified School District Board Members, and the residents of Fillmore. A City Communication Plan is being drafted and worked on; but before the plan was discussed City Manager Rowlands wanted to disclose that he wants specific wording in the plan that communication will also be in Spanish.

The plan will address the concerns of residents and enable them to become part of the City's decision making process along with improve communication to and from businesses and organizations. The plan addresses four avenues used to increase the communication of Fillmore residents with the City. The four avenues are: Communication, audiences, goals and external communication tools. Two-way communication is first on the plan; it ensures information is shared throughout the community, reinforces and reflects the goals of the City with complete, accurate and timely information.

The audience is the citizens of Fillmore with a goal of strengthening the relationship between the City government and its 15,000 residents. The audience also includes City employees and the media.

The goal is to enhance and improve community and media relations and increase awareness, interest and participation of the citizens of Fillmore in government goals and activities. This will break down the feelings of 'us vs. them" with a goal of building pride in the City and relationships between elected officials, City employees and the residents of Fillmore.

The external communication tools, both existing and potential, will be updating the Fillmore web page, providing live broadcasts of City meetings on Fillmore's Public Access Channel, brochures to explain such things as the permit process, opening a business, conservation or other topics beneficial to the public. Also included is designing a social media page for Fillmore on such sites as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc.

Neal commented that not everyone has cable and thus does not get Channel 10 programming of City Council Meetings.

Conaway responded to the plan stating, "One of the largest responsibilities we have as a Council is outreach and communication. It's difficult to get people engaged....anything we can do to get our message out....Most of us are on satellite, not cable."

McCall added, "We need to reach out to the Spanish community." To which Minjares stated, "Fillmore is 58% Spanish speaking and 77% identify as Hispanic according to the last census. I know there are costs associated with getting the information out in both English and Spanish."

The third agenda item is one very important to many Fillmore residents; transportation. On October 1, 2014 the Heritage Valley Policy Advisory Committee (HVPAC) consisting of Representative Kathy Long, Mayor Minjares, Santa Paula Councilman Ralph Fernandez and the Ventura County Transit Authority (VCTC) asked both Fillmore Area Transit Company (FATCO) and MV Transportation to submit their best and final offer to run the transportation in town. At a meeting was held on October 3rd VCTC voted 9-6 to contract with MV Transportation to be the Heritage Valley Transit service provider. There were many local residents who wanted FATCO to retain the service, but VCTC made the final decision. MV Transportation, which is based in Santa Paula, is expected to start service the first of next year.

Minjares informed everyone that an agreement was reached on a three-way split with Santa Paula, Fillmore and Ventura regarding the tax revenue from the sale of gas to run the buses. Also, FATCO employees who are willing move over to the new provider will be hired on the condition they pass the position requirements, such as the driving test.

Rowlands informed the Council of the City's communications with the businesses in town regarding abandoned shopping carts. A company retrieves the carts daily for Dollar Tree, Rite Aid, Super A and Vons. La Plaza and Goodwill do not contract with the cart retrieval service. There are three ways for residents to report the location of abandoned carts; Website reporting at, toll-free phone line 800-252-4613 and an iPhone and iPad app that residents can download (CartSnap) from the iTunes store. Rowlands ended with "This is a start."


[Editor's note: On Thursday, October 9th, a joint forum was presented by the Fillmore City Council candidates, and the Fillmore United School Board candidates. Following is coverage of the City Council portion of the forum. The School Board portion will be printed in next week’s edition of the Gazette.]

Candidates' Forum October 9, 2014
City Council
Diane McCall Incumbent, Carrie Broggie, Tim Holmgren
Moderator: Dr. Cynthia King, Professor at Cal State Channel Island
Timekeepers: Douglas Tucker and Johan Medina

(1) What is your vision for the future of the City of Fillmore and what qualifications do you possess that will help you achieve this vision?
Tim Holmgren; I see the town revitalized with more jobs...when people are doing well, jobs will grow.
Diane McCall; My vision for Fillmore is a thriving downtown...I can get this done by coming up with great ideas. I'm committed to do that.
Carrie Broggie; What I see is a small town American feel. I'd like to retain that. Whe have to make public safety a Fillmore to grow.

