Letters to the Editor
May 16, 2024

To the Editor:

Clean up from last week. It is a common practice to target a people with uniformly negative characteristics, as you did the Palestinians, to make it easier to treat their humanity as non-existent or irrelevant and is racist. As it is anti-Semitic to scorn “all Jews.” Like the “simian” Irish were viewed two centuries ago.

I emphatically did not equate the Holocaust with Gaza. I said that a people who have experienced the horror of being targeted for extinction might be expected to be sympathetic to the annihilation fears of others, but many Israelis have always felt entitled to Netanyahu’s policies of apartheid or genocide against Palestinians. Just as the European whites did in South Africa, the English in Ireland. As we did with the Native Americans. Invade someone else’s country and blame them when they resist.

Trump could have entirely avoided last week’s testimony of Stormy Daniels in the NY election fraud case if he had just stipulated to the obvious “affair.” But he insisted that the $130K event never occurred, he is an innocent family man (“I did nothing wrong”), so Ms. Daniels’ testimony was needed to establish the reason for the “hush money” payment.
Ms. Daniels, however, was able to describe the contents of his Dopp kit, his anatomy, his silk pajamas, and a spanking. The failures of his defense counsel to enter objections to the sometimes-salacious details did further damage. After the “Access Hollywood” tape, his presumption of innocence in this regard is extinct. Fox knows (Trump is a “sex god”), his entire family including Melania knows, MAGA knows and, if he had a dog, it would know, too.

At a bizarre, vulgarity-filled rally in Wildwood NJ last weekend, Trump referred to migrants as “people from insane asylums and mental institutions,” riffed in mob-speak on “the late, great” Hannibal Lecter of “Silence of the Lambs” (1991), “a wonderful man” who “often times had a friend for dinner.” He falsely claimed again that his 2017 tax cuts resulted in more revenues to the government - when they in fact grew the deficit - and promised even more cuts. He also declared that offshore windmills were killing not just “all the birds,” but also slaughtering whales, though he did not clarify how the animals manage to swim through air.

Trump’s former “fixer,” Michael Cohen, took the stand on Monday and testified that his boss originally wanted to drag out the hush money payment to Daniels. “Just get past the election,” Trump told him. “I win, it has no relevance because I’m president, and if I lose, I don’t really care.” So much for his tender concern for Melania.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca.