February 20th, 2025
To the Editor:
You haven’t lost a move since last we sparred, Martin. You are as nimble as ever in vaulting over core issues and coming to a wobbly landing on collateral points. It should be obvious by now that the P2025 blueprint was never intended to be legislated, but rather to be enacted by edict of the president (and his bonus co-executive, neo-Nazi-supporting Elon Musk). The “first 100 days” of P2025 was designed as a blitzkrieg of power through illegal, unconstitutional, unilateral acts designed to instill confusion and disorientation in the government and population. Trump decided long ago that in chaos there is opportunity. None of it occurred as the result of “a bill.” I assure you that this is just the beginning of the onslaught. The effects haven’t yet reached the general population.
In only one month Trump II has made it clear that the Republican Congress will bend to his will or be punished, and few have shown any desire to challenge him and provide the “balance of power” intended in the Constitution. Some make little critter squeaks of objection, but inevitably back down. Does it concern you that Trump has given data-junkie Musk (without oath of office or requirement for advise and consent from Congress) historically unique, sweeping powers including access to your private data, without parameters or transparency?
In addition, Trump, VP Vance, Gym Jordan, Marco Rubio, and other MAGA Republicans have lately insisted that the Judicial Branch has no authority to determine the constitutionality of Trump’s executive decisions. Trumpians have declared that any judge not agreeing with him, as president or personally, is a “rogue judge” and will be impeached.
These moves, coupled with the recent SCOTUS decision in Trump v. US, finding that a former president cannot be prosecuted even for crimes committed during his term of office, signal Trump’s belief that he has absolutely no impediment to doing anything at all. He rejects the Constitutional requirement of checks and balances provided by Congress and the Judicial Branch. What makes you think he will govern at the will of the voters if he rejects the Constitutional requirement of “balance of power?”
January 6 has already shown that Trump won’t honor the will of the people unless it is his own.
Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.