Remember our troops and those less fortunate at Thanksgiving
By George Runner — Wednesday, November 25th, 2009
Senator George Runner Serving the 17th District which incorporates portions of the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura and Kern counties. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for Americans. It's an opportunity to make memories with family and friends, and take pleasure in the abundance of food and other comforts offered during the holidays. It is truly a time to give thanks for all of our blessings. While enjoying the season, please remember our troops who will spend the holiday half-way around the globe continuing to bravely fight the war on terrorism. You can help our soldiers by sending cash donations to organizations that work hard to bring a touch of holiday spirit to our men and women in uniform. Here are a few of my favorites: Grace Resource Center, of Lancaster: (661) 940-5272 The Salvation Army feeds struggling people year-round and annually hosts a special Thanksgiving dinner. When you donate money, you’re treating someone to the warmth of the holiday season. The United Way of Greater Los Angeles, Salvation Army of Ventura County, the Red Cross and churches in your neighborhood are other organizations that help the poor and those experiencing tough times during the holiday season and year-round. During this season of giving, please remember the needs of our troops and the less fortunate in our community. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you and your family. |