October 10, 2024
To the Editor:
Some time ago, a writer asked for positive comments about political policies. Here are my comments on the Biden administration’s migration policies.
Trump’s family separation policy was cruel and traumatizing, and if it wasn’t inhumane enough, Trump created no way to track these children or reunite them with their families. When he did that, those children became our responsibility—to feed, clothe, house, educate, and raise to adulthood. Biden reunited as many as he could locate—in line with the tenants of Christianity.
Kamala Harris never was “border czar.” Harris’ more ambitious remit was to address the “root causes.” The best way to stop the flood of migrants is to give them a reason to stay home, to improve conditions so it isn’t worth the risk. When people are hungry, abused, and fearful, no wall is high enough or strong enough to stop them.
Harris successfully worked to create jobs, support labor, fight corruption, reduce violence, and improve human rights—in their home countries. She met with regional leaders, business leaders, and NGO’s. She supported humanitarian relief. She’s worked on anticorruption efforts within the judicial systems in the US, Mexico, and Guatemala to prosecute corruption cases. She went to the sources instead of waiting for them to get to our border. It’s not a quick soundbite, like “build the wall.” Yet it is ultimately far more effective.
The Biden administration supported the bipartisan efforts led by ultra-conservative Sen. James Langford to create the first meaningful legislation proposed in decades. It was discarded because Trump wanted a campaign issue instead of a solution.
Lastly, Biden is addressing climate change. This crisis is driving people from the mountains in South America, destabilizing cities. Mexico City is nearly out of water. What is going to happen when it’s gone? When the search is for water, no “wall” will turn back migrants, anywhere.
Buckle up. Unless we address these issues, this problem will get worse, no matter who is president, no matter how many of our Christian principles we are willing to abandon. We need something a whole lot smarter than a wall built on sand.
Pat Collins,
Fillmore, Ca