Camarillo, CA - The public is invited to help CSU Channel Islands (CI) and the City of Camarillo and the Camarillo Chamber of Commerce welcome Special Olympics athletes, coaches and ambassadors set to arrive on the CI campus Tuesday, July 21 at 2:30 p.m.

Camarillo is one of about 100 host cities in Southern California who are treating the 7,000 Special Olympics athletes and their support teams to a taste of Southern California culture before the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games, which begin on Saturday, July 25.

“Host towns are important because they help promote awareness and it gives the athletes a chance to adjust to the time change and the climate after flying across the world,” said Maureen Fedail, Director of Host Towns for Special Olympics World Summer Games Los Angeles 2015. “With the Southern California footprint from San Diego to San Luis Obispo, this gives all the Southern California communities a chance to welcome these athletes and partake in this historic, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Camarillo is hosting a total of 96 athletes, coaches and ambassadors from New Zealand and Saudi Arabia from July 21 to July 24. The 96 athletes, ambassadors and coaches from both countries will stay at CI’s residence halls.

“We are delighted and honored to host Special Olympics athletes at CSU Channel Islands,” said CI President Richard R. Rush. “We look forward to supporting these efforts and making friends for a lifetime.”

The four days will be packed with tours, cultural exchanges, good food and warm welcomes as Camarillo takes the world stage.

Three of the events are open to the public: the Arrival Celebration, a Thursday exhibition basketball game, and the Friday Departure Celebration.

The New Zealand athletes will arrive around 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 21. The delegation from Saudi Arabia will arrive later that evening.

The athletes and their delegations will arrive at CI’s Tree House Courtyard on Tuesday afternoon, where the community is invited to welcome the visitors and enjoy cookies and lemonade. Parking is free for the event; follow campus directional signs.

After the welcome celebration from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., the athletes and their delegations will settle into Santa Cruz Village, the residence hall where they will stay with the teams from Saudi Arabia.

At noon on Wednesday, July 22, the athletes will be picked up by Roadrunner Shuttle, one of many businesses offering their services for free for the athletes, and taken to the Camarillo Airport Museum where they will be treated to a lunch and tour of the museum by the Ventura County Ninety-Nines, a chapter of an international organization of women pilots.

After a lunch catered by Scofield Catering and Management, the athletes, coaches and support crews will hear from the Ninety-Nines; Ventura County Director of Airports Todd McNamee; California State Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin; Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long; and Jason Barnes, a CI alumnus and representative from Congresswoman Julia Brownley’s office.

Then, there will be a fly-by of World War II-era aircraft flown by the Commemorative Air Force SoCal Wing; and demonstrations from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Helicopter Operations and the Ventura County Fire Department.

On Wednesday, the Special Olympics athletes will be guests for dinner at the Camarillo Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Because they need to be prepared for the Special Olympics, the athletes will train at the Camarillo Boys & Girls Club all week.

On Thursday, July 23, the athletes will break for an outdoor lunch courtesy of Camarillo’s CMA or “Client-Minded Agents,” an organization of Camarillo real estate agents.

Later that night, the public is invited to a Saudi Arabia versus New Zealand exhibition basketball game. Tipoff is at 7 p.m. at the Camarillo Boys & Girls Club at 1500 Temple Avenue. Parking is free and guests are asked to arrive by 6:30 p.m.

The public is welcome Friday morning, July 24, at the Departure Celebration, scheduled for 10 to 11 a.m. at CI’s Tree House Courtyard.

To attend the public events, visit:

You can keep up with all the Camarillo Host Town events on Facebook’s “Host Town Camarillo” page.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.



Camarillo, CA - The skills of 62 aspiring engineers will be put to the test July 10 at CSU Channel Islands (CI) when the high school students break bridges they constructed out of dry spaghetti.

From 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, July 10, the high school engineers will break their bridges in front of the John Spoor Broome Library on the CI campus to the cheers of family, friends, school and community leaders, and government officials.

The students will also receive awards for the successful completion of the Hueneme High School Academy of Engineering & Design Summer Bridge Programs at CI and Oxnard College. Students going into 11th grade attend pre-engineering classes at Oxnard College and 12th graders study engineering and physics on the CI campus with Associate Professor of Applied Physics Gregory Wood, Ph.D.

The spaghetti bridge project is the culmination of four weeks of university-level engineering instruction for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) students entering 12th grade at Hueneme High School. The ceremony gives the students a chance to show their families the skills they've learned from Wood.

"We're going to add a hook at the bottom of the bridge and hang a basket," said Hueneme High School student Jesus Escalante, 17, of Oxnard. "We're going to add water bottles to the basket and see which bridge can actually stand more."

The Hueneme High School Academy of Engineering & Design Bridge Program at CI is a joint effort of Hueneme High School, CI, and the Ventura County P-20 Council.

"This program gives students a chance to become comfortable in a four-year university environment," said CI President Richard Rush, who chairs the Ventura County P-20 Council. "We hope to encourage those interested in pursuing a degree in science, technology, engineering or math, as companies are in need of individuals with those specific skill sets."

The grant-supported program gives 12th graders a chance to prepare for college-level engineering courses by being part of an engineering academy during the school year, and getting immersed in college-level engineering and physics classes during the Summer Bridge program, which began in June.

"My passion has always been engineering," Escalante said. "I'm excited to go to college. My mom works in a bakery and my dad is a butcher. They're very supportive."

From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday, the students take hands-on classes and hear from professional engineers. Fridays are for field trips to museums, universities and science-related sites.

"The real value is in the hands-on aspect of the classes. They're doing real world activities led by a university professor," said Richard Duarte, Program Coordinator for the Ventura County P-20 Council. "Many of these students come from homes where they are the first generation to go to college. This gives them an opportunity to attend class and see what college is like."

Wood uses the pasta bridge project and two other assignments to allow students to use basic engineering concepts of force, torque and material properties as they create working designs. "I think if it's an environment that's a bit playful, they'll be willing to take more risks and come up with an innovative design," Wood said.

The teams' first assignment was to design a mousetrap that will trap a ping pong ball and keep it in the enclosure, even when the trap is rattled vigorously.

The second project is an egg drop in which the teams are given one meter of thread, one meter of masking tape, two coffee filters, two sheets of paper and a two-story building.

They are told to build something that will keep an egg from breaking if dropped off a two-story building. The teams had to calculate such things as weight and velocity.

One team fashioned a cone that crumpled when it landed, softening the impact for the egg. Escalante's team had a different idea. "We built a parachute out of the coffee filter," he said.

As with any experiment, there are successes and missteps in the engineering process.

"I get eggs in bulk," Wood said.

The program has been gaining popularity each year with almost twice as many students signing up for this year's program as compared to last year, which had 35 students.

The Hueneme High School Academy of Engineering & Design Summer Bridge Program at CI is generously sponsored by The Harriet H. Samuelsson Foundation, Bank of America, and Umpqua Bank.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI's strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master's degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI's Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world's largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit


Camarillo, CA - CSU Channel Islands (CI) will receive a $25,000 rebate from the state's Commercial Turf Removal Program after replacing 28,000 square feet of turf with more drought-tolerant landscaping.

Workers began removing turf this week from specific areas in both the north and south parts of the campus.

CI Director of Facility Support Raudel Banuelos said grass that used to extend right up to some of the buildings on campus will be replaced with drought-tolerant plants and landscaping that retains the curb appeal of the campus.

The process is familiar to CI, which has been aggressively searching for ways to conserve water for years.

"We're pretty close to running 100 percent on recycled water," Banuelos said. "Now we're trying to reduce our use of recycled water. We have been doing this a long time. We're ahead of the curve."

According to CSU Energy and Sustainability Analyst Michael Clemson, who oversees conservation efforts on all 23 CSU campuses, CI has cut its potable water use by 40 percent from 2008 to 2013, but facilities and sustainability staff are still working hard to find other ways to cut back.

"We're doing everything we can," Banuelos said. "We want to be good stewards in this drought situation. Now we're evaluating flushing toilets with reclaimed rather than potable water."

In April of 2015, Governor Jerry Brown issued an executive order requiring the State Water Resources Control Board to reduce potable water use by 25 percent through February 2016. This is accomplished through water districts such as Camrosa Water District, which serves the CI campus.

The cost of irrigating one acre of lawn on campus with reclaimed water is $1,427.42 a year. Irrigating one acre of drought-resistant plants for a year will cost $203.98 a year, saving the campus $1,223.44 a year, or almost 86 percent.

While the facilities workers dig up the turf and replace it with colorful, drought-resistant plants, CI Associate Director of Infrastructure & Energy Jose Chanes works to find and apply for rebates through programs such as the Turf Removal Rebate Program and others under websites such as and

Sustainability will always be a foremost consideration as the campus continues to grow.

"We continue to plan for future improvements that go hand-in-hand with our water conservation strategy," Chanes said.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI's strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master's degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI's Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world's largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit


THOUSAND OAKS, CA - California Lutheran University has received $2.28 million from the estate of an alumna’s parents to advance programs in three fields that were important to the family – ministry, science and education.

Darlene and Wilbert Carlson, Camarillo residents who died in 2013 and 2014 at the ages of 84 and 85, respectively, left $1.4 million to establish an endowed chair in youth and family ministry, $584,700 toward the construction of a new science building, $300,000 for a summer research program in chemistry and $40,000 for an endowed scholarship for aspiring teachers.

The $1.4 million gift provides an endowment to help pay the ongoing cost of a faculty member to lead the youth and family ministry specialization within the theology and Christian leadership degree program. The program, currently led by assistant professor of religion Colleen Windham-Hughes, was launched six years ago in response to demand for professionals to lead church programs. The Carlsons were charter members of Mount Cross Lutheran Church in Camarillo.

The science center donation will help the university eventually build a facility that will connect to the current Ahmanson Science Center. The new building will house additional labs and classrooms for the growing number of students studying biology, chemistry, environmental science and exercise science.

