Letters to the Editor
July, 25, 2024

To the Editor:

The RNC Convention was a glitzy event including fourth tier “celebrities,” a stream of Trump family members, including a 3-year-old granddaughter who looked like a rent-a-kid on his knee, and people celebrating with sanitary napkins on their ears.
The promised “new and gentler” wounded warrior first called for “unity,” forgetting that he had recently called half of the citizenry “losers and haters,” and “traitors.” After 15 minutes on the teleprompter, the “uniter” was exhausted and, after reverently confiding that “the ear is the bloodiest organ in the body,” restored the same old hate mongering at which he excels.

He decried Democrats who “have weaponized the DOJ” by prosecuting him for his personal malfeasance and crimes, but failed to mention that Republican Project 2025 plans to do exactly that in their “second revolution” to authoritarian government.
MAGA’s candidate is a man who nearly four years ago incited an insurrection against the US Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and still insists falsely that he won the 2020 election, though no Court including SCOTUS agrees, has been twice impeached while in office, is the subject of serial indictments, was found liable for sexual assault and defamation, and convicted of 34 felonies including fraud.

The RNC and Trump loyalists are desperate for the base to ignore all that messy business and Project 2025, so altered their Party platform to avoid subjects like abortion and planned expansion of control over women’s bodies, tax breaks for the wealthy, and the change of the federal power structure to a Republican authoritarian model in Project 2025. The GOP faithful seemed giddily unconcerned about the chasm between truth and what the nominee really plans.

On Sunday, President Joe Biden, under increasing pressure to withdraw from the presidential race from within his Party because of a serious fumble in the earlier presidential debate, and his inability to rest those fears in subsequent interviews, endorsed VP Kamala Harris.

While I fault Democratic operatives for a number of moves along the way, I am grateful Biden understood that, for all the outstanding things he accomplished for the ordinary citizens of our country, his particular experience of being in his 80’s was a detriment to public confidence in 4 more years. Only a handful of presidents have had the courage and faith in America to step aside for the good of the country. Joe is one of them.

In contrast Trump, the transient “uniter” went on Truth Social to condemn Biden’s decision because his team would have to “start all over again” and advocated for reimbursement to the RNC. In a genius foreign relations proposal, Trump proposed taking North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to a New York Yankees game to soothe his mania for nukes. Yeah, Trump. You got this.

But Trump can relax. He has already secured his singular, highest possible achievement as the most ignoble, feral, noxious gasbag in America.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.