Grand Theft (Dog), Cruelty to Animals and Filing a False Report of a Crime Arrest
By Anonymous — Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
![]() Ventura County Sheriff's Department Location: 12000 block of Clinton St., Unincorporated area of Moorpark, CA (S)uspects, (V)ictims, (W)itnesses, Address, Age On 07/02/2009, Sheriff’s investigators accompanied employees of the Ventura County Humane Society, Ventura County Animal Regulations and Ventura County Code Enforcement to a residence in the 12000 block of Clinton St., Moorpark, Ventura County, as the result of a report of Cruelty to Animals at a dog breeding facility conducting business as Golden Meadows Kennels. The business is owned and operated by Tim and Barbara Hoke. The report and video that accompanied the report depicted puppies being housed in crates so small they could not stand or turn around for 12 to 15 hours a day. It also depicted grown dogs with open wounds and reports of mistreatment of dogs. Officers at the location observed puppies in small crates left in the sun. The puppies could not stand or turn around in the crates and did not have access to water. Adult dogs did have open wounds but were being cared for by employees of the business. The business was found to not possess a conditional use permit as required by County Code Enforcement. Tim and Barbara Hoke were issued citations as a result of the findings by County Officials. On 07/07/2009, Barbara Hoke initiated a grand theft report. Barbara Hoke stated that several employees had stolen puppies from the location when they resigned on 7/2/2009, shortly after law enforcement’s response. An investigation into these allegations determined them to be false. Information received from employees was that a working agreement had been reached between Barbara Hoke and one of the employees for the upkeep of two of the dogs reported stolen. One of the puppies reported as being stolen reportedly had been given to an employee as a gift. On 07/11/2009, Barbara Hoke, drove to an address within the City of Simi Valley where she attempted to take back this puppy by force. Simi Valley Police Officers responded and Barbara Hoke showed breeding paperwork and gave information that influenced the Simi Valley police officer to seize and give the puppy to Barbara Hoke. The information the Simi Valley officers relied upon to make their decision was later found to be false information given by Barbara Hoke in order to obtain possession of the puppy. At the time of this press release, the location of this puppy is unknown. The employees who had given the original information to law enforcement also relayed information in which Barbara Hoke has used an electronic “Cattle Prod”, both on puppies and dogs in order to restrain them from barking. Barbara Hoke was also reported as using a remote control shock collar as a training aid. Although this tool can be used during legitimate training sessions, the investigator felt the manner in which the training collar was used and the number of times it was used was excessive and falls within the definition of Cruelty to Animals. During the course of this investigation the employees who originally reported the conditions at this breeding facility have been subjected to accusatory e-mails from Barbara Hoke. They have been contacted by acquaintances that have made accusations against them and stated that Barbara Hoke is attempting to make it difficult for them to find employment in the animal training field. Barbara Hoke also sent an e-mail to the college in which two of these former employees had graduated. This e-mail states that the employees made false accusations in which her facility was completely exonerated. Barbara Hoke advised the college that she has contacted other breeders as well as contacts in the area and states it is unfortunate that the future graduates of the college will be paying the price for the actions of these employees. The employees of Golden Meadows Kennels should be commended for bringing the conditions at this breeding facility to the attention of the Human Society and law enforcement officials. These individuals felt it was their civic duty to report a situation in which animals were being placed in danger. These employees demonstrated their high level of integrity, courage and their concern for the well-being of the animals that were placed under their care. |