Vehicle Burglaries
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Location: Ojai Valley
Date: November 24, 2009
Unit Responsible: Ventura County Sheriff's Department and Ojai Police Department

Ojai Police detectives are warning Ojai Valley residents of an increase in reported vehicle burglaries and thefts from vehicles. Most of the crimes are occurring during nighttime hours. The suspects are targeting unlocked vehicles and locked vehicles in which property is in plain view. Access to locked vehicles is typically gained by breaking a window. The types of property stolen recently have included laptop computers, purses, and jewelry. The vehicles targeted have been parked in various locations such as driveways, streets, and parking lots. They have been unattended for as little as 30 minutes.

Please be aware thefts and vehicle burglaries will increase as the holiday season approaches.

Here are some recommendations to protect yourself from being a victim:

1. Always make sure your vehicle is locked. Double-check it before leaving.
2. If you are shopping, place all of your purchases in the trunk. Do not leave items in an area where they can be seen from outside the car.
3. Do not hide personal property underneath the seat. Lock your personal property in the trunk.
4. Even for short periods of time, do not leave your purse, laptop computer, cellular phone, wallet, backpack or anything else in plain view inside your vehicle.
5. Avoid parking in isolated, poorly lit areas.
6. Be aware of your surroundings. Report suspicious activity to the police.