July 17, 2014
To the Editor:
What was it like to grow up on the grounds of the Fillmore Refinery? How large was the oil industry here? Visit the Fillmore Museum at 340 Main Street (In the two story bunkhouse building) to see photos and information regarding the Refinery, the local oil industry and its historic relationship to our city.
We are open Tuesday , Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m.-4 p.m., Thursday from 1p.m.- 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
The museum also contains hundreds of photos and stories of local pioneers, farmers and businesses.
Martha Gentry, Executive Director
To the Editor:
Dear Parent, Teachers & Community Volunteers:
It’s that time of year…….REGISTRATION TIME!!!!!
If you are willing to volunteer to help with registration, please let me know. Email me at blemons@fillmore.k12.ca.us . Let me know which day(s) and what hours you can help!! The more, the merrier !
Registration is Thursday, July 31st (11th & 12th graders) and Friday, August 1st (9th & 10th graders) from 9 – 3:30. If you are able to help ANY or BOTH days , I would really appreciate it. It will be a great time to meet our new principal, Tom Ito. Thank you very much!
Barbara Lemons