(2) What do you see as your top three priorities for the city and how would you prioritize them?
Diane McCall; We need economic out ways to do funding...funding for the gang officer.
Carrie Broggie; We have to have a safe community...economic and business development. It's hard work...monitor what we are good stewards.
Tim Holmgren; I want Fillmore to get to the point were we have the revenue, jobs needed and it's better for all. Public safety, I have a great appreciation for safety.

(3) What is your experienced with the youth of Fillmore and what are your ideas about how the city could support them?
Carrie Broggie; I'd like to meet with all the organizations and programs for kids and see what they need to be successful.
Tim Holmgren; I love kids and have my own. It's important to get kids involved and participate in the community.
Diane McCall; My daughter went to school in Fillmore. We need more recreation for our youth. All the Boards I've served on usually involve kids such as mentoring for youth gang members.

(4) We have both the highest rate of unemployment in Ventrua County and many people who live in Fillmore and work outside of the area. What are your ideas to enhance employment locally?
Tim Holmgren; I hear people have to leave town to work. Then they spend their money out of town before returning home...with work in town such as the Business Park, everyone benefits.
Diane McCall; I'm engaged with contacts to bring business to Fillmore.
Carrie Broggie; Until we see the revitalization of Fillmore, jobs won't be here. The Business Park will help.

(5) Fillmore has several vacant parcels waiting to be developed into industrial parks and vacant commercial storefronts throughout the town. Our local businesses are struggling. How do you see that the city could address this issue?
Diane McCall; We can outreach to companies to bring business to Fillmore. We've (the Council) been active doing that.
Carrie Broggie; People will come to Fillmore as a tourist destination...people will travel here. We need not just industry and retail, but tourism also. It's a tried and true money generator.
Tim Holmgren; There's a lot of advantages to bringing businesses and being in business in Fillmore. The fee structure needs to be business friendly.

(6) What do you feel might bet eh economic, fiscal, health and environmental advantages and disadvantages of annexing the Chevron property east of the city limits? (A reminder from the moderator NOT to say how they might vote on the issue.)
Tim Holmgren; Until all the information is put together, I'm holding my judgment. Neighbors are not happy, but we need all the information first.
Carrie Broggie; The advantages are potential businesses and jobs. The disadvantages are because of the contamination businesses might not want to be there.
Diane McCall; At this point the property is not within the city limits. I have not make an opinion and cannot comment.

(7) Fillmore has many residents who live in substandard housing (renting garages, multiple families in one home, individuals renting a bed). Give us your thoughts on how to bring more safe and sanitary affordable housing to the residents of Fillmore.
Tim Holmgren; That's what the housing element is for. We need affordable housing...the State directs us on how to fill the need.
Diane McCall; Our (Fillmore's) housing element has been sent to the State, we have not received an answer yet. We can benefit greatly by paring up with companies that can help.
Carrie Broggie; Fillmore has large homes that are the least expensive in the County. We could get companies to build smaller homes.

(8) What are your ideas for maintaining the present balance of budget for the City of Fillmore?
Diane McCall; Fillmore has goals, one is a balanced budget and then increasing the tax base. Identify areas where we can be fiscally sound. We're (the Council) working at having a sound reserve.
Carrie Broggie; I think Fillmore is doing a great job. I support 40% rainy day fund. The key is broadening the tax base.
Tim Holmgren; To balance requires spending less than you bring in. The budget today looks great compared to the past. We're going to spend less than we bring in.

(9) In this time of high heat, east winds and worry about continuing drought, how do you envision ensuring an adequate water supply for the residents?
Carrie Broggie; There are Fillmore residents who are restricting their water use to save water, we need to make it a benefit to do such things. There are a lot of things citizens can do on their own.
Tim Holmgren; We have our own wells which is a benefit. We could use more wells. We all need to cut back...we all need to get through this drought.
Diane McCall; We should have already been conserving. We are doing a good job compared to many others. We are a community that is using recycled water for our own town's needs. Everyone should be conserving.
Answers to questions from the audience.

(Q) Patrick Maynard's question; The City of Fillmore undoubtedly has a limited tax base. How do you intend on securing funds that are not only sustainable, but capable of ensuring that our local government needs are met?
Tim Holmgren; As businesses are brought in our tax base will grow.
Diane McCall; What we have to do is smart growth. We need companies that will be good for the community. We need to be wise in what companies we choose.
Carrie Broggie; I don't want to see a whole lot of growth. I grew up in the Valley and that's not my idea of growth.

