Letters to the Editor
August 22, 2024

To the Editor

In order for democrats to “save our democracy” they now urge us to vote for the candidate they installed without a single vote, after lying to everyone about the incumbents health, in order to prevent a primary that their non democratically elected candidate easily could have participated in, yet she made a clear choice not to. Additionally, followers must avoid critical thinking and not attempt to recognize or discuss that their candidate was polling in the single digits when she failed to become the Democrats presidential nominee in a much fairer appearing primary process 3 and a half years ago. So in their demented mindset, brought to them via the elite owned media which has been constructed to control the opinions of their lowly subjects (that’s us for the slow people reading this), and in the name of democracy, they must be compelled to ignore this rigged process for their latest supposed freedom fighter and avoid any critical thinking in favor of the usual face value approach. Then laughably, they tell us for the sake of the country, get out there and vote for this lady in order to “save our Democracy” despite the fact that she unquestionably and blatantly skirted around the democratic process with the help of the incestuous media apparatus firmly in the oppressors control. What an absolute clown world we now find ourselves in. Should we really have expected anything else from a portion of the populace that actually believes a child’s sex at birth does not determine gender (given they haven’t been aborted and had their tissues sold for science and profit)?

And all the while, the Kelly Scoles of the world, riveted to their boob tubes and National Propaganda Radio, with their world class Trump Derangement syndrome and confirmation bias, dutifully report the propaganda served to them on a weekly basis as if its the gospel without ever once apologizing for all the times they were dead wrong along the way. Jim Jones would not be infamous today without followers of this ilk, and when you look into the composition of his followers, the similarities are many. Truth be told, todays media would portray Yeshua himself (real biblical name is not Jesus by the way, but we can save that bait and switch for another day) as a crazed local carpenter guilty of spreading horrible disinformation that is deemed harmful and dangerous by their own pre-chosen lot of nefariously funded religious experts, who would then work to censor him and convince their devoted flock of seemingly lobotomized sheep that they were only doing so for their own good. May God (real biblical name is YHWH in case accuracy still matters) help us all.

R. Shiells