The $300,000 gift will enable Cal Lutheran to reach its goal of raising $1 million to establish an endowed John Stauffer Research Fellows Program in Chemical Sciences. The John Stauffer Charitable Trust pledged a challenge grant of $500,000, and the university has now raised the matching donations required. The endowment will provide fellowships to about 10 students each summer to conduct original research full time for eight weeks with mentoring from faculty. It will also cover travel costs for the students to present their research at professional conferences.

Will Carlson’s focus within the sciences was aerospace engineering. He graduated from the Northrop Institute of Technology and worked his way into upper management in the aerospace industry in the San Diego area. In 1967, he began working at Northrop Corp. in Newbury Park and the family moved to Camarillo. He retired as the manager of manufacturing and engineering in 1988. Darlene Carlson worked for an electronics manufacturing company and an aluminum production shop.

The final $40,000 will expand the Wilbert and Darlene Carlson Scholarship for students preparing to become teachers. The Carlsons established the scholarship in memory of their daughter Dee, who earned a bachelor’s degree from Cal Lutheran in 1978. The adult education administrator died suddenly in 2009 at the age of 52. The couple’s other child died at birth.



Ventura, CA - Over $563,000 in scholarships were awarded to 284 Ventura College students in May. Awards ranged from $500 to $9,500 and were presented by the Ventura College Foundation to recipients by their respective donors at the 28th Annual Scholarship Awards Gala at the Ventura Beach Marriott. Students whose scholarship donors have passed received their awards at the 2nd annual Scholarship Awards Picnic.

Natalie Gallardo and Erica Garcia, both of Ventura, and Dayna Davis of Camarillo received the top scholarship awards, each receiving $9,500 from the Mary Guthrie Teaching Scholarship. The scholarship benefits students who plan to transfer to a four-year public university to become K-12 teachers. Also awarded was $8,000 each to Adam Braver and Kori Farrell, both of Ventura, and Oxnard residents Julia Osborne and Alina Rutschky as part of the Martin Hansen Family Scholarship fund for students transferring to a four-year public university.

Twenty-three students received scholarships up to $2,500 from the Gene Haas Foundation. Southern California Edison honored 51 students with scholarships ranging from $500 to $2,000. The scholarships include the SoCal Edison STEM Scholarships for Women who are planning to attend a four-year university in the fall, and the Green Jobs Initiative Scholarship.

“The Foundation’s board is dedicated to supporting the educational arc of all our students, from starting off at Ventura College with the Promise grant and accessing our Textbook Lending Library, to receiving scholarships to help them transfer to four-year universities. We are fortunate that we can help so many students achieve success and hope to increase the number next year,” said Norbert Tan, Ventura College Foundation’s executive director.

The Ventura College Foundation received over 450 applications for the scholarships, which honor students’ academic achievement or their chosen field of study. To be eligible, students were required to write two essays, have letters of recommendation and have achieved a high academic standing. Multiple volunteer readers from the college and foundation reviewed each application.

Editor’s note: Students receiving a scholarship of $2,000 or more are listed by city below. For a complete list of recipients, contact Sarene Wallace at Mayerson Marketing & Public Relations at or 805-373-1100 x 1.

Samantha Smithers
Cynthia Banales
Brandon Burns
Pluton Gradeci
Anita Tambat
Dayna Davis
Ivan Santana

Marlene Carvajal
Esteban Casas

Ryan Gallagher

Julia Osborne
Alina Rutschky
Thuy Tran
Angela Mireles
Maria Tapia
Christopher Palacios
Argeniss Figueroa
Gregory Vance
Maria Maldonado Oxnard cont.
Lorraine Miramontes
Eric Arteaga
Elaine Chavez
Jose Barrera
James Mallinson
Loren Gutierrez
Taylor Kroneberger
Chazney Markle
Corrine Perez
Karina Kays
Oliver Nguyen
John Trinh
Jeanette Rennie
Maria Gutierrez

Port Hueneme
Lydia Marie Gastelum

Santa Paula
Brigitte Kiesewetter
Nicholas Vandergeugten
Lucia Marquez
Vincent Chavez
Maria Villalon Landeros Thousand Oaks
Harindra Perumabaduge Wijesinghe
John Kim

Natalie Gallardo
Erica Garcia
Adam Braver
Kori Farrell
Janette Moreno
Deborah Leonard
Stephen Cordova
Ryan Kielas
Jonathan Richmond
Chelsea Malone
Estefania Sanchez
Shannon Kenney
Alejandro Robles
Danikka Morrison
Olivia Rada
Pamela McCormick
Megan Bograd
Carly Bell
Christina Robinson
Pamela Denny
Heather Julius

Established in 1983, the Ventura College Foundation provides financial support to the students and the programs of Ventura College to facilitate student success and grow the impact and legacy of Ventura College as a vital community asset. The Foundation also hosts the Ventura College Foundation Marketplace, an outdoor shopping experience held every weekend on the Ventura College campus east parking lot. For more information, contact Norbert Tan at (805) 289-6160 or Also visit, and the Foundation on Facebook and Twitter (@VC_Foundation).



May 29, 2015

Please come and enjoy the great performances by staff and students.
It promises to be a fun-filled evening with over 7 staff acts and more than 9 student performances.
There will be a reading/dedication to our Senior Class of 2015. Please encourage your graduate to attend.
Your presence and support to Fillmore High School’s Got Talent program is greatly appreciated.
Admission is only $5.00 and $3.00 for our graduating Class of 2015.
All proceeds go to the Drama program.


CSU Channel Islands (CI) History Lecturer Scott Corbett, Ph.D. and Ventura College Sculpture and Ceramics Instructor Jenchi Wu will soon lead a trip to the other side of the globe to introduce Ventura College and CI students to the arts and history of China.

"I'm definitely excited about the Terra Cotta Warriors," said CI History Major Jaime Lapper, 22, of Simi Valley. "I've never left the country before. We're also going to the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City. It's so overwhelming."

The spring learning odyssey to China is the capstone of a sequence of courses Corbett teaches on Chinese history. This international education student trip is called "Introduction to the Arts and History of China."

Eight students from Ventura College and 14 from CI will board a plane to Beijing, China with Corbett and Wu on May 27 and return June 8.

"Jenchi handles the art side of it and I handle the history side of it," said Corbett, who also teaches history at Ventura College. "This is the first time we've blended Ventura College with CI students on a trip like this."

After landing in Beijing, the students will visit the city of Jingdezhen, where Chinese pottery has been made for 1,700 years. As a master potter, Wu will be able to explain the significance of the ancient pottery tradition.

The group will then visit Camarillo's sister city, Shaoxing. Just as Camarillo is home to CSU Channel Islands, Shaoxing is home to Shaoxing University.

Corbett said the group will also see the well-known sights such as the Great Wall, the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Forbidden City. They'll see Tiananmen Square and glittering Shanghai which will "knock their socks off," Corbett said.

CI History and Political Science double major Andreina Leon, 20, is excited about the calligraphy museum, and the chance to soak in an ancient culture.

"The Chinese have a lot of respect for their family unit," Leon said. "Being Latina, it's very similar. There is respect for the grandparents and the ancestors. It's a rich cultural tradition that goes back thousands of years."

Corbett is no stranger to China. He is the fourth generation of his family to be professionally associated with China.

"My great-grandfather was the longest-serving Protestant minister in China," Corbett said. "One of his sons, my grandfather, was on the founding faculty of Yenching University. I went and taught in China from 1985 to 1988."

Corbett and Wu have been brainstorming about the interdisciplinary trip ever since last year, when both attended a conference aimed at innovative teaching methods.

The two educators thought it would be ideal to combine art and history and to blend CI students with community college students who might one day want to continue their education at CI. The experience would give all the students a vision of their future that reaches over oceans and across cultures.

"We're hoping to inspire them to imagine their role in a global world," Corbett said. "To imagine what they'll be doing seven to 10 years from now instead of seven to 10 weeks from now."

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI's strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master's degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI's Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world's largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit


Troy Spencer with Mr. Wilber right before his high school graduation speech. Congratulations Troy! Your hard work continues to pay off and you make FHS and your community proud!
Troy Spencer with Mr. Wilber right before his high school graduation speech. Congratulations Troy! Your hard work continues to pay off and you make FHS and your community proud!
Enlarge Photo

Class of 2011 Valedictorian, Troy Spencer, was recently honored by Cal Lutheran for his academic achievements. 22 students were recognized for maintaining a 3.9 or higher GPA (on a scale of 4.0). Troy is an accounting major and also an FHS Alumni scholarship recipient.


Camarillo, CA - Representing Austria, South Africa, the U.S., Sweden and the Republic of the Congo at different times taught CSU Channel Islands (CI) junior Nick Gomez to assess global dilemmas from all angles.

“It forces you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and look at issues through the lens of another country,” Gomez said. Gomez is a member of CI’s Model UN Team, a revolving group of CI students who regularly participate in intercollegiate Model United Nations conferences and recently brought home several awards.

The conferences allow college students from all over the U.S. to tackle global problems that confound world leaders, including religious freedom, the rights of indigenous people and treatment of women, to name just a few issues. CI students receive credit for coursework and conference participation.

“They prepare draft resolutions, negotiate with allies and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the Model UN conference rules of procedure,” said CI Professor of Political Science Andrea Grove, Ph.D., faculty team leader along with Political Science lecturer Christopher Scholl, Ph.D.

Each year, 15 to 17 students travel to the Western Collegiate Model United Nations (WestMUN) conference at Santa Barbara City College in March and the Model United Nations of the Far West (MUNFW) near Seattle, Washington in April.

“This time, one of the committees was dealing with human trafficking, another one with sustainable development issues and another with cyber-terrorism,” Grove said. “It’s an experiential way for students to learn about global issues. They have to do research on these global issues to prepare for the conference.”

At the conference, each student is placed with a delegation charged with representing a specific U.N. country.

“I’ve represented India, Austria, Ecuador, South Africa,” said CI senior Sara Sanders, 22. “Ireland was really interesting because it’s such a small island nation that is so dependent on the European Union.”

