A Legend Is Gone
Malcolm Lloyd Jackson passed away on the morning of January 15th, 2012, as the result of a fall at home on January 2nd. Malcolm celebrated his 94th birthday on December 10th, 2011.
He was born in 1917, in Sneed, Oklahoma. He spent his early years growing up near Ardmore, Oklahoma. His first trip to Fillmore, California, was in 1924, arriving on Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena on New Year’s Day, in the midst of the Rose Parade. He often recalled his disbelief that there were that many people and cars in all the world. After just one year his parents and he returned to Oklahoma. Then at the age of seventeen he returned to California on his own in the midst of the Depression years.
After a few years at various labor jobs, he was hired by the State Department Of Transportation to act as the blaster on the Hwy 33-Maricopa Hwy improvement project. Evidence of his drilling and blasting can still be seen along the lower portions of the Maricopa Hwy. Near the end of the project, a large boulder struck Malcolm on the side of the head crushing his skull. He was off work for nearly two years. He rehabilitated himself by using the time to explore the eastern Sierra High Country by pack horse and on foot. Upon returning to work he entered the oil industry as a wireline technician. He retired from Sun Oil in 1976 to work full time at his vocation of gunsmithing. He had already become famous among shooters from all walks of life, business people, movie actors, politicians, judges, and just plain folks. The shotguns he made for trap shooters and the rifles he built for target shooters and hunters have become much sought after. He also repaired literally thousands of guns. All of that becomes almost a footnote to the stories he told, the life lessons he shared and his view of the world through eyes that saw everything as either right or wrong. His ability to communicate with generations of young people became legend.
Malcolm Jackson had many more true friends than most people. Over 400 friends attended his 75th birthday event and again on his 90th birthday from such diverse places as New Jersey, Alaska, Montana, Oregon, and Nevada. He was loved far more than this written account can possibly portray.
Malcolm was preceded in death by his wife of 53 years, Annabelle Marie, in 1998, and his daughter Christina Jackson Warring in 1984, and great grandsons Logan and Parker Farstad.
He is survived by his daughter Linda Ann Durand, grandchildren Holley Hammond (Chris), Mandy Farstad (Spencer), Kevin Warring, Brian Warring, Pierre Durand (Maria) and Mario Durand. Also, son and daughter Larry and Jeannie Carpenter. Also surviving are great grandchildren Payton Christina Hammond, Kiefer Farstad, Jadon and Kiera Durand.
Special thanks to caregivers Helen Riesgo and Liliana Vazquez.
Malcolm was a founding member of the Piru Sportsman Club and also a founder of the Piru Petroleum Club. He was, as well, a Life Member of the National Rifle Association since 1948.
In Lieu of flowers, Malcolm asked that donations be made to the Piru Petroleum Club, P.O. Box 178 Fillmore, CA 93016.
Graveside services, open to all, Monday January 23rd at 11:00am, Bardsdale Cemetery. Shuttle service will be provided by Wm. L. Morris Chevrolet from the lot located at 211 Central Ave (North of Hwy 126). There will be a shuttle at 10:00am and 10:20am with return service directly following the service.