Telephone Scam
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Location: Ojai Valley
Date: October 12, 2009
Unit Responsible: Ojai Police Investigations

Ojai Police detectives are warning Ojai Valley residents of an increase in reported phone scams. The suspect(s) in the phone scams have been targeting elderly residents or parents of young adults. They pose as either a family member requesting money to post bail or an official (court or law enforcement officer) requesting money to post bail on behalf of a family member. The suspect(s) typically have some vague information about the person they are impersonating. Victims have reported the suspect(s) request the money be wired to locations in Vancouver, B.C. Canada or London, England.

If area residents receive phone calls of this nature, or any other suspicious nature, they are encouraged to call law enforcement. Do not wire funds to any location unless you are absolutely certain as to the identity of the caller. This type of phone scam is one of many that occur throughout the year and increase during holiday seasons. The best way to avoid becoming a victim is to be cautious and educated.

Here are some recommendations to protect yourself from telephone scams:

1. Get the name and any information verifying the identity of the caller and/or the entity they represent. Obtain a call back number and use it confirm what a caller has told you.
2. Never provide confidential information, such as your date of birth, social security number, or bank account numbers.
3. Be weary of calls in which the caller possesses detailed knowledge of procedures to send funds. Always discontinue the transaction if someone coaches you on how to send money (i.e. Western Union or credit cards) and you are uncertain as to the identity of the recipient. Do not respond to questions from money order service employees.
4. Always check with other family members if you receive a call from a subject whose identity is not confirmed or you are unsure whether the caller is legitimate.
5. Attempt to call the family member in need directly and verify they are in fact requesting money.