The participants serve on model U.N. committees such as the U.N. Security Council, the World Health Organization or UNESCO.

“They don’t call me Sara, they call me â€the delegate from India’ or â€the delegate from Ireland,’ Sanders said.

The students also compete for awards such as Best Speaker or Best Diplomat.
At WestMUN, Best Speaker awards went to CI students Nick Gomez, Jeanette Quiroz, Sebastian Navarro, and Hannah Senninger.

Best Diplomat awards went to Maria Barrios and Daniel Aspinwall with honorable mentions for Best Diplomat going to Victor Frausto and Jenny Arevalo. CI also swept the awards at MUNFW, where honors are given to delegations as opposed to individuals. Three of the four delegations populated with CI students won awards. They were: El Salvador, Austria and Tanzania.

“Also, graduating senior Sara Sanders was selected to be the Secretary General at the Western Model UN conference next year,” Grove said. “This is a fantastic honor.”

Sanders— graduates Saturday with a double major in history and political science—has been to nine conferences during her four years at CI. She said the emails and queries about the 2016 conference in March have already started filling up her inbox.

Aside from the valuable experience she gains from organizing next year’s conference, “I’m happy to have been selected because it gives me a good excuse to come back to California,” Sanders said.

Sanders, who hopes to be a university professor someday, is going on to pursue a master’s degree in political science at Sarah Lawrence College in New York.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world’s largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit

Valedictorians, Honor Society members highlighted

California Lutheran University honored several top students for their academic achievements at the 44th Annual Honors Day Banquet this month.

Jared Berman of Westlake Village and Lauren Witman of Simi Valley both received the Provost’s Award for Academic Excellence as valedictorians of the Class of 2015. They had the highest cumulative GPAs for all college work. Berman is a biology major who has conducted research in genetics and developmental biology since freshman year. He is a member of the Tri Beta honor society and University Honors Program and has served as vice president of both the Scandinavian Student Club and the leadership honor society Omicron Delta Kappa. Witman is majoring in psychology and minoring in theology and Christian leadership. She is also a member of the University Honors Program and Omicron Delta Kappa as well as the Psi Chi honor society and has been active in campus ministry and community service.

Twenty-two new members of the Scholastic Honor Society were named. Upper division students qualify for the university’s highest academic honor by maintaining a grade point average of at least 3.9 on a 4.0 scale. No more than 5 percent of the students from each graduating class are invited to participate. The members are Michael Alvarez, a business administration major from Newhall; BJ (Jack) Bension, a physics major from Agoura Hills; Salvador Brito, a biochemistry major from Oxnard; Brooke Delao, a chemistry major from Simi Valley; Justin Fallon, an exercise science major from Burbank; Ryan Fleming, a political science major from Moorpark; Julie Griffin, an English major from Fremont; Rebecca Haas, an exercise science major from Moorpark; Brian Hix, a music major from Sisters, Oregon; Kevlyn Holmes, a psychology major from Gazelle; Adrienne Ingalla, an exercise science major from Glendale; Michael Maimone, a business administration major from Woodland Hills; Jadie Mathews, a liberal studies major from Moorpark; George Nasr, a computer science major from Newbury Park; Sarah Peterson, an English major from Pleasanton; Kelsey Pettijohn, a business administration major from Malibu; Jennifer Robinson, a history major from Simi Valley; Troy Spencer, an accounting major from Fillmore; Austin Swank, a biology major from Paso Robles; James Sweeden, a business administration major from Omaha, Nebraska; Courtney Vendetti, a psychology major from Northridge; and Taylor Will, an exercise science major from Santa Maria.

Kellie Warren, a Thousand Oaks English major, received the $1,000 Mark Van Doren Poetry Prize for a collection of poems. English Department faculty awarded Peterson the $500 Ledbetter Prize for Excellence in Writing for a literary essay that was deemed the best literary work by an English major. Matthew Ruffino of Moorpark received the $500 O. Fritiof Ander History Award as the most outstanding senior history major, and biochemistry major Trevor Hougen of San Diego received the $500 Smith Family Writing History Award for the best history paper submitted during the year.

Separate morning and afternoon ceremonies on May 16 will accommodate growing number of graduates and guests
California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

More than 2,000 CSU Channel Islands (CI) candidates for graduation will receive degrees in separate morning and afternoon ceremonies on Saturday, May 16. In addition to hitting the milestone of 10,000 alumni this year, CI joins the CSU Class of 3 Million, making its graduates exclusive members of the nation's largest, most diverse and well-known public university system.

The morning ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. and will include the following academic programs:
Anthropology, Art, Chicana/o Studies, Early Childhood Studies, Education, English, History, Liberal Studies, Performing Arts, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and teaching credentials. Additionally, William "Bill" Kearney will receive an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters (L.H.D.).

The afternoon ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. and will include the following academic programs:
Applied Physics, Biology, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, Biotechnology/MBA, Business, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science, Economics, Environmental Science & Resource Management, Information Technology, Mathematics, Nursing, and Spanish. CI alum Gary Cushing '10 will receive CI's Distinguished Alumnus Award.

Students eligible to receive degrees or credentials include candidates from fall 2014, spring and summer 2015. A live Web streaming of the ceremonies will be available by visiting: Students and guests attending the ceremonies can use #cigrad on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,, Vine, and Google+ to be featured on our official Tagboard at

For additional information, contact or 805-437-3100, or visit

Sinu Bessy Abraham, Jennifer Acosta, Ray Alfano, Joe Allison, Zeel Amin, Dev Ananda, Bryn Aquino, Lana Bachman, Ali Baig, Nicole Bogdanich, Mohammad Borhanpour, Rocio Bravo Chavez, Daniel Brenneise, Phillip Bryant, Dominique Burns, Omar Castillo, Jon Chacon, James Chater, Natalie Chillo-Bradley, Zahra Chimeh, Kristin Chiniaeff, Jose Colon, Jennifer Conmay, Aaron Contreras, Kali Cottingame, Stephanie Denson, Nicholas Desautels, David Diano, Andrew Diaz, Suresh Divya, Ramsinh Dodia, Shanah Elliott, Aimee Flores, Ian Foutz, Logan Froman, Payal Gala, Prathyusha Garimidi, Michael Ghens, Matthew Gobuty, Karen Gomes, Monica Gonzales, Chad Graham, Katy Greenwood, PhiVan Ha, Effat Habibi, Sage Hathaway, Derrick Hau, Timothy Havel, Ildiko Hazak, Jessica Hendricks, Valerie Hennes, Ryan Howe, Jonathan Ikola, Emily Ip, Chuan Jiang, Daniel Joseph, Michael Kaiser, Amrit Kaur, Bora Kim, Zack Klamn, Malavika Krishnamurthy Sarvalaxmi, Rex Lacambacal, Steven Lancaster, Kristopher Leslie, Alvin Little, Samantha Lui, Elizabeth Lust, Marjorie Maas, Viviana Magana-Laureano, Emmanuel Manasievici, Dantha Manikka-Baduge, Margarita Martinez, Michael Mazmanian, Daniel McCoy, Eric Meissner, Victor Mikhaltsevich, Kelly Milstead, Michelle Moeller, Laeeq Mohammad, Janeth Moran Cervantes, Melanie Morrow, Jeannette Mujica, Adrian Mummey, Nicholette Murraybruce, Vignesh Nadar, Artemis Naderkhani, Aruna Naik, Christopher Ngo, Viet Nhan, Victoria Nigro, Adam Northrup, Esther Omaiye, Arthela Osorio, Ramya Pasupuleti, Jigar Patel, Nilkamal Patni, Joshua Plat, Susan Portugal, Tania Rapoza, Kimberly Reinholdt, Christopher Rini, Lindsay Romo, Shane Sakamaki-Ching, Elise Salles, Susan Santos, Nicole Sarris, Harriet Sarto, Joseph Saweres, Patrick Shaw, Monica Sides, Mallika Singh, Vincent Siu, Matthew Sprinkle, John Stebbins, Michael Stensrud, Jaratporn Sungkamee, Kristin Tejeda, Kelly Thomas, Mirela Todorova, Charles Tran, Danny Tran, Colin Trousdale, Bao Truong, Brian Tusi, William Van Trigt, Don Vo, Jonathan Weitz, Alan West, Philip West, Melissa Whitacre, Christopher Wolf, Sumanth Yaratha, Brian Yip

Bridget Banyai, Abigail Barrett, Andrea Bates, Andrew Berkovich, Leslie Burke, Lauren Burubeltz, Julia Carrillo, Mario Casillas, Maria Castells, Sandra Ceja, Jonathan Chang, Asia Colvin, Ashley Cox, Ryan Creadick, Megan Cummings, Allison Davenport, Torie Deinhard, Alondra Dorado Silva, Etelina Durazo, Kathryn Earnest, German Figueroa, Jennifer Figueroa, Dedra Fischer-Dobson, Carrie Fong, David Ford, Meagan Forrest, Joscelyn Franzoy, Taira Garces, Catri Grisso, Marisol Guillen, Amelia Gutierrez, Jenny Hawkins, Lauren Hicks, Sara Hocamp, Gabrielle Holmes, Matthew Jackson, Arlene Jimenez, Maddisen Kays, Nicole Kilpatrick, April Lecroy, Tonetta Lone Elk, Nico Lopez, Paige Loveland, Jazmin Martinez, Christopher Mastrovito, Amanda Mayfield, Scott Mccardell, Ryan McCurdy, Kalley Medina, Hanna Mehring, Irma Melgoza-Vasquez, Amy Miyamoto, Amber Moise, Kimberly Mutolo, Jason Naczek, Andrew Navarro, Christopher Nichols, Jesse Nishimura, Brittany Nuzum, Elia Olmos, Wade Perkins, Beth Perry, Scott Platt, Kaitlyn Poindexter, Alejandra Ramos, Jessica Regina, Michael Reid, Kyle Ripley, Victor Rodriguez, Brenda Rubio, Mallory Ruiz, Kevin Ryan, Nikole Sandoval, Krystal Sarabia-Rocha, Jackson Sauthoff, Lyndsey Schroeder, Megan Sment, Betty Smith, Robert Spears, Beth Tappin, Marisela Torres, Diana Troutman, Elizabeth Tsipouras, Laura Uchiyama, Sheri Usher, Rubi Valencia Andrade, Elizabeth Velasco, Jennifer Ventura, Laura Wilson, Tasha Wisniewski, Reilly Zaloom

