March 6th, 2025
To the Editor:
Martin, I am surprised you found an act loathsome enough to register criticism of Trump. From allowing a manic stranger to upend our government before identifying problems, to Trump’s assertion of independence from the Judiciary and proclaiming himself king, to his salivating regard for the despot Putin, these revelations are not a surprise (except for empowering Musk). They were masked or lied about in the 2024 election. Now, Trump/Musk et al. are gutting our institutions and abandoning our allies in the Name of the American People.
The national scene under Trump II is proceeding as planned in Project 2025, no legislation required, unless the courts demand it and maybe not even then. Essential services, such as the FAA, Social Security, Medicaid, FEMA, National Weather Service, VA programs, WIC and SNAP, CDC and WHO when pandemics are threatened everywhere, are being capsized with no oversight or care for the damage to our society. And he asks us to “trust me.”
Internationally, last week, in a WH-planned ambush, we witnessed an historically unpresidential display in the brutish beratement of Ukraine President Zelensky. Trump threatened to abandon Ukraine completely if Zelensky did not agree to his peace terms. Itching for a conflict, Trump and Vance falsely chided Zelensky for a lack of gratitude toward the US, and for the clothes he was wearing (dignity, truth, statesmanship optional but clothing, vital. Except for Elon).
When Zelensky insisted that Ukraine needed security assurances from the US in case Putin reneged on the peace agreement (as he has done repeatedly), Trump wagged his finger and yelled at Ukraine’s president, “You’re gambling with WW III…with us you have the cards, but without us, you don’t have the cards. “This was public “negotiation” from a heavily made-up draft dodger to a leader whose very name conjures “courage.”
This was not “America the Great.” This was Trump auditioning for a Tony Soprano redux in his lust for the Nobel Peace Prize and an “atta-boy” from Putin. We all want the war to end, but not by sacrificing Ukraine to a murderous imperialist who started the war and wants to be rewarded for it. Ukraine is just the first step in Putin’s annexation efforts, and by supporting Russia in this demand for a forced peace, Trump is setting up a precedent. It is not supportive of the free world.
Tragically, Trump thinks he is manipulating Putin, but KBG-alum Putin was expertly trained to sniff out weaknesses and fatal flaws, including addiction to flatulent praise (a profound defect in anyone), willingness to shank a friend, and desire to be seen as another strongman. The WH has ordered the US Cyber Command to “stand down” from “all planning against Russia including offensive digital actions , and the AG has eliminated DOJ/FBI oversight of Russia. It is obvious that, in fact, Putin is dominating Trump, playing the long game, and he is smiling. For he is getting close to breaking 80-year-old free world alliances, and he’s getting help.
The ultimate irony is that when Trump lied, many people believed him but, when he told the truth, they laughed at it as entertaining hyperbole. This isn’t about the quarrels of Republican or Democrat neighbors. These actions nationally are bringing suffering to many of our fellow citizens in essential ways (take a look at the Republican House budget proposal), and internationally show us as weak but thuggish, who have switched to the side of authoritarians. And it is being done in our names. Google at will.
Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.