Jeff Newell Lowe, a beloved son, father and grandfather, passed away with his children by his side, on January 8th, 2014, at the age of 53. He lived the majority of his life in Fillmore and was loved by many people. Jeff loved the outdoors; hunting, camping and fishing were among his cherished hobbies. He was a proud and dedicated member of The Operating Engineers for 36 years and had a passion for driving heavy equipment for Lowe Construction Company.
He is survived by his children; Sarah Ann Lowe and Jeffrey Newell Lowe Jr.; daughter in law, Stephanie Ann Lowe, and Grandbabies: Aubree Lynn Lowe and Logan Floyd Lowe. He also leaves behind two loving parents: Bud Lowe and Marlene Lowe.
There will be a private family burial and a Celebration of Life in Jeff’s honor that will be open to family and friends alike on Saturday, January 18th at 1pm at the Historical Museum in Fillmore. He asked that everyone remember him with a smile on his face. We thank you for your growing support.