Letters to the Editor
August 19, 2020

To the Editor:
Before I address the situation with USPS, I must first respond to one comment in Martin’s editorial last week regarding a plea from Drudge for fairness and civility in the coming election. Martin’s take was that VP nominee Kamala Harris’ question of now-Justice Kavanaugh regarding whether he knew of any, “… laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body," applied to allegations of sexual misconduct in his high school years. That was not the point of Harris' question. She was illustrating that there are no laws regarding men’s bodies, but there are many regarding women’s bodies. Even if she were making a comment about his past sexual behavior, it would not make her a “political slut,” Martin. It was a legitimate issue in Kavanaugh's nomination process for a lifetime appointment.. If a man had asked the same question, you would not have called him the same vile sexually-charged name.
California has an established a mail-in vote program, but, as with all states, we rely upon the USPS, a constitutionally-mandated agency, to actually deliver that mail. Trump claims that the mail-in process is rife with widespread fraud, but cannot provide proof of that fact because it isn't so. He likely can't stop the mail-in process nationwide, so he implemented his long-time objective to degrade the USPS delivery system from within.
Trump anointed the appointment of a person with no experience in the field to be postmaster general (Louis DeJoy, a long-time political donor) who has obediently and quietly (until he was outted by some postal workers) set about slowing the processing of mail, including reducing personnel and overtime to handle the increase in mail-in voting and mail in general, removing and dismantling sorting machines that speed up delivery, and deciding that ballots will be treated not as first-class mail, but as bulk mail. Getting your ballot to you will not be a priority. Returning your ballot timely to the Elections Department for counting will also not be a priority. Delays also apply to Social Security checks, medications, pension checks, and any other mail that is important to you. All this as "cost-saving measures" with "unintended consequences" DeJoy says, just before a national election.
Trump urges in-person voting; in the middle of a pandemic, your vote or your health. If you stay home rather than risk voting in person, or your ballot doesn't get delivered on time, blame USPS. He fears he may lose the election with easier and increased voting (after all, he didn't win the popular vote last time), and wants the chance to call it "rigged." We know from the last three-and-a-half years that any undertaking that does not go his way is a "fake," a “hoax,” “unfair, ”or “stolen” from him. This self-pitying trait is distinctly un-American.
In an interview with Fox News, Trump actually admitted his game plan: "Now they need that money [Covid-19 recovery funds] in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots. But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting.” Every citizen should be concerned. This is where the American electorate is supposed to step in and correct such a mortal assault on democracy.
Kelly Scoles Fillmore, Ca


Letters to the Editor
August 12, 2020

Letter to the Editor:
Second Opinion
As I read along, I couldn't find a lot to argue with in Martin's editorial last week. Not attending classes in person does present difficulties with social and academic loss, and to young children in particular. And I appreciate the recognition that none of us “civilians” really know the true risks of socialization in this pandemic, and should listen to the experts.
But somehow this acknowledgment took a right-hand turn when teachers and teachers’ unions were accused of selfishness and political bias in their concerns around returning to the school environment. Yes, of course, the teachers are extremely interested in maintaining their own health (or there is something wrong with them). However, I defy anyone who knows even one good teacher who does not also recognize his or her commitment to not only the student’s academic program, but also to the student’s personal experience, including his or her health. Selflessness is in a good teacher’s DNA and certainly their unions work hard to advance their interests (though I have a real objection to the lack of funding for classroom teachers). I fail to see how teachers are just being selfish in deciding when, if, and how schools should reopen until this country gets control of this virus (the experiences of other countries notwithstanding).
And then, we get to it. The true nugget of his argument: All this school debate is about damaging Trump’s reelection efforts. Martin believes that the teachers’ unions and the liberals really only care about making Trump look bad and are willing to hold our children hostage to do that. May I suggest that neither the teachers nor the liberals have to do one thing to make Trump look bad? He is bigly doing that for himself.
I have a granddaughter in San Cayetano school. I know that those teachers are devoted to the advancement of their students. But they, as educated people, cannot and should not turn a blind eye to the science of this pandemic, the current lack of success in controlling it in this state and in many places in the country, or the risk to themselves or their students. It is a question of balancing the risk and equities. I know my granddaughter is much better off in the direct academics and socialization of school, but I would not bet her life on it. Or that of her teachers.
Kelly Scoles
Fillmore, Ca


Letters to the Editor
July 22, 2020

To the Editor:
"Do You Hear Me Now?"
It seems that we exist in a time in which political talk never, never ends. However, that is not something or different except for a vigorous awakening of our nation's discontented persons of color and supporters. Bold, resolute and visible almost daily peaceful demonstrations for whatever reasons become violent with looting, fires, and damage of private property. Voices cry out in unison against authoritative personnel because of physical, mental and cultural abuses which diverts to oppressive and deadly results.
At one time the Fillmore Hispanic community experienced trials and tribulations because of discrimination and racism. However, as a minority people they prevailed, persevered and learned the true meaning of faith, unity and hope. Unfortunately, some semblance of discriminatory behavior by "those in charge" endures in a subtle and, more than not, visible manner. The fact is that a segment of this country's population still "does not get it." The mindset seems to suggest that this land of plenty and home of the free and brave is exclusively for the white race and anyone else is tolerated, used and abused. So, enough is enough and NOW IS THE TIME to have a continuing, serious conversation about this despicable matter to include acts of equal justice and righteousness for all.
Far too many indiscreet decisions by the present "national leader" have caused significant consequences of major concerns and a future endless deterioration of state, national and world-wide interests. That must not be allowed to continue. Our republic and democratic way of life is too invaluable to have it be destroyed by a narcissistic individual.
I am a proud seven generation, native-born son with Del Valle family roots from the Rancho Camulos near Piru, CA. Aside from that, I consider myself a positive, impersonal, tolerant and fair-minded individual. I have walked the walk and talked the talk.(not too loudly but as to where anyone can hear and understand me). I am a survivor of biased acts growing-up but have no animosity nor anger toward anyone because of past transgressions. I remain an active and dedicated citizen of the Fillmore community and an advocate for the underrepresented and others who need a a helping hand.. We must all help each other, confer, talk and share thoughts about the "new world" we live in.
Peace to all.
Ernie Morales
Fillmore, Ca


