The City Council has invited the Bus Transit Director, Vic Kahmi, of the Ventura County Transportation Commission VCTC to make a presentation and provide information to Fillmore residents at the October 26th Council meeting concerning the upcoming hearing of the Commission to consider VISTA fare rate increases.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend the VCTC public hearing on Friday, November 5, 2010 at Camarillo City Hall, 601 Carmen Drive, at 9:00 am where these following rate increases will be considered:
Changes for Fixed-route travel within Ventura County –
Regular fare: increase from $1.00 to $1.25 with Seniors/Disabled/Medicare
from $0.50 to $0.60
Monthly Pass: increase from $40 to $50 per month with Seniors/Disabled/Medicare
from $20 to $25
Premium Monthly Pass: increase from $56 to $60 per month
with Seniors/Disabled/Medicare from $36 to $38
Changes for Heritage Valley Dial-A-Ride –
Regular fare: increase from $1.50 to $1.75 with Seniors/Disabled/Medicare
from $0.75 to $0.85
Monthly Pass: increase from $16 to $20 per month
DAR/VISTA Highway 126 daily pass: increase from $3.00 to $3.50
Age Eligibility for Seniors to be increased from 62 to 65 years of age
If you are unable to attend the VCTC public hearing meeting, submit your comments online at or call (800) 438-1112.
El Ayuntamiento de Fillmore ha invitado a Vic Kahmi, el Director de Transporte de VCTC (Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura), para hacer una presentación y dar información a los residentes de Fillmore durante la junta de Ayuntamiento el 26 de octubre sobre la próxima audiencia pública con respecto a un aumento de tarifa de autobús de VISTA.
Le invitamos a que atienda a una discusión pública con respecto a un aumento de tarifa de autobús de VISTA.
Fecha: 5 de Noviembre, 2010, 9:00 am
Locación: Ayuntamiento de Camarillo (601 Carmen Drive)
Viajes de ruta-fija dentro del Condado de Ventura –
Tarifa regular: $1.00 a $1.25 / Mayores de edad/Inhabilitados/Medicare: $0.50 a $0.60
Pase Mensual: $40 to $50 / Mayores de edad/Inhabilitados/Medicare: $20 to $25
Pase Mensual Superior: $56 to $60 / Mayores de edad/Inhabilitados/Medicare:
$36 to $38
Heritage Valley Dial-A-Ride –
Tarifa regular: $1.50 to $1.75 / Mayores de edad/Inhabilitados/Medicare: $0.75 to $0.85
Pase Mensual: $16 to $20
DAR/VISTA Highway 126 pase diario: $3 to $3.50
Mayores e edad - Edad de elegibilidad: Aumentado de 62 a 65 años
¿No puede atender? Envíe sus comentarios en línea a o llame al (800) 438-1112.