Amanda Aaron, Jessica Abbott, Khalil Abdul-Fattah, Michael Abeloe, Scott Abernethy, Lauren Aboytes, Clint Abraham, Jaime Abruzzese, Kevin Aceituno, Jessica Acevedo, Selene Acosta, Tyler Adachi, Aubrey Adair, Jean Adame, NIcholas Agheli, Gabriel Agosto, Andrea Aguayo, Andres Aguilera, Rocio Aguilera, Cynthia Aguirre, Karla Aguirre, Molly Aguirre, Sabrina Aguirre, Olivia Agundes, Shane Ahern, Cameron Ahmadian, Haidi Ahmed, Zain Ahmed, Betzabeth Ahumada, Zein Alameddine, Nigel Alandy, Karen Alaniz, Sandra Alaniz, Itzel Alarcon, Gabriel Alcantar, Stephanie Alcaraz, Maryflor Alegria, Ashley Alexander, Ryan Alexander, Christopher Alfarero, David Allen, Meredith Allison, Aya Al-Najjar, Lauren Alonzo, Zane Alston, Alexandra Alva-Black, Brenda Alvarado, Lio Alvarado, Monica Alvarado, Rocio Alvarado, Tiffany Alvarado, Sabrina Alvarez, Gregory Amantia, Arianna Amavisca, Edgar Ambriz, Gloria Ambriz, Alexander Amerault, Jose Amezcua, Keyon Aminian, Taylor Amstutz, Jason Amurao, Jordin Anastasia, Cristina Andalon, Roberta Anders, Carly Anderson, Heather Anderson, Karli Anderson, Matthew Anderson, Gabriela Andrade, Luis Andrade, Marisela Andrade, Stephen Andrews, Alexandra Angel, Elyse Angel, Cristina Anglin, Corinne Angress, Alexis Apodaca, Michelle Aquino, Edgar Arambula Morales, Fergielyn Aranzazu, Janelle Archambault, Claudia Arellano, Nancy Arellano, Jenny Arevalo, Manuel Arevalo, Shauna Arguello, Matthew Armstrong, Alexandra Arreola, Marcos Arroyo Lopez, Jenessa Asher, John Rovin Aspuria, Elie Assaad Boutros, Tamara Astorga, Jonathon Avila, Justine Avila, Maria Avila, Fernando Ayala, Juan Ayala, Michael Ayala, Ladan Babaeian, Amber Babcock, Andres Baca, Guisela Bahena, Kenneth Bahr, Amanda Baker, Kelsey Baker, Negin Bakhtiari, Ryan Bakkum, Amanda Balades, Criselle Balinos, Chelsey Ballot, Christina Balster, Melissa Baran, Sean Barber, Ted Barber, Brittney Barlow, Bianca Barnes, Kelly Barnes, Tracy Barnes, Courtney Barr, Hannah Barrella, Krystyne Barrera, Luke Barrett, Zachary Barrett, Aaron Barro, Jose Barron, Marcela Barron, Nicholas Bartolone, Emily Barwig, Robert Bauer, Gerardo Bautista, Juan Bautista, Lady Rufa Bautista, Jennie Beal, Faustino Becerra, Patrick Beckley, Joanna Beinfeld, Ryon Bell, Anthony Beltran, Stephanie Benedetti, Brandon Bennett, Megan Bennett, Kathryn Bergman, Dana Berlin, Samantha Bernal, Hayley Berning, Candice Berry, Adolfo Berumen, Torey Best, Marie Bestle, Ericka Betancourt, Samantha Betteridge, Jason Bingaman, Kelly Bissell, Shawntelle Bivens, Sarah Black, Jacob Blade, Nicolle Blair, Taylor Blair, Claire Blakey, Benjamin Blanchard, Mireille Blanchard, Devon Blankenship, Natalie Block, Kyle Blossom, Susan Blough, Stephanie Blumberg, Zachary Bolick, Cheryl Bonito, Justin Bosco, Hailee Bowden, Rebecca Bower, Angelica Bowers, Amanda Brackenhoff, Tess Bradburn, Emily Bragginton, Michael Braico, Mercedes Braly, Kellye Bramel, Tei Brandle, Regina Brannock, Robert Brawders, Joseph Brazil, Janice Brcich, Ebony Breaux, Samantha Breedlove, Todd Bregman, Landon Brenner, Jennifer Brice, Jeff Bricker, Jordan Briers, Andrew Brinkman, Hayden Brodsky, Heather Brooks, Mathew Brooks, Emily Broughton, Lindsey Brower, Sarah Brower, Wesley Brower, Brittany Brown, Geneva Brown, Leslie Brown, Ming Jun Brown, Janet Browne, Veronica Browning, Cody Broyles, Jessica Bruce, Benjamin Brust, Carrie Buchanan, Kilian Buchenau, Sarah Buckley, Katelyn Budroe, Joanne Budzinski, Alyssa Buechler, Roberto Bueno, Sergio Bueno, Ashley Bullard, Jason Bunnell, Julie Bunting, Jake Burak, Mark Burgess, Ryan Burke, Jennifer Burkhard, Kerry Burns, Eric Burton, Anna Bury, Connor Bush, Jordan Bustillos, Robert Cabello, Jaypril Cabillan, Brandon Caddell, Michael Cagle, Matthew Cain, Amanda Calderon, Cesar Calderon Sanchez, Moira Callahan-Lenox, Christopher Callan, Katelyn Callaway, Jonathanne Calupe, Karen Camago, Ricardo Camarillo, Carla Campos, Ana Candara, Margarita Canela, Tiffany Canfield, Ann Cano, Uriel Cano, Gilbert Capulong, Rigo Cardona, Aliesha Cardoza, Courtney Carlson, Jacqueline Carmona, Meghan Carr, Daisy Carranza, Kristen Carrell, Esmeralda Carretero Rodriguez, Andrea Carrillo, Andrew Carrillo, Troy Carson, Whitney Carver, David Casas, Aldo Castaneda, Pedro Castellon, Mireya Castillo, Jonathan Castillo Guizar, Ana Castro, Michelle Castro, Robin Castro, Melidsa Castro Espana, Krista Catalano, Carina Celio, Andrea Cendejas, Cynthia Centeno, Urbano Centeno, Jordan Cerovski, Victoria Cerrilla-Olsen, Sarah Cerritos, Juan Cervantes, Leticia Cervantes, Kristina Cervi, Pablo Chalott, James Chambers, Marybeth Chambers, Jake Chancer, Diana Chavez, Jesse Chavez, Melanie Chavez, Ramon Chavez, Yuante Chen, Cameron Cheyne, Jessica Chiang, Helen Chicas, Paola Chicas Gomez, Jordyn Chism, Hoon Cho, Kathy Chou, Alison Christensen, Jennifer Ciaccio, Armando Cisneros, Lorena Cisneros Lopez, Brandon Clark, Christian Clark, Erica Clark, Esther Clark, Mary Clark, Kevin Clay, Allison Clayton, Raymond Clayton, Nico Clemencon-Charles, Stephanie Clements, Jonathan Clever, Melissa Clift, Douglas Clifton, Bailey Clincy, Shaye Clubb, Makenna Cobey, Dana Cochran, Stephanie Coghlan, Christian Cole, Catherine Coleman, Cecily Colgate, John Collado, Lucia Collazo, Karen Comey, Benjamin Comfort, Jacob Conboy, Fred Contrata, Erica Contreras, Rebecca Contreras, Sheila Contreras, Tania Cook, Micah Cookes, Morgan Cooley, Idalmy Coot, Sarah Coover, Cory Cordero-Rabe, Alysha Cordova, Maria Cordova, Jessica Cornelius, Debra Cornick, Ernest Coronado, Alicia Cortes, Coyolicatzi Cortes, Martin Cortez, Shelby Corwin, Cynthia Cosio, Gina Costa, Garrett Coulson, David Covarrubias, Alexander Cowans, Tatiana Craivanu, Allyson Crane, Robert Crane, Zackary Crawford, Shannon Crean, Annie Crevier, Samantha Crumrine, Alexandra Cruz, Jennifer Cruz, Kristen Cruz, Sandra Cruz Ocampo, Marcella Cuevas, Stephanie Cuevas, Richard Culp, Scott Cummings, Andrew Cunningham, Gregory Cutler, Inga Dahlstedt, Jacob Dahneke, Alice Dal Moro, Lauren Dalton, Amanda Daly, Lindsey Davies, Angelique Davis, Haley Davis, Chelsea Davy, Deonte Dawson, Ashley Day, Kenneth De Alday, Marisol De Casas Pilotzi, Ramir De Castro, Luciane De Greef, Aydedt De Jesus, Desiree De La Torre, Cristina De Leon, Jasmine De Mange, Mayra De Santiago, Ben de Witte, Lisa Deakin, Eric Dees, Anginette DeFrancisis, James Deibel, Alexander Delgado, Elizabeth Delgado, Laura Delgado, Patricia D'Emidio, Holly Denning, Robert Dennis, Kaiya Densa, Travis Dergan, Kayla Derichsweiler, Matthew Desai, Haley Desenberg, Daylin Dettenmayer, Natalie Di Raimondo, Alejandra Diaz, Amber Diaz, Antonio Diaz, Joseph Diaz, Maria Diaz Cardenas, Cristina Dibartolo, Melissa Dickerson, Brittany Dickinson, Laine Dickison, Kaitlin Dillon, Hannah Dineley, Robert Dinkel, Chelsey DiPanni, Kelsey DiPietro, Philip DiRaffaele, Bruno Do Carmo Wilroy, Morgan Doane, Alyssa Dodson, Justin Doering, Keegan Doheney, Priscilla Domingo, Alisha Dominguez, Margaret