The Fillmore High School class for students with severe disabilities participated in the Special Olympics on Saturday, April 18 at Nordoff High School in Ojai. The students participated in the school based Olympics with other teams from across the county. Events included the softball/tennis ball throw, the standing long jump, the 50/100 meter run and the wheelchair races. Pictured are Anna Maldonado and Leo Magana (Leonardo Magana 25M walk (silver) and softball throw (gold) - Anna Maldonado 100M run (gold) and softball throw, gold); and Jacob Gaither, 50M run (silver) and softball throw (gold). Total list of winners: Susana Suarez 50M run (silver) and softball throw (gold); David Hynes 30 M Wheelchair slalom (gold), read the Special Olympics oath in opening ceremony; Lorena Perez 30 M Wheelchair slalom (silver), tennis ball throw (gold); Tiffany Everettson 100 M run (gold), softball throw (silver); Jessica Ramirez tennis ball drop (gold), 25 M assisted walk (gold); Jose Hernandez 25 M assisted walk (gold), softball throw (silver); Kislev Valenzuela 10 M wheelchair race (silver), tennisball drop (silver).


Pictured is the San Cayetano Robotics Team with “Special Friends” at an awards assembly honoring the new innovative program. One team took 1st place and another team took 4th place in a competition at JPL March 17, 2009. The competition was for NASA Explorer Schools for Southern California. The “Special Friends” in the picture include : Jan Marholin, Principal San Cayetano, Ota Lutz Education Coordinator for NES Schools JPL, Mr. Stan Mantooth, Superintendent Ventura County Schools, Mr. Jeff Sweeney, Superintendent FUSD, Mrs. Linda Johnson , Representative for Senator Runner, Mrs. Dana Nielsen, Representative for Assemblymember Strickland. Next year San Cayetano hopes to expand the program into the third grade as currently it is offered in the fourth and fifth grades.
Pictured is the San Cayetano Robotics Team with “Special Friends” at an awards assembly honoring the new innovative program. One team took 1st place and another team took 4th place in a competition at JPL March 17, 2009. The competition was for NASA Explorer Schools for Southern California. The “Special Friends” in the picture include : Jan Marholin, Principal San Cayetano, Ota Lutz Education Coordinator for NES Schools JPL, Mr. Stan Mantooth, Superintendent Ventura County Schools, Mr. Jeff Sweeney, Superintendent FUSD, Mrs. Linda Johnson , Representative for Senator Runner, Mrs. Dana Nielsen, Representative for Assemblymember Strickland. Next year San Cayetano hopes to expand the program into the third grade as currently it is offered in the fourth and fifth grades.
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Piru Elementary staff and students take pride in their school.
Piru Elementary staff and students take pride in their school.

Piru Elementary School is proud to announce that next year it will be offering a full curriculum to students in grades kindergarten though sixth grade. For a limited time we will be accepting 6th grade students from Fillmore. Bus transportation from Fillmore will be provided. Call the school office now and complete an enrollment packet.
Located just 7 miles from Fillmore, Piru Elementary is a small, dynamic elementary school that supports a vision based on "Educating the Whole Child." Piru was established more than 120 years ago and provides a strong academic program. In fact, over the last two years API scores have gone up more than 40 points! Great things are happening at Piru. Our campus farm is growing, we are looking at green school alternatives, we will be offering outstanding student extra-curricular experiences such as a camping trip to Rancho Allegre, an overnight to Fort Tejon, whale watching, La Brea Tar Pits, as well as a fine arts outreach to a variety of music and dance performances. Piru Elementary has both a music and art teacher. This year Piru Elementary began a college outreach program with students spending the day at either Moorpark College, California State University at Channel Islands, or the University of California at Santa Barbara. Now our students want to attend college when they grow up!
If you are interested in providing a unique learning opportunity for your child in a small rural setting, please come see Piru, where students can experience the best of the past and the future!


Undergraduate students at the University of California, Santa Barbara achieving excellence in their academic work during the winter quarter 2009 have been selected for the dean's honors list.
This honor, which is noted on their permanent records, is earned by students who have attained the qualifying grade point average of 3.75 (a-minus) on a program of 12 or more graded units in the college of letters and science, or 3.50 in the college of engineering.
With an enrollment of 20,000 students, UC Santa Barbara offers Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degree programs in most academic disciplines.
Local students on the dean's list are listed below, as are their majors: Danielle Nicole Rojo, Fillmore, Sociology.


