Robert Bert Crum

Robert Bert Crum

DOB: 09-22-1935 DOD: 05/25/2009
Place of Birth: Cleveland, OH
Basic Airman for USA Air Force
Medals: Korean Service MedalcUN Service Medal & National Defense Service Medal.
Fathers Name: Leroy W. Crum
Mother's Name: Helen Beatrice Crum
Mother's Maiden Name: Brush
Robert B. Crum, known as Bob for may of the residents in Fillmore, passed away May 25, 2009. Bob was a long-term tenant at the Fillmore Sr. Apartments on Santa Clara St. His sister, Wanda E. King of Rocky River, OH, survives him.
Thank you to all the residents of Fillmore, CA that made it possible for Bob's Cremation. Special Thanks to Super A Foods, Estrella Market, Margaret's Cocina, La Fondita and Bautista Medical Group.