To the Editor:
For My Historic Colleagues and Interested Persons:
This info. came to me and I thought you should know, if not already, re Saint Father Junipero Serra Statue. It is a well known welcoming statue depicting early days of Ventura County and City of San Buenaventura and Father Serra’s founding of the San Buenaventura Mission; it’s viewed as you approach on California Street, Ventura, to the front of currently Ventura City Hall/formerly Ventura County Courthouse.(Ventura County Landmark #12–on the National Register of Historic Places—the photo shows the statue). West Coast Historic Statues are not immune from being attacked. The protesters want to tear down or have Ventura City Council remove or decide to remove Serra statue.
This info. was forwarded to me by a local historic enthusiast whose church, the local Fillmore St. Francis of Assisi Catholic church, had members go to Ventura to successfully help guard when Saint Father Serra Statue in front of Ventura City Hall, was in danger of being knocked down by BLM types on July 4th, 2020. The protesters brought tools, that doesn’t sound “peaceful”, to tear down the statue then! By now, most should know BLM (Back Lives Matter) was founded by Marxists. The “peaceful” protesters have made little effort to disengage themselves from BLM, so people are tearing down or defacing valuable statues representing real historical figures or historic buildings. The U.S. President just recently reinforced provisions against the tearing down or defacing of historic art statues and historic structures.
There is a need for you to inform the City of Ventura what the Majority, not a protest group, states to give Your beliefs and stand up for the protection and existing location of the Serra statue. In addition to the statue being nicely placed, the view from the front doors of City Hall of Father Serra gives feeling he is looking down over the City and to the sea!
So please make an effort to send your expression by e-mail to Ventura City, gIving Your opinion of the current statue’s site and to remain there in its existing location to preserve for art and history and of start of Ventura and our County!
Please find the Ventura City Council persons listed below and send your comments to them as suggested below in a) and b) by 3 pm on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, or sooner! (Mayor Matt Levere has already recused himself.). The meeting to decide statue’s fate will be on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 6 pm, and will be “virtual” participation.
Thanks! The Majority needs to be heard!
Kathie Briggs
Architectural Historian
Former Advisor to Ventura County Cultural Heritage Board
Member, National Trust For Historic Preservation


To the Editor:
I received this from a BIA and going to post it here because it is a sincere offer. For Fillmore law enforcement.
"If you are a law enforcement officer and need a break, you can come park outside my home. If you are thirsty I will bring you a drink. If you are hungry I will fix you food. If you are hot I will invite you inside to cool off. If you need additional ammo just ask. If you need backup, I will stand with you. If you need to cry, I will hug you and let you. If you need to talk I will listen. If you need to pray, I will kneel with you. If you are wrong, I will tell you. If you are right I will support you. I only ask that you don't lose faith in Americans. We are NOT all against you. Our lives matter, as do yours. Take off your sunglasses and see the good people that are here for you. Albeit, we are not as loud and obnoxious as these whiny media seekers, we are strong and waiting to follow your lead. God Bless you and your family. Copied from a friend!
Dmitri E. Gurkweitz
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
July 8, 2020

To the Editor:
Well, enjoyed small safe and sane fireworks at my son's yesterday. Great grandson Aiden had a great time lighting them. THEN....got home about 9 PM and the "BOMBS didn't stop all around my house until after midnight. I mean almost non stop! Not bangs...BOMBS!!...so loud and deep felt like the house was shaking. My girls were scared to death...I ended up closing the three of us in the bedroom with the TV on full blast to give the girls a little relief from the noise. Now I am not talking about a couple explosions every now and them..I mean almost no stop! I am not against fireworks in general…but these people last night are just plain uneducated and ignorant neighbors …says this angry Vietnam Veteran.
Dmitri Gurkweitz
Fillmore, Ca


To the Editor:
Very certainly to most parents and families of those who have suffered the loss of life of a loved one. Some may believe that they have suffered undue persecution. They are convinced that because of the pigmentation of their skin they have not received the promises guaranteed in our Declaration of Independence to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They believe this is the reason they have been limited in access to better education, housing and occupations. This may be true in considerable situations however; there may have been other more contributing factors. We should have sympathy and compassion all those who have suffered but they cannot be allowed to contribute to the suffering of others who have no part in what they have experienced.
The Bible tells us that the wicked one is he who comes only to rob, murder and destroy. An additional group from a different ideology is in agreement that black live matter. Amazingly, for their purposes they agree with Jesus Who said in the Bible which they detest; “nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom”. The Greek word translated as nation is ‘ethnos’ actually meaning race. The hell bent heretics who are fostering and furthering racial division in America have seized upon the opportunity to place the blame for the turmoil and devastation occurring in our beloved country on the backs of the black protestors. The instigators are the same ones who have promised the colored community much in the past and delivered nothing other than further baseless promises. The true nature of the cultural heritage and accomplishments of people of color has been eliminated from education and the biased fascist media exploits each incidence of officer enforcement as motivated by unproven racial bias.
A young black female student recently spoke at a Presidential rally. She commented that if black lives truly mattered the Democrat dominated House of Representatives would defund the abortion mills run by Planned Parenthood. She added that the academics in the universities would defend the right to unbiased counterculture discourse. I will say in addition the black communities would welcome and support law officers attempting to deescalate the killing of black citizens by black villains. Should an accurate count be compiled across the nation there is little doubt it would indicate the ratio of officer involved shooting and black on black killing would be one to 500, 1000 or even more.
Every city and State taking action to remove funds and cut back on the number of our law officers is controlled by Democrat officials, most in office by the vote of those from whom they are actively removing protection of lives and property. The smaller minority owned businesses are experiencing the greatest devastation created by the BLM mobs that have capitulated to the whims of the anarchists.
It is heart breaking to recognize how many black radical racist bigots have aligned themselves with the left wing ideology. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Susan Rice, Colin Kaepernick and those leading BLM have lent their voices to destroying and ripping apart a heritage of black people Dr. M.L. King described so elegantly. Black lives matter to them as stepping stones in their socialist agenda to shred the nuclear component of the family that binds America together. It is written in their manifesto. They are using their assumed advantage to demand NFL and NBA owners play two Anthems prior to their games in an effort to further the decline of Allegiance to one GOD, one Flag and Nation. I, and I pray hundreds of thousands of likeminded citizens who love America the Beautiful, will abandon and boycott attendnce, watching by T V or buying products from participating sponsors.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Christian pastor in Germany wrote; ‘To see evil and not call it evil, is evil’.
In Ecclesiastes 8: 11 it is written; ‘An evil deed not swiftly prosecuted, will escalate evil thoughts in the son’s of men’. Go get them swiftly, Mr. President. Amen!!!
S. Mason
Stan Mason