Students attending schools within Fillmore Unified School District will be participating in the annual State tests from April 20 through May 11. Parents and guardians play an important role in the education of their children. It is highly encouraged that parents talk with their children about the importance of doing their best on the testing just as they would on all their school work. Encouraging your child to keep a positive attitude will reduce the stress toward test taking. Discuss with your child that tests should not cause undue stress, to think carefully, and complete one question at a time without rushing.

Students should also get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast each day to help them perform optimally. Be sure that you are aware of the testing dates for each of your child’s schools and communicate this with your child. It is best not to plan late night activities, games, or appointments during the testing window if at all possible.

You can also get involved in preparing your child for testing by sharing and reinforcing a few key test taking strategies.

• Listen carefully to instructions and ask questions if you don’t understand.
• Don’t rush but do pace yourself ensuring not to spend too much time on any one question.
• Read ALL the answers before choosing your response
• Don’t panic over questions you don’t know. Notate difficult ones and come back at the end if there is time.
• Answer all questions and then go back and check your answers if time allows.

Your encouragement will go a long way in supporting and building confidence in your child which will lead to success.

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


5:15 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
The Board of Education will meet from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. to consider matters appropriate for Closed Session in accordance with Government Code Sections 3549.1, 54956.7 through 54957.7 and Education Code Section 35146. If the Board does not complete Closed Session discussions at this time, the Board may adjourn to Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting. DISCLOSURE OF ITEM(S) TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION Conference with Legal Council- Existing Litigation
Case 56-2008-0033-4613-ca-po-vta School District Pupils (Education Code 35146)
o Expulsion Case Number 08-09-09
o Expulsion Case Number 08-09-10
o Expulsion Case Number 08-09-11
o Expulsion Case Number 08-09-12 Labor/Negotiations (Government Code 54957.6) CONTINUED »

Natalie Garnica
Natalie Garnica
Student, Fillmore High School

It has been a busy week for sports at FHS this week. The swim team had a meet on Wednesday against Nordhoff, they have a meet on Friday against Villanova, and on Saturday they are hosting an alumni meet. The Volleyball team had a game against Nordhoff on Wednesday and they have another game scheduled for Saturday. Softball had a game on Tuesday against Oaks Christian and Baseball had a game on Wednesday and has one on Friday as well. The Track team has a meet on Thursday.

The Art Show was on Tuesday and was a huge success. All aspects of the Arts at FHS were included; photography, drama, music and visual arts were all showcased at the annual event.

(left to right on couch):  Wafa Munif, 53, YES Program staff from Saudi Arabia; Anne from Denmark, a sophomore at Rio Mesa High; Heja, a Turkish YES student and senior at Moorpark High; Shervina, a Filipino YES student and senior at Fillmore High; Nur from Turkey, a senior at Oxnard High; and Stephanie, an American AFS Student who studied abroad in Italy in 2006. These exchange students have been in the United States since August 2008 and will return home in June.  In the background are several adult volunteers with the local AFS chapter.
(left to right on couch): Wafa Munif, 53, YES Program staff from Saudi Arabia; Anne from Denmark, a sophomore at Rio Mesa High; Heja, a Turkish YES student and senior at Moorpark High; Shervina, a Filipino YES student and senior at Fillmore High; Nur from Turkey, a senior at Oxnard High; and Stephanie, an American AFS Student who studied abroad in Italy in 2006. These exchange students have been in the United States since August 2008 and will return home in June. In the background are several adult volunteers with the local AFS chapter.
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"I was once jailed two days for driving," said Wafa Munif, Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program staff from Saudi Arabia, on a visit to Ventura last month. Ms. Munif, 53, attended a YES conference in Washington DC, and completed her trip in Ventura County to promote the program to local high schools--and to get to know local exchange students, their host families, and the volunteers who work with them. She spoke with Fillmore High School students during their World History classes.

She explained that several women in her home country of Saudi Arabia protested the fact that women couldn't drive by, well, simply driving. The women--including her--were arrested and jailed. Her husband had to bail her out, at a cost of $10,000. "It was a mess!" she said. "But we have to do something." It is this same passion to change the world around her that Munif works for the YES Program in Saudi Arabia. The U.S. State Department-sponsored scholarship program brings high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to the U.S. to create a better understanding between Americans and these countries. AFS (formerly known as the American Field Service) is the lead student exchange organization for the YES program.

