Sheriff Dean to Present Checks on Behalf of Cops Running for Charity

Sheriff Geoff Dean will present checks totaling more than $40,000 to a long list of charities Tuesday afternoon on behalf of Cops Running For Charity.

The group of deputies has participated in unusual running events throughout the world for many years. Collectively, they have run thousands of miles while training, competing, and raising money for charity. The deputies pay their own way as they travel the world seeking new challenges and adventures.

Their hard work has paid off for many charities that have directly benefitted from their generosity. The men have raised more than $200,000 since they formed CRFC.

On Tuesday afternoon, the following charities will receive checks from CRFC:

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Relay For Life
Boston PD – Cops Running For Kids With Cancer
ALS Foundation
Big Brothers Big Sisters
St. Jude’s Hospital
Camarillo Hospice
Westminster Clinic

The team consists of Cmdr. Randy Pentis, Cmdr. Tim Hagel, Capt. Paul Higgason, Capt. Dave Kenney, Sgt. Joe Devorick, and recently retired Sgt. Frank Underlin.

Their goal is to promote physical fitness and raise much needed funding for a variety of medical charities.

During the check presentation, the team will announce the next running event to take place in a very unusual location this fall.

For more information about CRFC, please contact Cmdr. Randy Pentis at (805)947-8067, or visit

Nature of Incident: Sheriff Dean to Present Checks on Behalf of Cops Running for Charity
Location: Sheriff’s Office 800 S. Victoria Ave. Ventura, Ca. 93009
Date & Time: May 14, 2013 @ 1:00 p.m.
Unit(s) Responsible: Cops Running for Charity
Prepared by: Sgt. Eric Buschow
Media Release Date: May 13, 2013
Follow-Up Contact: Cmdr. Randy Pentis (805)947-8067
Approved by: Cmdr. Randy Pentis