Letters to the Editor
June 6, 2024

To the Editor:

No one should gloat over the 34-count felony guilty verdict in the Trump election fraud case. It’s tragic for our country. A former president has now been found liable for sexual assault and fraud, and guilty of conspiracy to defraud voters in a general election. I doubt the rest of the world sees us as “The Shining City on a Hill” when this ill-tempered man with no control over his appetites, or care for honor, who hates half the country’s population, is a candidate to have his hand on the nuclear codes.

Trump daily heralded his innocence of all charges, and condemned our justice system because it had the audacity to hold him accountable. Law is for others. He insulted the judge, the jury, even his own legal counsel. He claimed he was prevented from testifying under the gag order, a lie, and later complained (as usual) that he had been prevented from taking the stand. Trump whined that the prosecution did not call witnesses who could have absolved him, though Trump’s attorneys had the right to call any witnesses but chose only two. Following the verdict, Trump claimed that the jury was “unfair,” because it was not comprised of only his voters. The eternal victim, who can’t tell the truth, can’t stop abusing others, and shows disdain for the Constitution and Judeo-Christian values, Martin. And yet, he meets your standards.
Please provide your source that Judge Cannon “discovered” the FBI intended to use lethal force at Mar-a-Lago. The FBI scheduled the execution of the search warrant for a time when the Trumps were not at home, to avoid confrontation. You are alleging non-existent “facts.”

“Biden stole official documents,” though he demonstrated full cooperation by identifying their presence, alerting the FBI, and being searched under warrant? Trump claimed phantom “permission” to have highly classified national defense documents in his personal possession, claimed he had declassified them just by thinking, and when challenged on his authority, moved them from place to place to avoid detection in an obstruction of justice, then showed them to others not authorized to view them. What you are asserting is provably untrue.

It is not your business or constitutional right in a free society to determine what my child or grandchild chooses to read or what medical attention they need, or what an adult woman does with her body. You forever criticize God’s creation if it involves sexuality you don’t understand. You make a mockery of the “freedom” you say you are advocating. You really mean freedoms as you and your like-minded approve. “Conservative values” means that personal choices absolutely are not the concern of “small government.”

We fought those wars for the Constitutional rights of all citizens, Martin, not for any particular religious beliefs. Many patriotic Muslims, Native Americans, and atheists, have lost their lives in battles for America.
Not a whiff of projection in my last paragraph a week ago, Martin. However, there were multiple Trumpian quotations that are chillingly similar to those used in Nazi Germany.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca