Letters to the Editor
March 4, 2016

To the Editor:
We would like to thank the Soroptomists International of Fillmore for their continued support of the arts programs at Fillmore High School. Their generous donation to the upcoming April Arts show will allow us to continue putting on this event. On behalf of the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Fillmore High School, thank you!
Rosalind Mitzenmacher
Fillmore High School
Visual & Performing Arts Dept. Chair


To the Editor:
Re: your Feb. 24 article “Caltrans Presents Proposed Changes to Hwy 126”:
Thank you for your coverage of Caltrans’ efforts to enhance safety on the State Route 126 corridor. Safety is a priority for Caltrans.
For your readers to have an accurate and complete picture of Caltrans’ proposed State Route 126 Safety Enhancement Project, I want to correct and clarify some information that was reported in your Feb. 24 edition.
First, when I addressed the Fillmore City Council regarding this project, I noted that Caltrans’ past efforts on Route 126 included the installation of rumble strips but I said rumble strips alone are not the answer. They are not enough and we need to do more. Unfortunately, the article incorrectly reported that I said “rumble strips are the answer.” That is inaccurate.
Second, the article reported that a proposed option includes two undercrossings that would be located near Old Village Road and near Hall/Sycamore Road. In fact, these undercrossings already exist and they will be maintained at those locations under the proposed option.
Third, the article reported that I said the purpose of the proposed roundabouts is to slow down traffic, or “traffic calming,” but the article omitted an extremely important fact. I also mentioned several times that roundabouts help significantly to reduce severe crashes associated with left turns and U-turns. Roundabouts do that by eliminating those types of conflicting traffic movements, which in turn dramatically reduces serious injury accidents and fatal accidents.
Fourth, a member of the Fillmore City Council questioned if drivers would use Sycamore Road or South Mountain Road to avoid the changes on Route 126, impacting those two alternate routes. The article inaccurately reported that in my response to the council member, I said Caltrans would widen our scope to include those two alternatives. In fact, and this is an important distinction, Caltrans would work with the cities of Fillmore and Santa Paula to address impacts on the local streets as part of the environmental process.
Fifth and finally, a council member asked if Caltrans is considering changes on Route 126 east of Fillmore. The article incorrectly reported that I said Caltrans is considering improving it but that won’t be done until 2040. In fact, I stated we would carefully monitor other segments of Route 126 and if necessary expand these types of strategies to include other segments in the future. I mentioned the 2040 traffic volume projections in response to a different question dealing with how higher volumes projected as a result of the developments in Newhall and elsewhere would affect the proposed roundabouts’ functionality. I indicated that if volumes reach levels that require additional modifications to the highway to alleviate congestion, we will develop additional projects to address them.
Ali F. Zaghari
Deputy District Director of Operations
Caltrans District 7
100 South Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 897-7463
(CONTACT INFORMATION: Can contact through Caltrans Public Information Officer Michael Comeaux at 213-897-9372.)