2013 Citizen Survey Results
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Citizen surveys can be a valuable tool in gauging the effectiveness of the services we offer the community.

The Sheriff’s Office has completed a survey utilizing a random sampling of individuals who placed calls for service during the month of February 2013. This year’s process differed from previous surveys in which we had notified people by mail. The rate of return in the past was very low.

Rather than send notices by mail this year, deputies contacted individuals directly. This resulted in greater participation among the contact group than in previous years.

The results of the survey have been posted on our website at www.vcsd.org. The link to the survey is on the banner above the photo gallery on the main page.

Nature of Incident: 2013 Citizen Survey Results
Location: Countywide
Date: June 14, 2013
Unit(s) Responsible: Sheriff’s Professional Standards Bureau
Prepared by: Sgt. Eric Buschow
Media Release Date: June 18, 2013
Follow-Up Contact: Captain Ross Bonfiglio (805)662-6843
Approved by: Captain Ross Bonfiglio