Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:
At last the pieces are coming together on an action plan for the installation of a gate to control access to the Fillmore High Stadium track for community members to again use the track for leisure runs.
Oh, there’s just one catch – MONEY! The quote for a gate installed acceptable to the Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) is currently $7,810. Our local government bodies do not have thee discretionary funds to pay this. Knowing that there are always unexpected things that occur during installation, let’s plan on needing a few dollars more. Let’s make the estimate $8,000. The City of Fillmore (City) has indicated a willingness to pay 25% or about $2,000.
Fillmore Rotary Sun Risers will do the following to get this project completed without further delay. Sun Risers Rotary (Rotary) will donate $2,000 for this project. In addition Rotary challenges local service clubs, businesses and individuals to contribute to this project. Rotary will provide another $2,000 in the form of a challenge to the community. Rotary will contribute another dollar for every dollar contributed by the community. Rotary will pay up to $4,000 if the community will join together and contribute $2,000.
As this is being written, two individuals have already each promised a $100 donation. Before we’ve even started we have $2,400 promised.
Contributions may be mailed to Fillmore Rotary Sun Risers, P.O. Box 882, Fillmore, CA 93016. Each will be acknowledged.
Weekly progress reports will be published in this newspaper.
Don Gunderson
Treasurer, Fillmore Rotary Sun Risers