Donahue, Katherine Donelson, Jason Doolittle, Julia Dorosh, Jenna Dotts, Sarah Douglas, Justin Dover, Amelia Dreizler, Nathaniel Drenth, Daniel Dress, Kathleen Drom, Evelyn Duarte, Jeanette Dubon, Quincee Ducos, Jessica Dueker, Mikaela Dueker, Osbelia Duenas, John Duff, Drew Duncan, Liam Duncan, Alma Duran, Arnulfo Duran, David Duran, Maria Duran, Melissa Duran, Samuel Dutter, Gian Carlo Dye- Oliva, Ashley Eads, Megan Earle, Elyse Earwood, Taylor Ebbert, Kellee Eberle, Daniel Edwards, Molly Edwards, Paige Egelston, Andrew Eichner, Matthew Eifert, Emily Eisen, Carl Eisenthal, Anna Elias, Stephanie Ellerbe, Douglas Ellis, Dylan Ellis, Sarah Ellsworth, Peter Elsousou, Cameron Embree, Addisyn Emery, Sam England, Christopher Enyart, Kelsey Erisman, Katherine Ernst, Irma Escamilla, Daniela Escobedo, Kimberly Esgate, Anthony Esparza, Sharon Espinosa, Iliana Espinoza, Yvette Espinoza, Cassandra Esposito, Marysol Esquivel, Jose Estebes, Christa Estrada, Maritza Estrada, Michelle Evans, Laura Everest, Roman Evgrafov, Tara Faigle, Taylor Farner, Elizabeth Farrell, Nadine Farrell, Cayla Farrington, Renae Farris, Eugenie Fasulo, Gradon Faulkner, Jonathan Fausto, Skye Favela, Jessica Favela-Rojas, Charles Fazzone, Brianne Felber, Danielle Felts, Vincent Ferguson, Michael Fernandez, Daniel Fernandez-Castaneda, Dante Ferrari, Andrea Ferris, Jessica Ferrusquilla, Matthew Fetzer, Morgan Figley, Aurelie Figlio, Diana Figueroa, Mekenna Filaccio, Mychal Fimbres, Denise Finch, Erica Finks, Alexandria Fiori, Roseann Fischer, Joseph Fish, Danielle Fisher, Valerie Fitzpatrick, Kelly Flannery, Airam Flores, Cindy Flores, Laura Flores, Rosalia Flores, Tori Flores, Eve Foisy, Kevin Folino, Jelitsa Fonseca, Jacob Forbes, Jenna Fordis, Lorraine Foronda, Gabriela Fortun, Jordan Forward-Sanchez, Cherish Foster, Brandon Francis, Joshua Francis, Nikole Francisco, Victor Franco, Morgan Franklin, Victor Frausto, Heesoo Frederickson, Catherine Fredgant, Soren Freedlund, Janelle Fried, Yanette Frutos, Jennifer Frye, Jennifer Fuchs, Aaron Fukutomi, Alyssa Fumarolo, Katherine Furman, Alexa Gaddis, Kelly Gadsby, Michelle Gaeta, Gabriel Galindo, Delia Gallegos, Aaron Galvan, Brianna Galvan, Laivy Gamez, Salvador Gamez, Alejandra Garcia, Alexander Garcia, Arturo Garcia, Brenda Garcia, Brittany Garcia, Diana Garcia, Isabel Garcia, Janet Garcia, Julia Garcia, Kimberly Garcia, Kristina Garcia, Marisa Garcia, Marissa Garcia, Nayada Garcia, Raymond Garcia, Rolando Garcia, Stephanie Garcia, Tiffany Garcia, Vicente Garcia, Victor Garcia, Andres Garcia Carbajal, Brianna Garcia-Milner, Cicily Gardea, Susan Gardner, Lauren Garza, Kevin Gaston, Royce Gatdula, Ryanne Gatti, Ashley Genovese, Patrick Geraghty, Chad Gerckens, Caroline Gergen, Laura Geske, Alex Getman, Krystle Getzinger, Teni Gharibians, Chrisoula Giannakopoulos, Douglas Gibbs, Christopher Gibson, Paul Gifford, Maria Gil, Donna Gill, Katherine Gill, Raveena Gill, Kevin Gilreath, Janice Goekler, David Goldberg, Rebecca Goldsmith, Denise Gomez, Evelyn-Tina Gomez, Maleny Gomez, Ryan Gomez, Marc Gonzales, Alejandra Gonzalez, Cecilia Gonzalez, Daniel Gonzalez, David Gonzalez, Edith Gonzalez, Jessica Gonzalez, Pamela Gonzalez, Rikki Gonzalez, Vanessa Gonzalez, Kathleen Good, Jonathan Goode, Shaina Goodman, Allison Goodwin, Donald Goodyear, Madison Goodyear, Jordan Gootkin, Julia Gothold, Angelique Graffeo, Lia Graham, Carlos Grajeda, Andrea Gramajo, Celena Grant, Sean Green, Julia Greiner, Daniel Grewal, Renzo Grieve, Jordan Griffin, Iva Grigorova, Diane Grill, Allison Grimm, James Griswold, Dylan Groh, James Grundy, Adrianna Guadarrama, Lori Guadarrama, Jeffrey Gudim, Maki Guelcher, Ana Guerrero, Juan Guerrero, Bernadette Guevara, Sarah Gullikson, Perla Gurrola, Ivon Gutierrez, Megan Gutierrez, Karina Gutierrez Soto, Joshua Hager, Amanda Haick, Jennifer Haldeman, Alicia Haley, Maryam Halimi, Cheyenne Hall, Megan Hall, Travis Hall, Tylere Hamm, Taylor Hampson, Luke Hanes, Loren Hansen, Matthew Harada, Lexi Harari, Henry Hardison, Sean Harper, Justin Harris, Matthew Harris, Andrea Harsma, Nathan Hart, Shahdad HashemiDaryani, Kenji Hatakeyama, Nicholas Hatfield, Danit Havton, Lior Havton, Cassidy Hawkins, Hannah Hays, Samantha Helland, Elijah Henke, Kevin Henry, Julia Hensley, Kevin Herbst, Travis Heritage, Brittany Herman, Tyler Hermans, Jiovana Hermosillo, Brianne Hernandez, Denise Hernandez, Jimena Hernandez, Karla Hernandez, Sophia Hernandez, Lara Herrick, Harmony Hertzog, Vanessa Hewitt, Corie Hill, Stephen Hill, Zachary Hill, Marichel Hilliard, Michael Hipskind, Jessica Hirsch, Morgan Hochberg, Lauren Hocker, Jacob Hodge, Leanne Hodgin, Rebekah Hoefer, Amanda Hoffman, Cody Hoffman, John Hogan, Stephanie Holguin, Amy Holguin-Howell, Stephanie Holland, Amanda Hollis, Amanda Holstein, Nicole Holtfreter, Nicole Holtgrave, Rhonna Horney, Danielle Horton, Elena Horton, Kate Horwald, Maitlyn Hoskins, O'Neill Hougland, Ashleigh Housman, Chelsee Howard, Olivia Howells, Jessica Hren, Brittany Hubbard, Aleesa Huber, Sarah Huda, Kierra Huettl, Kali Huggins, Joshua Hughes, William Hughes, Danielle Huguenin, Maribel Huizar, Courtney Hultgen, Maria Hummer Flores, Sean Humphrey, Christine Hurd, John Hurtado, Roxana Hurtado, Sarah Hurtado, Batool Hussain, Laurel Huston-Shapiro, Jack Hwang, Kelsey Ibach, Veronica Ibarra, Kaitlyn Ignacio, Rachel Ilanit, Kevin Illig, Devon Ingalsby, Brittany Ingersoll, Michael Inglima, Catherine Ingram, Zachary Ingram, Thomas Inlow, Jacob Ioannides, Amanda Israel, Andrea Ives, Kiana Jack, Meghan Jackson, Samantha Jacobs, Jessica Jacoby, Ana Jaimes, Jessica Jaramillo, Troy Jasso, Thomas Jenkins, Lindsey Jensen, Adam-John Jimenez, Katherine Jimenez, Roberto Jimenez, Mario Joaquin, Angelique Johnson, Devin Johnson, Megan Johnson, Philip Johnson, Teresa Johnson, Brady Jones, Ethan Jones, Megan Jones, Stephanie Jones, Valerie Jones, Wendy Juarez, Martha Juede, Allison Junod, Jaruwan Kaengaew, Truman Kain, Jeanne Kaiser, Barbara Kaleff, Saro Kanaan, Andrea Kaplan-Hernandez, Nicholas Karam, Hunter Kardinaal, Neil Kardinaal, Lisa Kaye, Adelysha Kazay, Maryam Kazemzadeh, Hailey Keairns, Lauren Kehiayan, Chloe Keller, Lia Kelley, Kirsten Kelly, Logan Kelly, Natalie Kelly, Shane Kennedy, Shane Kennelty, Christine Kenney, Natalie Keshishian, Mirela Khan, Jessica Kidder, Emily Kimbrough, Adam Kinberg, Grier King, Devin Klarner, Lucas Klein, Tracy Klein, Jacob Kleitman, Tyson Kluss, Corey Kniss, Thomas Knouse, Christopher Knowles, Brian Ko, Artur Kochetkov, Kayla Koczian, Candace Koff, James Kofron, Benjamin Kolbeck, Chatbodin Konenakeaw, Thomas Koontz, Lex Koscielak, Tom Kozlowski, Ryan Krafczik, Amber Kramer, Angela Krego, Kelly Krier, Kerri Krizer, Forrest Kroeber, Amber Kuan, Allison Kubant, Elijah Kuhlman, Marlena Kurtz, Michelle Kwan, Theresa LaBass, Brittany Laffoon, Crystal Laigo, Gerald Lajoie, Alexander Lamb, Elizabeth Lampell, Alvaro Landeros, Matthew Landeros, Kathleen Landron, Ryan Landseadel, Kirstin Lane, Taylor Lane, Ailyn Lang, London Lang, Nikola Lapackova, Rachel Lapin, Taylor LaPlant, John Paul LaPointe, Jessica Lara, Vannesa Lara, Leila Larijani, Anthony Larios, Therese Larkin, Daniel Larkins, Erik Larson, Tara Larson, Christian Laserna, Genevieve LaTurner, Keith Laughner, Erynn Laurent, Mar-Kell Law, Victoria Law, An Le, Rosalyn Leach, Jess Leal, Jessica Leal, Vanessa Leal, Andrea Ledezma, Zachary Ledezma, Chase Lee, Chelsea Lee, Claudia Lee, Joanne Lee, Joseph Leisz, Robin Lem, Nicole Lemke, Gabriela Leon, Ryan Leonard, Stephanie Lepas, Anna Lerner, Denise Leung, Jessica Leupold, Kaylin Levi, Whitney Lewis, Timothy Lewsadder, Miguel Leyva, Lesley Licea, Shayne Liess, Mari Ligeralde, Benjamin Ligon, Mirvjena Lila, Aldo Lima, Jonathan Lin, Dylan Lincoln, Cassandra Lindquist, Dylan Lindsey, Charlotte Lippman, Alexandra Lipson, Harriet Liversidge, Darryl Llorin, Alexander Lopez, Carina Lopez, Christa Lopez, Claudia Lopez, Erica Lopez, Evelin Lopez, Faviola Lopez, Luis Lopez, Roxana Lopez, Sebastian Lopez, Valerie Lopez, Harrison Lord, Aquaria Loredo, Cheyenne Lounsbrough, Carli Lovell, Cynthia Loyola, Crystal Lozano, Monica Lua, Elizabeth Lucatero, Brittany-Nicole Lucero, Cassandra Ludwig, Jennifer Lugo, Ivanna Luna, Shanee Lustre, Heather Lynch, Jameson Macaluso, Melanie Macdowell, Rocio Machuca, Maria del Carmen Macias, Noemi Macias, Lara MacIsaac, Cory Madden, Catherine Madinger, Daniel Madrigal, Maria Magana, Natalie Magana, Guadalupe Magaña Orozco, Brett Maikovich, Andrew Majorski, Alejandra Maldonado, David Maldonado, Hannah Malig, Susan Malone, Kaitlyn Mandour, Kandace Mangold, April Mangum, Laura Manriquez, Sophia Manson, Alexandria Manzano, Sierra Marangola, Hannah Marcano, Kristy Marin, Juliette Marquez, Peter Marquez, Lauren Marshburn, Benjamin Marta, Andrea Martinez, Ashleigh Martinez, Carlos Martinez, Courtney Martinez, Gabriela Martinez, Guadalupe Martinez, Jazmin Martinez, Lizet Martinez, Max Martinez, Melissa Martinez, Robert Martinez, Mayra Martinez Torralba, Andrea Masterson, Lauren Masterson, Abraham Matalon, Cynthia Mathes, Joseph Mathews, Laura Mathews, Nicole Mathews, Korina Matyas, Jesse Mauck, Maedi Mauricio, Kaitlin Maxwell, Caroline Mayengo, Ashley Mayer, Rachel Maynard, Brandi Mazzuca, Sean McBeth, Scott McCardell, Bridget McCarthy, Colleen McCarthy, Teche McCarthy, Matthew McCartney, Garrett McCarty, Ricky McCormies, Candice Mccoy, Nina McCoy, Alyssa McDonald, Megan McDonald, Janet McEachern, Nena McGath, Madeline McGinnis, Courtney McGowan, Melanie McGowan, Lindsey McHugh, Teale McIntosh, Alyssia McMorris, Kelsey McNary, Carmen Medina, Jose Medina, Leslie Medina, Miguel Medina, Rachel Medina, Golafarin Mehran Razy, Edina Meiners, Nancy Mejia, Ana Menchaca, Dianna Menchaca, Guadalupe Menchaca, Carlos Mendez, Janessa Mendez, Francisco Mendez Manrique, Albert Mendoza, Dora Mendoza, Heidy Mendoza, Melissa Mendoza, Sydney Mendoza, Marichu Mercado, Oliver John Mercado, Bethany Mesker, Sarah Messi, Nicholas Messing, Andrew Metzger, Jessica Meyer, Natali Meza, Raul Meza, Paul Michael, Charles Michener, Megan Mikhail, Alexia Miller, Hayden Miller, Jonathan Miller, Mical Miller, Tyler Miller, Felipe Mireles, Thomas Mirzakhanian, Anne Mitchell, Kevin Mitchell, Alina Mitina, Hannah Mize, Jennifer Mizon, Anna Mobley, Robert Modine, Kimia Moini, Victor Mojica, Derrick Molera, April Mondragon, Evy Monge, Juana Monroy, Marisol Montanez, Caitlin Montgomery, Autumn Moon, Nathan Moon, Kayleen Moore, Nancy Moore, Abraham Mora, Andrea Mora, Jose Mora, Monica Mora, Monica Mora, Alexander Morales, Dante Morales, Jose Morales, Adriana Moreno, Joanna Moreno, Kara Morison, Casey Moroney, Amy Morris, Hannah Morris, Lorie Morris, Amanda Mosher, Melinda Mosher, Andriy Moskalyk, Brianna Mosqueda, Rose Moss, Caleb Mossembekker, Shelby Mota, Samantha Motyl, Megan Mountan, Loy Mueller, Zaakirah Muhammad, Jasmin Munguia, Miguel Munguia, Gloria Munoz, Maria Munoz, Camren Murphy, Evan Murray, Monique Nadeau, Kylie Nadon, Roxanne Nassoudi, Katia Nava, Jeremiah Navarro, Mayra Navarro- Escamilla, Caitlin Neely, John Nefalar, Eric Nelson, Nicole Nelson, Brent Nessel, Nicholas Neubrand, Vanessa Nevarez, Brandon Newcomer, Ryan Newkirk, Allison Newton, Quoc Ngo, Catherine Nguyen, Han Nguyen, Kimberly Nguyen, Mimi Nguyen, Nikko Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Hayden Nicholson, Kathryn Nicks, Carina Nieto, Thomas Nilon, Hana Nishio, Jason Nitcha, Jarod Nocella, Katherine Nolan, Ryan Noorbehesht, Amanda Norman, Scott Norwood, Kathleen Noyes, Alexis Nunez, Monica Nunez, Alma Ocampo, Christopher Occhipinti, Nicholas Occhipinti, Amy Ochoa, Alexandria Ohnemus, Natalie Ohrt, Nallely Ojeda Rojas, Jocelyn Olivares, Rury Olivares, Viviana Olivo, Patricia Olmedo, Alessandra Olmedolara, Chris Olsen, Zachary Olsen, Edgar Olvera, Yvette Ordaz, Paulina Orellana, Rosa Orellana, Jesus Ornelas, Jessica Orozco, Yuliana Orozco, Jose Orozco Mata, Allen Orrante, Celina Ortiz, Raymond Ortiz, Tiphanie Ortiz, Alyssa Orton, Nicholas Ostrander, John Ota, Kathryn Pace, Riana Pack, Joseph Padgett, Natalie Padilla, Marissa Paiz, Nicolas Palacios, Edith Palmer, Alissa Pang, Agustin Pantoja, Lisa Panza, Lauren Panzera, Giana Parisi, Keith Parker, Tracy Parkes, Robert Parmelee, Liana Parra, Alexandra Parson, Anita Patel, Natalie Patenaude, Rushabh Pattani, Christine Paul, Ryan Paul, Alysha Payne, Karlo Paz, Kelsey Peace, Jelon Peavy, Amelia Pecsok, Nathan Pedrick, Troy Peele, Syed Peeran, Todd Peltzer, Jairo Pena, Priscilla Pena, Spencer Penuela, Carlos Peralta, Adriana Perez, Anacriss Perez, Felipe Perez, Frank Perez, Mary Perez, Nicole Perez, Jose Perezcampos, Leonardo Perlera, Bernadette Perttula, Andreya Peru, Monica Pesqueda, Charlotte Petersen, Tara Petersen, Kaylee Peterson, Lauren Peterson, Sandra Peyton, David Pfau, Sean Phillip, Jenna Phillips, Todd Phillips, Max Pido, Kimberly Pilpil, Elizabeth Pina, Marisela Pina, Daniel Pipolo, Keegan Pittman, Marina Pitts, Jennifer Poduje, Riley Polek-Davis, Cynthia Ponce, Jesus Ponce, Sean Ponder, Katrina Pope, Cody Porter, Giovanna Posca, Keela Potter, Shawn Potter, Christopher Pound, Corinne Powell, Laura Powell, Tyler Powell, Kathryn Power, Jaydev Prajapati, Bridget Presta, Ruthie Preston, Jenna Prewitt, Zachary Pritchard, Heidi Proctor, Julia Proctor, Nay Puckett, Cole Puente, Gabriela Pulido Vega, Daniel Puliti, Briana Quesada, Amanda Quick, Katrina Mae Quintos, Jeanette Quiroz, Kelly Raba, Janelle Radak, Ethan Rae, Ashley Rafael, Lindsay Raft, Chloe Rahimzadeh, Lateefah Rahman, Rosalie Raigoza, Carissa Raines, Amanda Ramirez, Amber Ramirez, Austin Ramos, Mary Ramos, Viridiana Ramos, Alexander Rankin, Marilyn Raper, Michael Rapp, Joyce Rara, Kenneth Raschke, Sarah Rasmussen, Angela Rawlings, Yvette Rayas, Jose Razon, Christopher Rea, Alex Rebollar, Megan Redler, Edward Reed, Jacob Reed, Nelson Reid, Wilson Reid, Stephanie Renteria-Perez, Tamara Renzi, Claudia