Registered Sex Offenders Compliance Checks
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On 9-22-12, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office conducted 38 compliance checks of registered sex offenders in Fillmore and the unincorporated areas of Fillmore and Piru. The compliance checks were part of the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) grant. Section 290 of the California Penal Code requires persons convicted of specified sexual assault crimes to register with the agency where they reside.

Thirty-one of the 38 registered sex offenders were in compliance with their registration requirement. Seven of the registrants were not home or had moved and detectives will follow-up to determine if the registrants are out-of-compliance. During the compliance checks, no arrests were made.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting similar sweeps randomly throughout the county to verify registered sex offenders are living at their reported residence along with conducting probation and/or parole searches of registered sex offenders who are on probation and/or parole.

Nature of Incident: 290 Compliance Checks
Report Number:
Location: City of Fillmore and Unincorporated Area of Piru
Date & Time: 9-22-2012
Unit Responsible: Fillmore Station Deputies and Major Crimes Detectives
Deputy Preparing Media Release: Sergeant Ian Laughlin
Media Release Date: 9-22-2012
Follow-Up Contact: Jim Botting (805) 384-4743 or Sergeant Ian Laughlin (805) 384-4737
Approved by: Captain Chris Dunn