Letters to the Editor
July 18, 2024

To the Editor #2:

Thank you, Martin, for allowing two LTTE from me in this eventful week.

As of this writing, we do not know all the facts about the wounding of Trump at a Saturday rally in Butler, PA. The most intelligent, responsible thing we can do is postpone judgment until all the facts are known.

We do know that sniper Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, opened fire with an AR-15-style gun killing one person, critically injuring two others, and inflicting a minor wound which could have been much worse, to the ear of the Republican candidate for president, Donald Trump. Crooks was killed by the USSService (why were they not on the vantage point outside the rally?) President Biden condemned the attack and called Trump to express his hopes for a full recovery.

Apparently, Crooks was a registered Republican but donated $15 dollars to ActBlue, and a loner except for his membership in a pro-gun organization, Demolition Ranch. The perp reportedly had a large stash of weapons in this home. His motive is still unclear.

For three years, Trump’s violent rhetoric has warned that, if he is not returned to power, MAGA will erupt and the Constitution could be temporarily “terminated.” He has used the words “bloodbath,” “retribution,” “bedlam,” and “authoritarian.” He has mimicked mothers crying over their child dying of a drug overdose.

Evidence of false and hate-filled accusations, particularly from the Right, has reached such a toxic level that violence, as it always does, has turned toward even the one who first introduced it to recent politics.

Congressman Mike Collins,(R-GA) immediately pronounced that “Biden sent the orders.” VP candidate JD Vance (R-OH) echoed the accusation. Margie Green (R-GA) bleated: “We are in a battle between Good and Evil. The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars.” Others insisted that the President had refused to provide adequate USSS protection to Trump. This is madness.

In the podcast interview of Heritage Foundation and Project 2025, think tank leader Kevin Roberts declared that Democrats will be responsible for any political violence around the election. “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the Left allows it to be.”

So, a bloody civil war will be avoided only if Democrats capitulate to the threats of MAGA and Trump and surrender to the unconstitutional plans of Project 2025. If liberals or disaffected Republicans resist, they will be dealt with violently. This is the admitted Republican Plan for America but does not resemble the American Promise.

Either MAGA is eager to replace US Constitutional principles with authoritarian doctrine or can’t understand or don’t care about the implications to our democratic republic.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.