Reveles, Alexa Reyes, Cameron Reyes, Elizabeth Reyes, Daniella Riad, Victoria Rico, Aimee Riegner, Jonathan Rigsbee, Diana Riley, Juan Rios, Robert Ristow, Andrew Rivera, Cesar Rivera, Georgina Rivera, Jasmine Elizabeth Rivera, Winverly Rivera, Race Rizzuti, Shane Robbins, David Roberts, Max Roberts, Samantha Roberts, Donna Robertson, Lindsey Robertson, Sandra Robin, Natasha Robinett, Paul Robinson, Mabel Robles, Monica Robles, Rosana Rocha, Angela Rodriguez, Claudia Rodriguez, Edgar Rodriguez, Hector Rodriguez, Jennifer Rodriguez, Joseph Rodriguez, Luz Angelica Rodriguez, Nestor Rodriguez, Walter Rodriguez, Andrew Rogers, Bethany Rogers, Brandon Rogers, Christopher Rogers, Jade Rohrbach, Fernanda Romano, Brenda Romero, Carlo Romero, Michael Romero-Quiroga, Noel Rosal, Elizabeth Rosales, Roxana Rosales, Arely Rosales-Ramirez, Maritza Rosas, Yesenia Rosas, Kari Rose, Jill Rosenberg, Shelby Ross, Arriel Rougeau, Anamarie Rowe, Randi Roy, Martha Rubio, Rhonica Rubio, Nolan Rudd, Lisa Rudin, Andrea Ruiz, Erica Ruiz, Lilian Ruiz, Lorely Ruiz, Nichole Ruiz, Michael Ruiz-Summers, Sarah Rushton, Isabella Russell, Gavin Rutnam, Lizet Ruvalcaba Rubalcava, Aubrey Ryan, Branden Ryan, Kyle Ryan, Sean Ryan, Sydney Sacolles, Faye Saechao, Shahrzad Saeed abadi, Heidi Safian, Christine Saito, Dustin Sakr, Cristina Salas, Angel Salazar, Jesus Salazar, Sonia Salazar, Ariel Sales-Martinez, Katelyn Sallee, Daniella Samano, Alexis Sanchez, Analuisa Sanchez, Angel Sanchez, Gaston Sanchez, Jessica Sanchez, Vanessa Sanchez, Yesenia Sanchez, Sara Sanders, Shannon Sanders, Carina Sandford, Nichole Sandlin, Brittany Sandoval, Lorraine Sandoval, Raul Sandoval, Julia Sanfacon, Oscar Santillan, Raquel Santos, Fariva Sarahang, Shahriar Sarbaz, Ed Sasaki, Michelle Savage, Mark Savala, Anthony Sayegh, Johnny Sayegh, Tiana Scanlan, Dorian Scarlett, Rhoy Scherban, Lea Schlags, Kelly Schlingensiepen, Chelsea Schmid, Colton Schmidt, Carly Schneider, Mitchell Schneider, Richard Schott, Courtney Schreiner, Hannah Schulenberg, Kevin Schulz, Kara Schulze, Melissa Schumacher, Alix Schwartz, Courtney Schwartz, Trevor Scott, Sarah Scrivano, Candice Secara, Katelyn Seeley, Jeff Segovia, Lindsay Seino, Stephanie Sendejaz, Emily Sentianin, Nicole Sequeira, Benjamin Sergent, Joseph Sesto, Aubree Sexton, Cody Seybold, Sarah Shadduck, James Shaft, Jessica Shakely, Karen Shannon, Amber Shaw, Meghan Sheetz, Darcy Shepley, Nicholas Sherman, Bridgette Shipcott, Hunter Shotzbarger, Bryce Showalter, Kelsey Showalter, Clayton Sideleau, Elizabeth Sidener, Aaron Sikes, Aaron Sikes, Julieta Silva, Margarita Silva, Jenna Silver, Daniela Sima, Sean Simeon, Deborah Simms, Lindsey Sivesind, Jessie Skizewski, Peter Skuba, Jamie Slattum, Brittany Sliger, Joanna Slott, Natalie Small, Breanna Smith, Chelsie Smith, Joseph Smith, Kaytlyn Smith, Kimberly Smith, Kyle Smith, Leah Smith, Lucas Smith, Melissa Smith, Micah Smith, Rylann Smith, Kathryn Smolarski, Megan Snider, Troy Snodgrass, Alexandra Soares, Joon Woo Sohn, Cristina Solis, Wendy Solis, Jennifer Solomon, Matthew Solomon, Stepfanie Sorensen, Chelsea Soto, Katherine Soto, Vanessa Soto, William Soto, Jennifer Sowards, Paul Spaur, Dallas Spellman, Nicholas Spence, Savannah Spicer, Meghan Spray, Jesse Springer, Samantha St Clair, Amber Starr, Daniel Steiminger, Chadwick Steinmetz, Caitlin Stephens, Taylor Stephens, Jane Sterling, Elliott Stern, Catherine Stevens, Ariana Stevenson, Clay Stickel, Leah Stickler, Samantha Stimson, Trevor Stiteler, Skyler Stokes, Tori Stone, Erik Storey, Acacia Stowe, Steven Strachan, Carley Stringer, Shandi Strong, Esmeralda Suarez, Syril Suffridge, Brianne Sullivan, Paul PJ Sullivan, Jacinta Sveiven, Antonia Ida Marie Svennebjer, Megan Swann, Ian Sweeney, Chloe Sweig, Blake Swendrowski, Katherine Swihart, Alyssa Syverud, Shiva Tadayon, Allison Tafe, Taylor Tally, Anastacia Tamai, Morgan Tandy, Stephanie Tang, John Tango, Alexander Tankersley, Bianca Tapia, David Tapia, Carlie Tarnol, Evan Taylor, Evelyn Taylor, Kevin Taylor, Rachel Taylor, Jeffrey Tedmori, Ashley Tegley, Areli Tejeda, Ashley Teleng, Nancy Tellez, Landon Terrio, Moorea Thill, Jesse Thomas, Michaela Thomas, Sara Thomas, Anthony Thompson, Cornelius Thompson, Myeisha Thompson, Olivia Thompson, Kristina Thorsen, Taryn Thrift, Kilauni Tillett, Kaycee Tinsman, Alicia Tirado, Jonathan Tomaske, Anthony Tornello, Arvin Torosian, Alfredo Torres, Luis Torres, Mayra Torres, Raquel Torres, Elizabeth Torres Lopez, Allyson Toscher, Anastasiya Toshchakova, Connor Towne, Samuel Towne, Julia Townsend, Joseph Tramonti, Catherine Tran, Kenny Tran, Sabryna Traverse, David Treadwell, Matthew Trejo, John Treur, Sandra Trillo-Rodriguez, Oscar Trujillo, Brenda Tungui, Daniel Turner, Brianna Tybor, Lauren Tyler, Travis Tyler, Eden Ulpindo, Henry Ultreras, Jessika Unterberger, Jasmine Urzua, Tobin Vadasz, Morgan Vahradian, Lorena Valdez, Clara Valdovinos Magana, Blanca Valencia, Cindy Valencia, Tamara Valencia, Kendra Valentine, Josh Valenzuela, Solange Valim, Monica Vallejo, Marcella Van Driessche, Tarra Van Wingerden, Xochilt Vargas, Charles Vaughn, Adriana Vazquez, Alicia Vazquez, Danae Vazquez, Maria Vazquez, Alexander Vega, Erick Vega, Paola Vega, Leah Vekich, Nayeli Velasco Lopez, Miguel Velazquez, Andres Velazquez Ontiveros, Elizabeth Venezia, Michelle Verduzco-Esqueda, Amanda Viescas, Austin Viles, Anabel Villafana, Maribel Villagomez Sanchez, Janine Villanueva, Veronica Villanueva, Veronica Villasenor, Nancy Villegas Rodriguez, Chelsea Vinas, Juana Vitela, Selene Viveros Ferrer, Amanda Volden, Timothy Vu, Brandelin Wade, Karissa Wagner, Abigail Wagstaffe, Lauren Walker, Rodney Walker, Jonathan Wall, Alexis Wallengren, Rhandi Walters, Drew Waner, Kyrstin Watanabe, Michael Wathen, Elizabeth Watkins, Brandon Watts, Jordan Waxman, Reilly Weaver, Chad Weber, Kevin Weeks, Greta Weinstein, Joel Weinzetl, Michael Weisenburger, Christopher Wells, Cristina Wentworth, Melissa Wenzel, Sarah Wertheimer, Kira West, Stacy West, Brandon Westemeier, Erica Wetch, Brian Whalen-Crichton, Emily Wheeler, Ryan Whelan, Jacob White, Martina White, Rebecca White, Robert Whiteside, Robert Whitfield, Cameron Whitley, Courtney Whittington, Linda Whobrey, Taylor Widel, Elise Wieczorek, Allicia Williams, Deborah Williams, Kevin Williams, Shaynah Williams, Sherrevia Williams, Spenser Williams, Haley Wilson, Nicole Wilson, Roseanna Wilson, Andrew Winans, Patrick Windom, Blake Windrum, Jacob Winegar, Hayley Wise, Audrey Witt, Brianne Wohlfahrt, Jeremy Wolf, James Wong, Jessica Wood, Riley Wright, Stacy Wright, Jenna Wurst, Marcus Wurtz, Aaron Wymore, Bethany Wynne, Wei Qiu Xu, Yufui Yamamoto, Michael Yamarone, Melissa Yanez, Sarah Yeh, Katherine Yepez, Lisa Young, Bradley Youngerman, Zachary Yslas, Chris Zaki, Karen Zamarripa, Edna Zarookian, Amber Zavala, Casey Zavala, Jesus Zavala, Maria Zepeda, Kurt Zias, Olivia Zolfaghari, Jaclyn Zuch, Alexis Zumbrunn, Oscar Zuniga

