Letters to the Editor
May 9, 2024

To the Editor:

How did we as a country get to this place? By not paying attention and letting it happen! For three generations we have let the far left sink their cancer into our schools, nonprofits, media, sports and entertainment. Yes, the far left has pushed just about all of it with their hands out to just about every enemy of this country, but many in the Republican Party just let it happen by the lazy but acceptable response of going along to get along. We did not send them there to make friends and get wealthy, we sent them there to represent us and they have failed.

Today the cleanup is a challenge that we may or may not succeed in. It will take strength in our leaders and our people to demand we clean out our schools, the many corrupt nonprofits and the cancerous DC swamp!!!

Take the time to learn who is pulling the strings on the social engineering and indoctrination of our youth. Starting with how the money gets passed around and how the organizing efforts accomplish the various riots and protests. One nonprofit is called A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). Quite a catchy name wouldn't you say. All the leftist cancers have warm and benign names. A.N.S.W.E.R received its 501C3 nonprofit status one day after the attack on 9-11-01. It is an anti-Israel, pro-Palestine org. with a goal of destroying western culture. It has US chapters in Albuquerque, Boston, Chicago, Connecticut, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, NY City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Syracuse. Along with other North and South American countries.

How does such a nonprofit get funded? They have powerful people and corporations including our own government, think CIA and a Color Revolution movement. But there are also for-profit corporations such as Arabella Advisors, founded in 2005.

According to Wikipedia it is a "Washington DC consulting company that advises left-leaning donors and nonprofits about where to give money and serves as the hub of a politically liberal 'dark money' network." Arabella partners the donors with a COUPLED 501c3, which requires a bit more transparency, and a 501c4 or Political action committee that can push political policies. Yet the money flows back and forth BETWEEN THE TWO and no one's the wiser!!!

How did BLM and the university rioters get all those resources within hours?

Through many of the nonprofits, which are also facilitating the invasion at the border.

While you are focused on the latest MSM shiny object, like taking Trump to court, Ukraine, Israel-Hamas, homeless etc. your fellow citizens are being socially engineered to ignore who's pulling the strings and spreading the disease of Marxism with a goal of making the population dependent on the government and it owns you. You want free housing, free food, not having to work and not having to be responsible for yourself? Go live in a prison, you'll have all that, just give up your freedom. Recognize what you are giving up and you might just want to keep your freedom.

Jean McLeod
Fillmore, Ca.