Letters to the Editor
July 1, 2020

To the Editor:
Respecting Preserved Art History and Historic Buildings
As a Architectural Historian, It has been disheartening to see all the disregard and disrespect going on over the nation right now, either the tearing down or defacing of statues or monuments of our forefathers. Statues represent a living history to teach history. Otherwise, there is a big chuckhole in the progression of accurate history. So a big gap in our history is not soothed over/erased as is intended by some short sighted thinkers.
Frenzy causes lack of reason so in tearing down and rioting, they can’t relate to what the statue and its background represents. This is senseless. But if they had realized that even the Teddy Roosevelt statue, in contemporary times, was represented by Robin Williams in the movie, “Night at the Museum”, and somebody they could relate to, maybe they would be sorry for being so hasty.
To make statues like those ruined in the rip down, is now almost a lost art. It takes a long, meticulous process to run the liquid bronzing down inside copper tubes to form the image in the statue mold. If a tube clogs, the entire statue has to be done over. But the statue was lovingly crafted in the first place by masters and generously donated at the time, to commemorate a momentous occasion, for that time in our history. So Statues are works of art besides representing history and pride.
The executive order the President declared for consequences of ruining statues and desecrating statues and historic buildings, et al, reaffirms the laws already in the law books of the National Preservation Act, under the Department of the Interior. In the National Register of Historic Places, every documented official landmark is listed by State and City.
Did you know that Preservation Act affects the officially declared landmarks, historic buildings, places and appointments in our own City? It does!
With this spirit of interest and with a Preservation grant, in 1982-83, a group of Fillmore volunteers took the time to go around in Fillmore’s core area of historic buildings to record, document, photograph, and make up a Survey Book of 398 pages! Any building listed in this book is considered significant and should be preserved and protected, whether it is officially declared a landmark or not. In conjunction with that, a cultural heritage history program was formed and the City Council approved having the Cultural Heritage Board serve as an advisory board and review activity and status of the structures listed in the Survey Book, and other newly found historic sites not located within the core area. The Advisory Board did meet in Fillmore.
Just for reference, the City of Santa Paula does not allow demolition of historic buildings; and citizens of Ventura recently pushed back a mob’s intent to tear down the Father Junipero Serra statue in front of Ventura City Hall (formerly the Ventura County Courthouse). That statue was designed by a Ventura citizen.
Our Community should be taking notice of what is happening even in Fillmore
Mostly the current officials of Fillmore did not grow up in Fillmore. So the urge to remake Fillmore’s ambiance and history is met with less conscience. So the planning and other untrained officials have set aside the historic preservation program including careful reading of the Survey Book, ignoring the signed agreement with the Cultural Heritage Board advisors, “they’re not needed and have to wait to be called in”. The City officials profess to know all. So they have blundered through ever since and have not allowed having guidelines, steps, proper reviews by trained historic preservation experts. Matters are rushed through and experts only have 5 minutes to convince officials to overturn their wrong pathway or conclusion.
If citizens would look to Central Avenue and changes, right now, to the Presbyterian Church, (aka later known as Bible Church; Faith Community Church), listed in the Survey Book and which was built in1929 with gift monies from a former Fillmore mayor, William and wife Carrie King Price, they will see that the Church was mistakenly considered by the City not to be “historically significant”! This building was one of 3 of the most attractive period buildings in town. So it was okay? to covert the church from Mediterranean to Mission-looking style with black trim and take out the significantly attractive priceless stained glass window, a cultural art piece of rarity in Fillmore! Also, inside contained carved wood panels and appointments with open colored stenciled beams. The building was designed locally by Hastings & Yeakle and built by local contractor, Ed Rice. So it was okay? for buildings to become apartments and offices and also displace and end the Sonshine School, run by local citizens, with no City interest in helping that school relocate in town? Was that okay? How does that promote local cultural programs?
The 2 other most attractive Fillmore buildings, the Arts and Science Buildings, on the Fillmore Union High School grounds, represent a pure example of Mediterranean Architecture for the 1930s. That is, until the School District, who did not know its own buildings’ history or that they were officially declared historical landmarks, decided to let State Engineers come in and yank out all the attractive airy grill covered windows—9 windows to each building side—and replace with Non Period, modern dark brown tinted windows (tinted windows were unknown in 1930s). Quite an impact to the buildings! This was done with no City or local input or review. It has jeopardized the buildings’ declared landmark status!
Now the School District is wanting to expand and improve its vocational education. That is a good thing. But with a completely different building style? So this was done without regard for the proposed building to look compatible in architectural style with the overall Fillmore High School complex! The School District is not aware of the history of the area and/or knows that the 500 Block of First Street is a proposed Historic District. The City should know. So the School District brought in the State Engineers and they created a design that is ultra modern and they demolished the other well known memorable building. The new design is not compatible with the proposed historic district nor the residential houses across the street from this stark new building, and will have the view of the distracting building. It is an interrupter for the Block. Also the sight of this stark building will be seen before the landmarks, Arts and Science Buildings, facing Central Avenue, and will loom up behind the Science Building. There should have been some kind of 4-way corner view test from the nearby Central Avenue intersection. This action is expanding the “commercial” look farther north of the intended business district.
The City has enacted the provision, “Adaptive Reuse”, which will dilute the usage and historical? design aspects of the homogeneous 200 to 400 blocks of Central Avenue Business District. This is in another proposed Historic District.
Now the City wants to sell the Fillmore Theatre, which was carefully historically restored after the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, because the Theatre is “Surplus”. Is this okay? What absentee owner will recognize its significance?
Also of concern is the advanced speed by which all of the above projects has occurred! Are enough research and results being conducted? Not with the above projects=all in 1 year!
It also has been seen City approval of eliminating “Old or Obsolete” provisions of the Ordinance Code. What are they? It is to the advantage of the Community, not just one person, to check out the proposed and deleted provisions. Look at all the upcoming Public Hearing Notices and their subjects listed in the Fillmore Gazette, the local newspaper of record, to make sure our town has and does not eliminate the provisions in operating for the ambiance and goals of the Community, and not by a few officials geared to get the job done. Without thinking, City decisions could be made that do not consider how the side affects and after-affects could be irreparable to the history, look of City, today and future. Or Fillmore will not look like the Community expects and the City declares Fillmore to be “the Last and Best Small Town”. Or be “Fortune Favored”. Where will those beliefs be found?
Kathleen Briggs
Architectectural Historian
Member, National Trust For Historic Preservation