If you want to learn more about student exchange, becoming an exchange student yourself, the YES program, or about hosting a foreign exchange student through AFS, we want to hear from you. AFS brings wonderful students from more than 50 countries to learn about our culture and teach us about theirs. Hosting is a life-changing opportunity that literally builds ties across the globe. To find out more please visit Peace Through Understanding. Be a part.

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District




5:15 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the school board. State law prohibits the board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
The Board of Education will meet from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. to consider matters appropriate for Closed Session in accordance with Government Code Sections 3549.1, 54956.7 through 54957.7 and Education Code Section 35146. If the Board does not complete Closed Session discussions at this time, the Board may adjourn to Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting. DISCLOSURE OF ITEM(S) TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION Labor/Negotiations (Government Code 54957.6)
o Update; Direction to District Negotiators (Jeff Sweeney, Evalene Townend, Mike Bush) for negotiations with the Fillmore Unified Teachers Association (FUTA), the California School Employees Association (CSEA), Confidential Employees, and District Administration. CONTINUED »

The Fillmore Noontime Rotary hosted the Fillmore High School exchange students. They are L-R Sunande from Switzerland, Franziska from Germany, Shervina from the Philippines and Samantha from Hong Kong.
The Fillmore Noontime Rotary hosted the Fillmore High School exchange students. They are L-R Sunande from Switzerland, Franziska from Germany, Shervina from the Philippines and Samantha from Hong Kong.
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Fillmore High School Visual and Performing Arts Department will be celebrating student artists and performers at our 11th annual Arts show. The exhibit, sale and performance will be held in the Veterans Memorial Building on Second Street. There will be drawings, paintings, ceramics, photos and wood projects to view and for purchase. The Fillmore High School Band and the Fillmore High School Percussion Ensemble will be performing. The drama department will also be performing as well as selling DVD's from this seasons hit "Trouble in Dustville". Fillmore High School Fashion Club will be selling tie-dyed t-shirts at the event. The show is patterned after a real life art opening. Not only is the art of high school students showcased, but also students “run” the whole event. They plan and organize it, design the invitations and flyers, mat artwork and “hang” the show. They act as hosts and hostesses on the evening of the event, handle sales, answer questions, and cleanup. The public is invited to attend "Art Hysteria" on April 14th from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p. m.

Superintendent Jack-O'Connell
Superintendent Jack-O'Connell
California State Superintendent of Public Instruction

SACRAMENTO – State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell today announced that 261 California middle and high schools have been selected as 2009 California Distinguished Schools, an annual award that recognizes some of the state's most exemplary public schools.

(The list of 136 middle schools and 125 high schools shown below)

“These extraordinary middle and high schools have shown they are able to increase the achievement of all their students and have provided evidence that they are closing the achievement gaps that, unfortunately, exist at many schools, said O’Connell. “California Distinguished Schools must meet the challenge of providing all their students with a rigorous education and to fully prepare today’s students for success in postsecondary education or the workforce. In the current economic situation, it is important to that the academic success of all today’s students is directly linked to the effectiveness, competiveness and resiliency of our not-too-distant future workforce.”

O’Connell called each school’s principal this morning to personally share the good news. “Although at first some principals thought my call was an April Fools Joke, they all were excited and overjoyed at their recognition for this prestigious award. These are incredible schools with dedicated teachers, hard-working principals, and successful students.” CONTINUED »

Piru Elementary students went to college this week as part of Piru’s Reaching Higher in ’09 Academic Achievement Focus.
Piru Elementary students went to college this week as part of Piru’s Reaching Higher in ’09 Academic Achievement Focus.
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Six buses, three destinations, 300 permission slips and lots of phone calls later, Piru students all attended college on Monday, March 30th. The visit was part of Piru’s Reaching Higher in ’09 Academic Achievement Focus.
Kindergarten and first grade students went to Moorpark College and thanks to support group Friends of Piru, were able to add an Exotic Animal Show to their College Tour.

Second and third grade students journeyed further to Cal State Channel Islands where they were guided by former student Jim Schaper around one of the newest California campuses!

Fourth and fifth graders were awed by the highpoints of the University of California at Santa Barbara, including: lecture halls, the dorms, the recreation center, the Thunderdome, and of course, the lagoon and beach. All students agreed college looks like lots of fun!