List as of 04/30/2015

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About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI's strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master's degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI's Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world's largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit

Gary Cushing
Gary Cushing

Camarillo, CA - A Camarillo civic and business leader who earned his college degree at 55 will once again don a cap and gown at the CSU Channel Islands (CI) commencement ceremony.

On May 16, Camarillo Chamber of Commerce CEO and CI graduate Gary Cushing, now 60, will accept CI's Distinguished Alumnus Award for his success and generosity in a number of different arenas.

"Gary is the definition of the CI Way," said Tania Garcia, Director of Development, Alumni Relations. "He gives back to the community on a regular basis. He is on so many different boards I can't even name them all. He is the community go-to guy because everyone knows they can trust him, and no matter how busy he is, he gets the job done."

CI gives the award to an alumnus who has had success in his or her career field, is active in the community and contributes time, talent and other resources back to CI.

Cushing says receiving this award is "very special" to him, adding that he does all he can to promote CI because he believes it provides an opportunity for a higher education for a population that wouldn't otherwise be able to pursue a degree.

Cushing offers himself as a perfect example.

His life was going well at age 52. He had worked his way up through the restaurant ranks—starting as a teen busboy in Burbank—to become the owner of three Marie Callender's restaurants in Ventura County and one in Santa Barbara. He still owns the restaurant in Camarillo, which opened in 1989.

He had a wonderful wife, eight children and 13 grandchildren. But family and work responsibilities had always kept one life goal just out of reach.

He had never earned a college degree.

"My brother and two sisters all had degrees. I was the only one without a degree," Cushing said. "It was always something I wanted to do, but since we never had a university out here, it wasn't possible."

CSU Northridge was too much of a commute, but when Ventura County's first four-year public university opened in 2002, Cushing's dream became attainable.

"President Rush used to come into the restaurant all the time and I would ask him about the University," Cushing said.

With encouragement from President Rush in 2007, he enrolled and in 2010, he graduated with a degree in political science.

To his delight, there were other students in their 50s who also were pursuing degrees.

Cushing went on to get a master's degree in public policy from California Lutheran University, so now he is the most educated of his siblings.

Today, Cushing is President/CEO of the Camarillo Chamber of Commerce and Owner/Principal of Cushing Public Affairs, a firm he founded to lobby for local businesses and organizations.
Since he took over the Chamber in January 2014, he has turned it around, increasing membership and cash flow.

Not only has Cushing contributed financial resources, time and talent to the University, he has traveled to Sacramento to help lobby for CI, which he believes is essential to the area, and for all students both traditional and non-traditional.

"The type of student we have within the CSU system and especially at CI is the student who has a lot of other life challenges," Garcia said. "He or she might be a parent, a single parent, or might be the first in the family to go to college. I think Gary is the epitome of the idea that, no matter what your situation, you can reach success and the University is here to support you in whatever way you need."

The CI Alumni & Friends Association provides services to its graduates with career help and a mentorship program. The association also keeps alumni involved with the University community and encourages alumni philanthropy, as CI's graduates are the future developers of the campus.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI's strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master's degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI's Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world's largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, CA - The clash between free speech and freedom of religion has resulted in bloodshed more than once.

The most recent and one of the bloodiest was on Jan. 7, 2015, when two armed brothers broke into the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France, and killed 12 people to avenge a cartoon the magazine published of the Islamic prophet Muhammed.

The tragedy polarized shocked citizens who proclaimed support for free speech with "Je suis Charlie" and those who saw it as blasphemy who proclaimed "Je ne suis pas Charlie."

Freedom of speech versus what other cultures consider blasphemy is the subject of the first of several lectures on sensitive topics considered "undiscussable," according to organizer Panda Kroll, Esq., a CSU Channel Islands (CI) business law lecturer.

All of the seminars will cover some form of bias we may harbor about everything from religion to sexual orientation to race.

"My goal with these talks is, can we have a conversation where we have some exposure to people with different strategies and values that's a safe conversation?" Kroll said. "Can we have a civil dialogue experience?"
The first seminar: "Bias and Blasphemy: A Medieval Concept with Contemporary Consequences" will take place at noon, Wednesday, April 29 at the Ventura County Bar Association at 4475 Market Street in Ventura.

The guest speaker for the first presentation will be lifelong social activist Dr. John Suarez, a retired Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and Trustee for Americans United for Separation of Church and Outreach Coordinator, Center For Inquiry.

Suarez, of Thousand Oaks, speaks about civil rights, social and economic justice, the environment, public education and the First Amendment. On Wednesday, he will discuss balancing the right to free speech with what others may consider hate speech.

"The attack on Charlie Hebdo symbolically said 'We are not going to let you speak freely and say things that are negative,'" Suarez said. "I think we should go out of our way not to offend anyone, but on the other hand, I don't think we should welcome an outside element telling us and pushing us to revise our basic freedoms."

The rest of the presentations are:

— "Gender and Sexual Diversity: Cultural and Legal Issues regarding Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and the Transgender Community."
Speaking will be Amara Kirby, Esq., Deputy Public Defender for the office of the Ventura County Public Defender.

Kirby has a decade of experience with Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning (LGBTQ) legal and social concerns. The presentation will be Wednesday, May 27 at the Tower Club at 300 E. Esplanade Dr. in Oxnard.

"Bias and Religious Garb," by Naseem Kabir, of the Conejo Valley Islamic Center who is also a microbiologist. Wednesday, July 1, at noon at the Ventura County Bar Association, 4475 Market Street in Ventura.

"Our Innate Cognitive Biases: How Emotion and Tribalism Divide us and How to Avoid Prejudice and Hype." The guest speaker will be Tom Krause, who holds a doctorate in psychology. Wednesday, July 29, at noon at the Ventura County Bar Association, 4475 Market Street in Ventura. Krause is a management consultant and former chairman of an Ojai-based global consulting firm.

The presentations are sponsored by CI, the Ventura County Bar Association, the Ventura County Public Defender's office and the Ventura County Diversity Bar Alliance with support from Kroll's office, Benton, Orr, Duval and Buckingham law office.

For additional information contact Panda Kroll at or 805-648-5111 ext. 319.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI's strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master's degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI's Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world's largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit

Fewer Students are Dropping Out of School

Ventura County saw improvement in its high school graduation and dropout rates according to data released today by the California Department of Education. The graduation rate for the 2013-14 school year was 83.2 percent, which is up from 79.2 percent in 2009-10. Over the same period, the dropout rate has decreased from 13.2 percent to 9.3 percent.

Ventura County’s graduation rate in 2013-14 exceeded the statewide rate of 80.8 percent. The County also enjoyed a 2013-14 dropout rate that’s better than the state figure of 11.4 percent. Both the Ventura County and statewide graduation rates are record highs in the five year period since the Department of Education changed the method it uses to collect the data. The new method implemented for the 2009-10 school year follows the same groups of students, or cohorts, during the data collection period.

“The improvements we’re seeing in Ventura County show the changes being made in education are paying off,” said Ventura County Superintendent of School Stan Mantooth. “Higher academic standards, an increased focus on critical thinking and new sources of funding are all helping students reach their goal of receiving a high school diploma.”

The data for Ventura County show the following regarding subgroups based on race and ethnicity, gender, English speaking ability and Special Education status:
• All subgroups have seen an increase in their graduation rate since 2009-10
• All groups have seen a decrease in dropout rates from 2009-10 to 2013-14
• Males lag behind females in graduation rates: 81.2 percent to 85.2 percent respectively
• English Learner students and Special Education students lag behind all other student groups in graduation rates
• From 2012-13 to 2013-14, the subgroups of African American, Filipino, English Learner, and Special Education students had small decreases in graduation rates
• From 2012-13 to 2013-14, Hispanic students had an increase in their graduation rate and a decrease in their dropout rate
• From 2012-13 to 2013-14, African American students had a decrease in their graduation rate and an increase in their dropout rate

About the Ventura County Office of Education
The Ventura County Office of Education provides a broad array of fiscal, training and technology support services to local school districts, helping to maintain and improve lifelong educational opportunities for children, educators and community members. VCOE also operates schools that serve students with severe disabilities and behavioral issues, provides career education courses, and coordinates countywide academic competitions including Mock Trial and the Ventura County Science Fair. Learn more at:



Camarillo, CA - CSU Channel Islands (CI) will bestow honors on high-achieving graduating seniors during its 2015 Honors Convocation, Saturday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the John Spoor Broome Library Plaza. The ceremony is open to all students earning honors and graduating from fall 2014 through summer 2015.

To receive honors at graduation, a student must have completed a minimum of 30 units at CI for a letter grade and earned a grade point average of 3.50 or above in all CI and transfer coursework. Graduates may receive honors at one of the following three levels: cum laude for GPAs of 3.50 – 3.74; magna cum laude for GPAs of 3.75 – 3.89; and summa cum laude for GPAs of 3.90 – 4.0.

CI also celebrates the outstanding achievements of graduating seniors in areas that span the campus. Graduating President's Scholars will be recognized during the ceremony. The CI President's Scholars Program provides stellar incoming students with a scholarship that is renewable for four years, and includes full resident fees, a generous textbook allowance, and the use of a laptop computer.

CI also recognizes outstanding students in each major with Program Honors, and acknowledges students with achievements in the areas of community engagement and integrative, multicultural, and international perspectives with Mission Center Awards. Graduating students who are members of the Mortar Board Four Pillars Chapter, the nation's premier honor society, will also be recognized during the event.

For additional information, contact Merissa Stith, Assistant Manager of Conferences & Events, at 805-437-8548 or

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI's strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master's degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI's Social Media.

The California State University (CSU) will reach a significant milestone of 3 million alumni during commencement in spring 2015 and has launched the world's largest yearbook. The Class of 3 Million online yearbook is an interactive platform where alumni can create a profile and connect with the millions of other alumni from the 23 CSU campuses across the state. Alumni who sign up for the yearbook will also be entered into a special contest to win one of three $10,000 scholarships for a current or future student, sponsored by Herff Jones. For more information about the yearbook and the Class of 3 Million, visit