Letters to the Editor
June 17, 2020

To the Editor:
America needs help to get out of this pandemic and it is not the COVID-19 planneddemic that is in question here but the epidemic of phony, deceptive, misleading information the public major media news networks are communicating. Anyone with a sense of moral decency should know that ALL lives matter, Hispanic, Asian, Italian, Germanic, etc., including the defenders of liberty and justice. It is appalling that a career criminal should be eulogized by broadcasting his death and funeral as that of an outstanding citizen. The Harris County Texas records show numerous felony arrests including several accounts of aggravated theft with a firearm and possession of drugs with the intent to distribute. The media would lead us to believe that he was attempting to reform but his possession of counterfeit currency and attempting to pass it indicates a very different scenario.
The manner of this person’s death was without doubt disturbing and unnecessary however, it was not necessarily racist. It has not yet been justly determined what the officer was thinking. What is easily recognized is that the biased and far left leaning, politically motivated media was swift to accuse and convict the officer of a racist murder. This was the spark that lit the fuse of frustration pent-up by the nationwide lockdown of our liberty and freedom. There are individuals with evil intent in many positions of authority other than those on the front line positioned to keep law and order. Corrupt judges and attorneys, executives in our financial institutions and primary news forums, perverted professors and teachers in our schools and universities, devious political entities and elected officials etc. should ALL be weeded out before their agenda to destroy American sovereignty and independence causes our country to fall from within. The very protestors who voted the despicable politicians into positions of authority are not blameless.
The biased news media could be and should be prosecuted for feeding the fire under the cauldron of unrest. They should be held liable for ‘intent to instigate rioting, destruction of public property and the pilfering of others possessions’. The First Amendment of our Constitution awards Freedom of the Press for the purpose of communicating worthwhile information. It does NOT guarantee their ability to till the soil, plant seeds of outrage and afterward publish or promote the harvest of their deception.
Stan Mason, Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
June 4, 2020

To the Editor:
I have seen conversations on social media talking about organizing a protest here in Fillmore in response to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. I want to speak to those organizing and to anyone who may be considering participating in the protest.
First, I want to let you know that, the entire country agrees with your cause. We all mourn the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer and that officer has been charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Sheriff Ayub has condemned the police officers in Minneapolis saying, “The actions of the four officers last Monday cannot be justified or rationalized.”
I support your constitutional right to peacefully protest for your cause. I, and the city, will work with any group in a positive way. Let the world know how strongly you feel about the events of last week. Do so as Martin Luther King and Gandhi, with peace in your hearts and actions, and you will find that the country is on your side. Let’s all work together to make positive improvements.
Tim Holmgren Mayor, City of Fillmore

Letters to the Editor
May 27, 2020

To the Editor:
Recently we have been hearing comments that the death toll from the Corona Virus could be over stated. I wondered how or why that would happen. After doing a little checking I learned why this is the case. It seems that a hospital is reimbursed an average of $5,000 for a patient diagnosed with pneumonia. If that same patient is diagnosed with Corona Virus the hospital receives an average payment of $13,000 and if the patient is put on a ventilator the average payment goes up to $39,000. I am not implying that doctors purposely misdiagnose their patients. On the contrary, the CDC has put out guidelines opening the door for doctors to use discretion when weighing the facts. Even without lab results confirming the Corona Virus diagnosis the Doctor may list the disease as Corona Virus. And with a major financial incentive why wouldn’t the Corona Virus take center stage.
The other question I have is why we are now told to wear a cloth face mask. “While masks may block some droplets, Dr. Fauci Said, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands. When Dr. Fauci first announced the need to lock down the country the death toll estimate was 2.2 million people in the United States could die. The number was later reduced to between 100,000 and 200,000, and that number was later reduced to around 60,000. The politicians have told us we must sequester at home, close all our non essential businesses close are schools, we are not allowed to go to church, or the theater, or the ball game or, anything else that brings people together. We are releasing criminals while arresting law abiding citizens who just want to support their family. Our rights are being trampled on without a legislator ever voting on a bill to empower the governor to exercise such authority.
There were 61,000 deaths from the flu during the 2017-2018 flu season in the United States. Strange that the press did not even mention it. I guess they were to busy trying to convince us that President Trump colluded with the Russians. So now the question is who do you believe? The press that has been lying to us for the past three years or Doctors who keep changing their mind regarding the severity of the Virus. Are we being lead like a bunch of Lemmings down a false trail? Finding facts defining the extent of the Corona Virus is not difficult. Take the time to question what you hear and decide for yourself what the truth is. Don’t be a Lemming.
David Johnson,
Fillmore Ca 93015


To the Editor:
A family member who consumes primarily conservative media said just 13 days ago “The U.S. death toll will never reach 100,000” while making an argument against physical distancing and comparing Covid19 with the 1968 “Hong-Kong Flu.”
I don’t know what conservative media host my family member got this comparison from but a simple internet search combined with a little thinking-for-yourself would quickly reveal the reasons why we need physical distancing for Covid19.
The Hong-Kong Flu was in the U.S. for 2 years and killed approximately 100,000 Americans.
Covid19 has been in the U.S. for only 5 months and we've already hit the 100,000 dead Americans mark, AND, most of the country has been physically distancing.
If we didn’t do, and don’t continue to do, any physical distancing, over the next year and a half, several models show approximately 2.2 million Americans will be dead.
For people who like to compare Covid19 to the annual seasonal flu or automobile accident deaths, here’s a comparison for you. After 2 years of Covid19, with no physical distancing, we would have more dead Americans than The Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, The Indian Wars, The Mexican War, The Civil War, The Spanish-American War, World War 1, World War 2, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, The Persian Gulf War, and The Global War on Terror COMBINED, and then take that number and multiply it by 2.
I recognize people are being harmed financially, but you need to have a life to have a livelihood.
Let’s all pressure congress and disinfectant-huffer Don in the White House for more financial relief to all who need it.
Scott Duckett,

Letters to the Editor
May 6, 2020

To the Editor:
Coronavirus observations
Enough is enough!!!! According to reliable doctors {without an agenda.} the chance of dying from this virus is .08% in California. In other words you have as many chances to die from a car accident. So why is our governor so determined to destroy the economy of our state? “For our own safety” is his excuse. Are we not capable of taking care of our own safety? | think it is time to stop acting like sheep willing to follow without questions.
Huguette Johnson
Fillmore, Ca.

To the Editor:
Re: Huguette Johnson’s “Coronavirus observations” Letter to the Editor.
It’s too early to establish a reliable death rate for Covid19 but it’s clearly more deadly than the seasonal flu. Even with our current physical distancing measures in place, Covid19 will kill far more people than a bad flu season. The daily U.S. death rate from Covid19 is currently higher than the daily U.S. death rate from car accidents, cancer, heart disease, etc., besides, it’s nonsensical to compare a highly contagious airborne virus to automobile accidents. Automobile accidents are not airborne, not going to sneeze on you, not contagious, and that’s why physical distancing measures are necessary and have already saved 100’s of thousands of lives.
Scott Duckett,

Letters to the Editor
April 1, 2020

To the Editor:
In the tension and uncertainty of the times, it occurs to me that perhaps what is needed is a little humor, and, because there is so little of it to find, my letter will be quite brief. It doesn’t even have to be intended humor.
This week I found, past all the relentless appearances of the president disputing the scientists, doctors and governors regarding governmental assistance and response in this emergency, one really comical Tweet from the President of the United States. Mark this: the USA is not going to pay for the security for Harry and Meghan, if they relocate to LA LA Land. He has too much respect for the Queen. Because that is the kind of news our country is so desperately seeking at this difficult time for the Sussexes.
It’s a window on Trump's mind. Not the fact that the number of masks available are wildly insufficient (he suggested that somebody is getting them "out the back door" in NYC, that ventilators in federal government reserve are not all being released, and that the president rewards only governors and states that “have been nice to him.” Because, you know, “it’s a two-way street.” Google it.
The test of government is whether it resolves problems for the benefit of all the people. It exists for no other reason.
Kelly Scoles
Fillmore CA

Letters to the Editor
March 18, 2020

To the Editor:
March 13, 2020
I’m sorry folks but I find myself having to write in response to Kelly Scoles. This time she has taken on the mantel of Corona Virus expert and social guru. For a woman who says she does not hate President Trump she does a poor job of hiding it.
Let’s put some things into perspective. Yes the Corona Virus is a nasty virus and yes it has killed some people but it will not destroy our country. Remember the last pandemic that the news media told us about. The year was 2009 and it was called the Swine Flu. We were told it would have a major effect on our health system. When all the dust had settled we were left with the following statics. A total of 60 million American had contracted the Swine Flu. Of that 60 million 300,000 were hospitalized and 18,000 died from the Swine Flu. The main difference between then and now was that Barack Obama was president. There was no way the press was going to call him incompetent even if he did not make a public announcement until over 1,000 people had died. As of March 12" 40 Americans have died from the Corona Virus. The State of Washington is responsible for 70% of those fatalities. And 77% of the fatalities in Washington State were residents of one nursing home. Another interesting fact is that no one under the age of 50 has died from the Corona Virus in the United States. So that begs the question, why are we cancelling all the sporting activities? Why is the press constantly pounding us with dire predictions of gloom and doom? Could it be this is politically motivated? The press has been trying to convince us a recession is just around the corner. Is this an attempt to convince the American people to stay home and not spend any money? That’s a good way to put a damper on the economy. Let’s apply some common sense and use caution when going out in public, but let’s not succumb to the irrational hysteria we are being pummeled with by a politically motivated news media.
Huguette Johnson
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
March 3, 2020

To the Editor:
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that I did not hate Trump, but that I feared him. This last two weeks are one illustration of why.
This administration forfeited a near-month long heads up about Covid-19 because our president believed the virus was a “foreign problem,” against explicit warnings by his health advisors who are experts in the spread of disease. Surprisingly, when he eventually passed to the scientifically-challenged VP the responsibility for the health task force, some truth finally emerged. Dr. Tony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), in a televised meeting of the task force, had to wrestle with Trump over how long a vaccine would take. On Sunday TV shows Fauci had to defend his commitment to the truth about the virus, to insist that vaccines will take a year or more, not the three or four months prediction the president “prefers.”
It is reported that, from the very beginning, the president argued not to tell the public about the true characteristics of the virus so as not to “spook the markets.” Trump wanted to keep a boatload of passengers to remain aboard a stricken vessel near San Francisco so “the numbers will be better…and it’s not our (his) fault.” Trump brays that lower prices at the gas pump mean savings for citizens and ignores the fact that we are now oil self-sufficient; Houston, we have a problem. He assured us that “everyone who needs a test can have one,” only to be corrected by his own health advisors. And still, he publicly laments that “maybe he should have been a doctor” he is so brilliant about medicine. Clearly, he lives an alternate reality.
This is where the fear emerges. Trump, contrary to his claims, clearly knows nothing about epidemiology, despite efforts to inform him, and would rather control the story to his political advantage than solve the problem. It’s not so much that he
doesn’t know; what is frightening is that he refuses to listen to those who do. He cut funding to all health organizations responsible for containing infectious disease over the last three years. An expensive lesson for Mr. Trump. And for us. The truth is, we have never been able to trust this president to manage this crisis or any other. He is his own expert in all things. Remember, “I know more about ISIS than the generals do.” “I think I know about it [the economy] better than [the Federal Reserve]. “ “Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me.” “Who knows more about lawsuits than I do? I’m the king.” “I know more about courts than any human being on Earth.” “I, alone can fix it.” A man who knows everything can learn nothing. And that is a frightening situation when that person is the president of the United States.
We are now past containment and into mitigation of the virus. You know all the rules about hand washing, etc. Stay healthy.
Kelly Scoles
Fillmore CA

Letters to the Editor
March 4, 2020

To the Editor:
One concerning issue coming our way is the coronavirus which originated in Wuhan, China. World travel being what it is, protection against pandemics requires transparency, long-term and short-term preparations, and the funding to support them. The coronavirus sheds light on the administration’s lack of understanding and preventable failures in meeting this and future health threats.
COVID-19 is still considered a fairly low risk to Americans, but U.S. health officials have been warning for over a month that a pandemic was a significant threat, with very little response from our government. Now, when the threat appears to be gaining steam worldwide, our president rants that Democrats are weaponizing the threat to hurt the stock market and make him look bad. Don Jr. declared that Democrats are hoping the virus kills millions of Americans to end his father's "winning streak." How small, self-centered, and miserable do people have to be to make such hateful statements? But, it is a chance to once again play victim.
VP Mike Pence is the new coronavirus czar though he has no medical background and barely believes in science. He managed to expedite the spread of HIV as governor of Indiana by banning needle exchange (go ahead and inject with your infected friend's needle). The president, when the threat became apparent this last week, did try to fund anti-virus efforts by offering up 37 million dollars designated to help poor people obtain winter heating oil as funding against the contagion. What a guy.
When the Obamacare (ACA) was passed in 2010, it established and financed the Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF), but Republicans have worked to undermine that law (and all things Obama). When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law in 2018, it cut $750 million from the PPHF. The significant reduction in funding to the PPHF has been accompanied by cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and staffing has been slashed. In 2018, the Trump administration further diverted millions of dollars from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The Trump administration’s budget for 2020 proposes additional drastic cuts to public health and the CDC. Mercifully, those proposals are unlikely “wins” for the administration in either the House or Senate, certainly now. But we are already unprepared because of the lack of funding in the prior three years.
Trump, as always, wants to gut the U.S. contribution to international organizations, specifically the World Health Organization (WHO), whining as he always does that other countries are not paying their fair share. Trump again fails to see that disease (like failed alliances for national security with NATO) puts everyone at risk in a world that grows smaller every day. Disease knows no national borders and this virus is not the last threat we will see.
Just as he does in taking his Sharpie to facts and programs and maps he doesn't like, Trump believes that saving his own presidential hide is the true bottom line. In fact, it is the health and welfare of the nation. He gambled that the health funding wouldn't be needed, and he lost.
Kelly Scoles
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
February 26, 2020

To the Editor:
Ms. McLeod’s assertion that I hate the president is incorrect. I save my hate for adults in authority who shield abusers, particularly of children. These would include abusing and abuse-tolerant clergy and of offenders in the Boy Scouts of America. It is correct, however, that while I respect the office, I do not respect many of the actions, statements, unconstitutional acts and uncivilized norms of this president.
This is a man with incredibly errant morals, in words and actions. He mocks others, including persons with disabilities, a prisoner-of-war American hero, and even gold-star families. He pays off porn stars. He makes a big show of giving money to vets, and then doesn’t do it. He gives every indication that he, at the very least, is tolerant of racism. He cages children, some of whom will never see their parents again. This man charges the government top dollar (yours) to house his security forces at his own establishments, though he claims he gives them a special rate (Google it to expose that lie). He frequently praises dictators and insults our allies in our name. He removes anyone from his cabinet and circle who does not completely agree with him, because to disagree with him is, in his own words, a traitorous act, and “un-American.”
Trump is a man who famously lies constantly. It’s as if he’s testing to see just how far afield he can go before his crowd turns on him in disbelief. So far, he can lie at will, and claim that anyone who challenges his many untruths or misconduct is perpetrating a “hoax” or a “fake news” story, or a treasonous attack on, not just him, but the country itself. If your child never took responsibility for his acts but always blamed others, constantly congratulated him or herself for real or imagined achievements, made fun of and bullied others, cast aspersions upon anyone who questioned him, and lied repeatedly, I believe you would obtain medical advice or treatment for that child as soon as possible.
Even more concerning is his view of the presidency and the balance of power. Ask yourself this: if and when a Democrat becomes president again, will you still insist that when he/she exercises “unlimited power over government," he/she can do “whatever I want?” No checks and balances, no calling out the president for overreach. That would mean, in retrospect, every single thing that Obama did was absolutely within his unlimited powers.
No, I don’t hate Trump. I wonder how someone who is essentially a showbiz personality has convinced so many of my countrymen to ignore this man behind the curtain and find a person worthy to lead our great country. I don’t hate Trump, I fear him and I fear for the future of our republic.
Kelly Scoles
Fillmore, CA

