Letters to the Editor
May 30, 2024

To the Editor:

MAGA wants Trump to be the leader of the free world, a man who will tell any lie to advance his personal objective, simper and whine about being called out legally on his actions and knows that his plan for political chaos in search of anti-democratic authoritarianism, lodged in his tiny hands, has an eager clientele. Examples are legion.
In his perpetual efforts to instill distrust, victimization, and chaos into American life, Trump made the laughably false conspiracy claim that the search warrant for illegally hiding national security documents at Mar-a-Lago“ authorized Trump’s assassination. "Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger," he said. “Biden's DOJ was authorized to shoot me!" Fox went bonkers.

In fact, the warrant language limiting the use of weapons to defending against a “threat of deadly force” is standard in all FBI warrants and was also part of the paperwork in the search warrant at Biden’s home in DE. Trump and his minions reacted with frenzied hysteria to the fallacious accusation. When their accusations became amusing, they moved on to the next fabrication.

Contrary to his whining assertions of danger, Trump is now before SCOTUS arguing that a president should have absolute immunity to order the death of a rival so that Biden, under Trump’s reasoning, would be within his presidential rights “to kill Donald Trump.” Either Trump and Fox are not bright enough to see the dilemma, or they know that they can say anything to the base to fire them up. Logic, consistency, and truth being optional.

It is as clear as a stamp on the forehead, Trump plans to remake the government in the image of authoritarianism and abandon the Constitution when it becomes inconvenient for him. Remove the right to choose religion or none, reproductive bodily rights including contraception, what your child can read, who you can love, whether you are the right race to vote, whether your child’s right to life is less important than civilian military gun ownership. These things will affect you.
In his continuing disclosure of who he really is and what he plans for our country, Trump reposted on Truth Social a reference to the benefits of “the Reich.” He has rendered non-White immigrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of our nation, language used in Nazi Germany to describe the non-Aryan Jews. Trump has said that he and Kim Jong Un “fell in love… He is a very strong guy. He is the absolute leader of his country.” People listen but many don’t hear or understand. Or care.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca