New Year’s Eve Celebrations & Safety
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Celebrating New Year’s Eve is a traditional event we all enjoy spending with loved ones and friends. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind those celebrating this holiday to avoid discharging firearms, lighting illegal fireworks, and drinking & driving. Discharging a firearm into the air is a felony. Experts report that a bullet fired into the air can climb two miles and remain in flight for more than a minute. As it falls, the bullet reaches a velocity sufficient to penetrate the human skull.

Along with this, possession of illegal fireworks is also a crime. Illegal fireworks can be best described as any firework that explodes or has the capability of being shot up in the air.

Finally, driving under the influence is dangerous and completely preventable. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind those celebrating this holiday to drink responsibly and use a designated driver or other alternative means rather than getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.

If you see or hear someone discharging a firearm, using illegal fireworks, or driving under the influence please dial 9-1-1.

Have a safe and enjoyable New Year’s Eve celebration!

Location: Countywide
Unit Responsible: Sheriff’s Administration
Officer Preparing Release: Captain Mike Aranda
Follow-up Contact: Captain Mike Aranda (805) 654-2417
Date of Release: December 27, 2011
Approved By: Captain Don Aguilar