Letters to the Editor
February 19, 2020

To the Editor:
I live in Fillmore and care deeply about the city. I am very concerned about the upcoming election for Board of Supervisors. While many know us for our festivals and being the safest city in Ventura County, fewer know that we have a single and quite dependable water source, our large and constantly refilling aquifer. That aquifer, the ONLY water source for Fillmore, is potentially in danger. An oil shaft has been drilled illegally within a mile of the aquifer and that shaft runs through the underground stream that feeds the aquifer. That well is currently under review with the EPA but with the recent opening of millions of acres of public land opened to drilling and mining we fear for our clean water.
Kim Stephenson is running for Board of Supervisors. Ms. Stephenson has received no donations from the oil industry. She is accepting small donations only. Ms. Stephenson has spoken with hundreds of Santa Clara Valley residents and knows what issues we face. She will fight to represent us in all areas and will protect our water and natural resources.
Unfortunately, Kelly Long has received unprecedented large donations and support from the oil industry in her last election and even more this election period. I do not trust that Kelly Long will vote in favor of our clean water source and against the oil industry as she is now indebted to them for their HUGE contribution to her campaign. For that reason and many others reasons I urge you to research the funding and voting record and platforms of the candidates and realize that KIM STEPHENSON is the person to elect for District 3, Ventura County.
Lynn R. Edmonds
Fillmore, Ca
To the Editor & Community of Fillmore:
And that was so evident for those who attended the Celebration-of-Life on January 25th, 2020 for Angel Carrera Jr. who passed away on August 14th, 2019 at the age of 67, in Sacramento, California.
On behalf of the Memorial Committee of: sister Ana Maria and husband Tony Vega, sister Olivia Carrera Lopez, classmates Tony and Sandra Gaitan, Joe Ramirez, friends
Rick and Juanita Ferrer, Comadre Debbie Sanchez, Godson Gabriel “Pokey” Sanchez
III, Mathew Sanchez, Compadre Roberto Juarez, Goddaughter Jaclyn Morales, and
Compadre Jack Morales, we express our sincere gratitude and thank you’s to all who attended and supported us on that eventful day at the Fillmore Veteran’s Memorial Building.
The welcoming of Angel’s family- Mrs. Marta Carrera, sons Angel Carrera III and
Andrew Carrera, brother Joe Pedroza and family, sister Ana Maria Vega and family, and sister Olivia Carrera Lopez and family were recognized.
Classmate, Deacon Manuel Martinez blessed the celebration. A delicious lunch was provided and served by taquero Fernando Cervantes to more than 250 people. A collage of pictures was shown, and music was played by DJ Matthew Sanchez.
The reading of the obituary was read by Angel’s son, Andrew Carrera and followed with remarks and memories by speakers, Mr. Jim Fauver, Compadre Roberto Juarez,
Willie Rivera, Brother Joe Pedroza, Tony Gaitan, Joe Ramirez, Eddie Reyes on behalf of Rudy Reyes, Norbert Riesgo, and classmate Vernon Kenfield. Mr. Bruce Dempsey was also in attendance.
A reading of a prayer/poem was read and highlighted by Goddaughter Jaclyn Morales.
A Proclamation of Adjournment meeting for Angel Carrera from the Ventura County
Board of Supervisors was presented to Mrs. Marta Carrera and sons from Fillmore Councilman Manuel Minjares and Field Representative for Supervisor Kelly Long.
A Proclamation of Recognition for Veterans was presented to Angel’s brother Joe
Pedroza, from sister Olivia Carrera Lopez on behalf of Angel’s government service and work with Veteran’s statewide. About 20 local veterans who knew Angel were in attendance, honored and saluted Angel on his dedicated achievements to Veterans.
A song titled, Humble and Kind from Tim McGraw was played. Angel Carrera III spoke of his father on what the song meant to him.
At least 25 members of the Fillmore Class of 71 were present to honor, support, and celebrate the eventful occasion. Mr. Kenny “Sunny” Sundstrum, extended his talents and versatility in singing and playing two songs in honor of his classmate, Angel.
A closing blessing of the celebration was given by Deacon Manuel Martinez with continued socializing, music and many desserts to conclude the occasion.
Two Fillmore Organizations, The Fillmore Alumni Association and The Fillmore
Veteran’s Memorial Building will benefit from monetary contributions in the amount of $1300.00 each that was sent by family, friends, and classmates on behalf of Angel Carrera Jr.
In conclusion, we the committee express our sincere gratitude and many thanks for the support we received for Angel’s Celebration-of-Life and ask God for his many blessings to each of you who attended and made financial contributions.
With much sincerity and gratitude, The Memorial Committee of Angel Carrera Jr.
To the Editor:
Kelly Scoles, in her hate for anything Trump, stated last week that "Betsy DeVos (Trump's Head of Education) is destroying the backbone of our nation: the public school system." Well let's look to a few historical facts and when our educational system started to fail and what could be the cause.
American public education is in poor shape today because of cultural and social trends, most beginning in the 1960s, which destroyed classroom discipline, the moral basis for education, and a national consensus on what students should learn (1969 Tinker v. Des Moines, a landmark Supreme Court Ruling had a huge impact) but does that explain why American students do not possess the communication and computational skills they need today to succeed in college or in the working world? Let's look back.
An article published 27 years ago (DeVos wasn't in charge) in Foundation for Economic Education, Feb 1, 1993 writes; "When government policy continues to impose rigid personnel rules, bureaucracy, regulations, and a mandate to use education to engineer social or political outcomes, a school cannot successfully impart the needed skills, knowledge, and perspective to its students—whether these students choose to be there or not.....'Do-gooders' throughout the twentieth century have sought to expand the role of public education in all aspects of what was once family life, such as instilling moral values, providing health and nutrition, fighting delinquency and crime, and protecting children from physical and psychological abuse. Today, they are the primary advocates of Head Start and other supplements to school that intervene in virtually every aspect of a student’s life."
The article goes on to state statisics of past changes; "From 1955 to 1991, the average pupil-teacher ratio in U.S. public schools dropped by 40 percent." So years ago class size was addressed.
What about spending? "Annual expenditures per pupil in U.S. public schools exploded by about 350 percent in real dollars from 1950 ($1,189) to 1991 ($5,237). In only two years during this 40-year period did spending fall: 1980 and 1981. Spending grew by about a third in real terms from 1981 to 1991"
Today California spends $104.4 Billion each year (50.4% of the General Fund) which is $11,993 per student per school year and even more on ESL/ELL students. So our problems aren't added funding, but supporters of overturning Prop. 13 sure want you to think we need to tax more and throw more money at it.
Failures 32 years ago showed, "Just five percent of 17-year-old high school students in 1988 could read well enough to understand and use information found in technical materials, literary essays, historical documents, and college-level texts. This percentage has been falling since 1971......Average Scholastic Aptitude Test scores fell 41 points between 1972 and 1991. Apologists for public education argue that such factors as the percentage of minority students taking the SAT can explain this drop. Not true. Scores for whites have dropped." So it wasn't skin color!!! But what this 27 year old artical states as a possible cause in failure is ".....the rise in recent decades is the use of America’s public schools for the purpose of engineering some social outcome deemed desirable by political leaders. This is an unavoidable, and perhaps insurmountable, failing of government-run education."
Betsy DeVos had nothing to do with our past education failures that continue today. But according to Kathy Scoles she will destroy it. When hating Trump is everything, why stick to facts and just throw anything at the public and use the kids as victims.
Jean Mcleod
Fillmore, Ca

Letters to the Editor
February 12, 2020

To the Editor:
Unlike our esteemed editor, I found the State of the Union presentation to be in the same carousel approach our president takes to everything: gaudy, self-aggrandizing, narcissistic, theatrical, dishonest, and emotionally needy. There are people who like that sort of thing as opposed to substance.
For those of you who think that Trump really is trying to protect medical preexisting conditions as he repeats endlessly and touted in the SOTU, you need to know that his administration is in the courts as we speak attempting to invalidate those and other health care provisions. He is working diligently to reduce Medicare. He is increasing the tensions in the Middle East by his haphazard foreign policy which mightily protects autocrats. Betsy DeVos is destroying the backbone of our nation: the public school system. He hasn’t done anything to improve infrastructure as he promised, he hasn’t built a wall paid for by the country of Mexico. He hasn’t brought the country together; on the contrary. He hasn’t saved coal (thank heavens) and he has not helped the middle class. What he has done is replace every safeguard against constraining unbridled executive power by appointing Barr as attorney general and filling his cabinet with people who are too afraid to disagree with him, or too ambitious to give a darn. Oh, yes. One good thing: he has ridden Obama’s coattails to a decent economy.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats had no choice but to impeach, though they knew the Republicans would give the president a pass (the exception, below). They had a virtual cafeteria-selection of offenses, but they selected the worst: inviting foreign countries into our election system. Trump feels, and has always felt, perfectly at ease with that. You can Google it.
Some Democratic Senators were profiles in courage in the final count to acquit or remove: Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Doug Jones of Alabama who has a tough race ahead of him. Republican Mitt Romney of Utah carefully explained his crisis of conscience in voting “guilty” on one Articles of Impeachment and was excoriated by Trump and his minions. Meanwhile, the pitiable Susan Collins of Maine mealy-mouthed her hopes that Trump would “learn his lesson.” It was one of the rare moments of humor in the whole process, a single beam in a senate which has declared that, if the president thinks his reelection is in the best interests of the country, whatever means he uses to assure it is permissible.
Now, for the revenge-taking. Trump is famous for it. He has already started with both Vindman brothers. There are many more to come. The question is, will you reward at the polls this newly-empowered, deeply-flawed, lawless and tragic figure?. Somewhere, Shakespeare is taking up his pen.
Kelly Scoles
Fillmore, CA


