Letters to the Editor
October 3, 2024

To the Editor:

Martin, the Springfield accusation has been irrefutably debunked by people who actually know the facts. Your immigrant claim is based on race and is factually unsupported, and still you perpetuate the lies of the guy who will sacrifice Ukraine.

I am “fixated” on P/2025 because as proposed it is going to change our form of government. If you had read even part of it, you would know that much of it is not destined for legislation. Executive Orders will do nicely. So, like Nancy Pelosi, you recommend reading P/2025 AFTER it is implemented? Hint: it makes the government more powerful, not less, and it vastly intrudes into the private lives of families based upon governmentalized religion. “What if it’s brilliant” is like a city kid hoping for a pony at Christmas.

In a nutshell, P/2025 will make federal public employees “at will” to ensure only partisan presidential wishes are followed. It expressly proposes to dismantle most or all climate mitigation efforts. It will supervise women’s reproductive non-choices. P/2025 is essentially a framework for an autocracy, making the unitary executive the ultimate authority for every department, including Justice. Trump himself has said that there will be no need for his base to vote in another election. Elections and a peaceful transition of power will be unnecessary.

At recent rallies in swing states, Trump said of American workers, “I hated to give overtime. I hated it. I shouldn’t say this, but I’d get other people in. I wouldn’t pay.” Trump has magnanimously promised “not to tax overtime,” though P/2025 includes calculations to avoid it. Also, “To stop crime, you need one really violent day. One rough hour [of policing] and I mean real rough, the word would get out and it would end immediately.” MAGA listens and believes his lies, but ignores or laughs it off when he actually tells them how he will govern, use the police power of the state, how he views labor, and how he relishes violence to change minds. An aspirational Putin.

Another LTTE last week quoted the old Reagan trope, “Revenue is not the problem, spending is the problem.” Excellent conclusion to facilitate our growing imbalance in wealth between the lower/middle classes and insanely rich: let the poor assume the burden. But another prominent Republican assured that, “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter” [in a Republican administration]. Fret not; the Republicans “have this covered.”

When there are numerous corporate billionaires who can buy $575 million-dollar super-yachts (and could buy 10 more) and send rockets into space, but homeless families are growing in number and many red states are legislating child labor, something has gone very wrong with our democratic economic system. The author laments the pesky “prevailing wage.” Would she work for less than she’s worth?

Your instinct about Trump selling out Ukraine is correct, Martin, but it comes from principle. The Bully Principle. Trump pretends he has the chops to move Putin against his own interests, while Putin’s eyes dance at Trump’s needy, undisciplined self-accolades, increasingly disturbing mental decline, and criticisms of our country, that reveal DJT is prime for the plucking. When Putin and Trump have met, Putin was the bully and Trump rolled over for a belly rub if not a “love affair.”
Ukraine is toast if Trump is elected.

Kelly Scoles,
Fillmore, Ca