(Q) Kathy Pace's question; How will you as a council member reach out to the Spanish community since they make up half of our community?
Carrie Broggie; We need should be at the top of the list.
Tim Holmgren; I think we need to reach everyone. I'll do what ever I can to encourage involvement.

(Q) Rick Neal's question; Fillmore is often referred to as a 'bedroom community'. Those viewing it as only a bedroom community are missing out on the best thins about living here. In your opinion what are teh best things about Fillmore and how do we preserve it?
Carrie Broggie; The proximity to Los Angeles will bring in businesses such as tourism.
Tim Holmgren; My family fell in love with Fillmore and we moved here. It feels like a small town. One of the best things about Fillmore is you're able to reach out to people with the same passion to keep Fillmore a small town community.

(Q) Cindy Blatt's question; How important is re-establishing communication with the school disrict and meetings with the Board quarterly?
Tim Holmgren; It's critical the School Board and City Council work together. I get a good feel with the direction now.
Diane McCall; The communication was a big problem. I suggest we get together. The City Council and School Board are now willing to get together.
Carrie Broggie; The School Board and City Council should have meetings monthly. I see the School Board moving in a new direction. I want to see that continue.

(Q) Jayme Laber's question; During your time on the City Council how do you plan to stay engaged with the citizens to assure your decisions are representative of their opinions and desires?
Diane McCall; We are here to speak for the community. I'm always available. I answer emails. I bring concerns back to the council.
Carrie Broggie; I am a people person. I'll be there for anybody. Even if there's disagreement, we need to be able to communicate, be respectful, hear them out.
Tim Holmgren; I would do what I'm doing currently. I attend meetings....I want to know what I can do to help. What ever event I attend....I talk and meet with people.

Closing Statements:
Carrie Broggie; Thank you to everyone who attended the forum. I appreciate being here, I know who to see and who to know to get things done.
Tim Holmgren; Right now is an exciting time for Fillmore. We're in transition. We must keep the City going in a positive direction.
Diane McCall; I appreciate all of you coming. Being on the City Council I've seen great things happening. I committed to this. I want to see the great work going forward.

Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros indicated that the Fillmore Fire Department took possession of a new fire engine last week on Tuesday, September 30th, that will replace a 25-year-old engine that did not meet NFPA’s current standards.  The department purchased the $450,000 engine with a Community Development Block Grant approved by the City Council.  This new modern fire engine will help Fillmore Fire Department provide the best service possible to the citizens of Fillmore, along with help fighting fires during mutual-aid operations in the county and across the state. Chief Landeros appreciates the continued support of the council and citizens of Fillmore. Photo by Sebastian Ramirez.
Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros indicated that the Fillmore Fire Department took possession of a new fire engine last week on Tuesday, September 30th, that will replace a 25-year-old engine that did not meet NFPA’s current standards. The department purchased the $450,000 engine with a Community Development Block Grant approved by the City Council. This new modern fire engine will help Fillmore Fire Department provide the best service possible to the citizens of Fillmore, along with help fighting fires during mutual-aid operations in the county and across the state. Chief Landeros appreciates the continued support of the council and citizens of Fillmore. Photo by Sebastian Ramirez.
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Ventura County Clerk Recorder/Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn announced today the deadline to register to vote in the November 4, 2014 Gubernatorial GeneralElection, is Monday, October 20, 2014.

Lunn stated, “All citizens who have notyet registered to vote need to register by October 20 to be eligible to vote on Tuesday, November 4. Your vote is your voice; register and vote on November 4!”

For convenience, voter registration is available online at Voters may also callthe Elections Division at (805) 654-2664 to request that a voter registration card be mailed to them.

Voters may still register on a paper form at the Ventura County Elections Division, Government Center Hall of Administration, 800South Victoria Avenue, Ventura. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Registration forms are also available throughout the County at city halls, post offices, libraries, chambers of commerce, and fire stations.Completed voter registration forms must be postmarked by Monday, October 20, 2014,in order to vote in the November 4, 2014Gubernatorial GeneralElection.

For more information, please visit the Elections Division website at http://venturavote.orgor call the Elections Division at 654-2664.