To the Editor:
The 37th Assembly District race is under the radar. Voters need to look closely at the candidates. That’s why I recommend that voters choose Jason Dominguez. He is a former high school teacher and labor organizer, has a law degree from Berkeley School of Law, a master’s degree in environmental law, a former United Nations Legal Officer at the Hague who prosecuted those who committed war criminals and genocide. He’s also served as a Santa Barbara Deputy County Counsel, as a Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney, Deputy City Attorney and Council Member.
As a City Council Member in Santa Barbara Jason spearheaded private-public partnerships to increase affordable housing, helped return a $4,000,000 budget surplus, fought for green-energy solutions and to create local jobs and wants to address homeless at the root cause by "investing in mental health infrastructure." In addition to his City Council work, Jason teaches International Law at The Santa Barbara & Ventura Colleges of Law, and is the CEO & Founder of a non-profit that provides legal assistance to low-income families and youth leadership training.
Other Assembly District candidates don’t have Jason’s skill-set, experience or determination. They include a young left-wing progressive and college organizer, a drama major with deep pocketed special interests and ties to pot farmers and dispensaries, a non-profit executive focused on sexual violence, a former track coach, a former teacher and current Board of Supervisor, and a 22 year old whose answers to pressing issues do not appear to “have any factual basis.”
visit: VoteJasonDominguez.com
Anna Marie Gott,
Santa Barbara

Letters to the Editor
February 5, 2019

To the Editor:
I recently read that Supervisor Kelly Long voted several times to extend a temporary oil drilling ban near Camarillo to allow for further study on potential impacts to local water quality. She also pressured the County of Ventura to take further measures to identify the source of well contamination. Her diligence on this issue is appreciated by her constituents and she has my support in her campaign for re-election on March 3.
Krista Nowak of Camarillo

Letters to the Editor
January 29, 2020

To the Editor:
On behalf of the Davis family we appreciate all who came to show support in the celebration of life of Adrian Paul Davis, Jr. It is during difficult times like these we struggle to get through the days to the next, but with all the love, prayers, and support pouring into our hearts over these last few weeks we are truly grateful. Please continue to keep his spirit and memories alive everyday. And as he would say “Thank You Lord For Another Beautiful Day”.
With many thanks and love from,
(Wife) Marina Davis, and kids Candace, Alle, and Jordan
(Father) Adrian Davis, (Sisters) Debbie & Valerie and Families.

Letters to the Editor
December 24, 2019

To the Editor:
After reading the letter by Ms Scoles, I find myself compelled to try and put things into perspective. Ms Scoles is certainly entitled to her opinion and I respect her right to speak her mind, but there is a difference between opinion and fact. So let’s look at what she claims makes President Trump guilty of obstruction of congress. True he ordered his administration not to testify before the Impeachment committee. It’s called executive privilege and has been used by numerous presidents in the past. The latest event that triggered the use of executive privilege was the investigation of Fast & Furious. This was a government program initiated by the Obama administration to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels and track them. When a border patrol agent was killed by one of these weapons congress opened an investigation to find out what was going on. President Obama declared executive privilege and ordered Attorney General Eric Holder to refuse all requests for information. Things got so bad that congress voted to hold Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress for refusing to produce the documents subpoenaed. Should congress have voted to impeach President Obama for refusing to provide information to congress? The same thing happened during the Louise Lerner hearings. Remember she was the IRS supervisor who withheld none profit tax status to several Tea Party chapters attempting to organize. President Obama instructed the IRS not to provide information to congress. The constitution provides for three equal branches. Congress does not outrank the executive branch so there is no such thing as obstruction of congress. The congress has not identified a statute which President Trump is guilty of breaking. Unfortunately this whole Impeachment affair has been going on since the 2016 election when Democrats refused to accept that Trump had actually beaten their candidate.
David Johnson of Fillmore

Letters to the Editor
December 18, 2019

To the Editor:
Re: Martin Farrell's December 12, 2019 Editorial.
Apparently, you believe that all Democrats are subject to an “utter lust for power, complete absence of conscience, wholly incapable of truth, with no sense of humor,” not just in politics, but in all things. Even the lady who checks you out at the market, the man who repairs your car, or the priest who says your Mass? If you do, no wonder you sound so isolated and angry.
We are in a momentous time in our country. All Americans want to avoid the disruption and unknown inherent in an Impeachment. There are many risks involved, especially when the ultimate outcome is known, thanks to the recent comments by Mitch McConnell, winking and assuring us all that the president will be “vindicated.”
The president is accused of enlisting a foreign power to help him in the 2020 election, consistent with his earlier admission he would not refuse foreign election help if offered (as he did in 2016). He accuses the Democrats of an unfair process, but he insists on a “blanket immunity,” refusing to allow any of the primary sources to testify or provide documents. There is no choice; the congress must call Trump out on such unconstitutional acts, if only to prevent future presidents from using Trump’s twisted arguments.
But, bless your heart, Martin, you did make me smile (though sardonically) when you decried the terrible motives and process used in the House hearings on impeachment. You lamented that, “what goes around comes around - and it is quickly coming around now. It will take generations to recover the trust and respect that once existed between the two American parties. “
If that is true, and future politicians fail to recognize the necessity of working for the good of the country, we are lost. And it will not be laid at the feet of the Trump Impeachment. It will go at least as far back as the refusal of Mitch McConnell and the Republicans to consider the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in the last 11 months of Obama’s term. “Let the voters decide,” was McConnell’s argument. Recently, McConnell laughingly asserted that, if a vacancy on the Court arose at any point in the next 11 months of the Trump administration, he would send a nomination to the Senate (and “let the voters decide” be damned). Such is the political virtue of Mr. McConnell and his like-minded GOPers.
If it is not possible to consider facts and fully argue them, there is no democracy. I suggest that your vilification of all Democrats is one way to ensure politics is bloodsport. I hope your holidays are peaceful and joyous. We can probably all use a little time for reflection.
Kelly Scoles, Fillmore