Many thanks from Piru are sent to Fillmore High School Mentors, Elizabeth Fernandez and Samuel Cruz; UCSB Outreach Coordinator, Olivia Palacio; UCSB Guides, Robert Barrera and Stan Levine; Miss Breanna Christie from Cal State Channel Islands; and Mr. Khutug from Moopark College. Special thanks are offered to Mrs. Lynn Edmonds, former principal of Piru Elementary, who wrote the CDBG grant which paid for the buses, and Police Chief Tim Hagel who is constantly looking for ways to support students and facilitate life changing experiences for kids.

Piru students are back in elementary classes today, but with a different outlook and level of motivation. Piru students are going to college!

On Wednesday, March 18 and Thursday, March 19, Piru Elementary held Open House 2009, “Focusing on Student Achievement.” The two night event allowed all parents a chance to spend a full half hour listening to each of their student’s teachers to talk about reading fluency, writing rubrics and math computation. Staff was thrilled to note that over 80% of parents showed up to team with them to boost Piru Student Success. All PIRU STUDENTS, it was also announced, WILL BE ATTENDING COLLEGE...on March 30, Piru Elementary’s first annual college outreach.
On Wednesday, March 18 and Thursday, March 19, Piru Elementary held Open House 2009, “Focusing on Student Achievement.” The two night event allowed all parents a chance to spend a full half hour listening to each of their student’s teachers to talk about reading fluency, writing rubrics and math computation. Staff was thrilled to note that over 80% of parents showed up to team with them to boost Piru Student Success. All PIRU STUDENTS, it was also announced, WILL BE ATTENDING COLLEGE...on March 30, Piru Elementary’s first annual college outreach.
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GEE! HAW!! WHOA!!! What does that mean? Well, students at San Cayetano can sure tell you! They have been studying the 1,150 mile Iditarod Dog Sled Race, and they can tell you not only the meaning of those commands but all about Alaska, the individual mushers, and the history and rules of the race. Students and teachers each chose the musher they thought was going to win this year and “became” that musher for the entire race, getting to know the musher’s life history and charting progress made at each checkpoint. By using the website, students were able to get up-to-the-minute details of the entire race, including video footage of what was happening each day on the trial. The campus was filled with anticipation, excitement, and a sense of friendly competition as students and staff cheered for their chosen mushers. To further enhance their study, San Cayetano was recently visited by Wrightwood musher Robert Stradley and his two sons, Trent and Talon, who shared their knowledge of the race and their personal racing adventures. Students rotated through a series of stations which included: exploring equipment used by mushers, grooming nine of Stradley’s sled dogs, creating musher t-shirts, making their own lead dogs from socks filled with rice, learning the positions of a dog team and practicing the commands while pulling a dog sled. So although Alaska is miles away from Fillmore, the students of San Cayetano felt like they were right in the heart of the race, enjoying every minute of their Iditarod experience!

For more information about Robert Stradley and his programs, you can visit his website

Fillmore High School and Fillmore Middle School students participated in the Ventura College MESA Program S.T.E.M. Conference on Saturday, March 14, 2009.
Fillmore High School and Fillmore Middle School students participated in the Ventura College MESA Program S.T.E.M. Conference on Saturday, March 14, 2009.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District




The public may review or request a copy of support materials provided to the Board Members where the word materials appears.

6:00 p.m.



This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.


a. School District Update
• Programs CONTINUED »

The San Cayetano Science Faire, Tuesday, was hosted by the school’s NASA Team. All elementary students in Fillmore and Piru participated.
The San Cayetano Science Faire, Tuesday, was hosted by the school’s NASA Team. All elementary students in Fillmore and Piru participated.
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Natalie Garnica
Natalie Garnica
Student, Fillmore High School

The fourth quarter has just started, and FHS is getting ready for state testing. The California High School Exit Exam was last week, and it went well. Teachers will begin reviewing for the state tests soon, our goal is to have an API of at least 700. We met our goal last year, and to get students pumped up for this year’s tests we will have rewards for students who improve their test scores.

The Battle of the Sexes week is this week, and included dress-up days, and a week long game of “The Bachelor” – Perry West was the school Bachelor, and 16 lovely ladies began competing on Monday for a ticket to the Sadie Hawkins dance and a gift card to Olive Garden. There will be a rally on Friday, followed by the Powder Puff football game at 7:00. The dance is on Saturday at 8:00pm at the Boys and Girls Club.

Softball had a game on Tuesday against Oak Park, Baseball has games on Wednesday and Friday against Saint Bonnie. Swimming has a meet on Wednesday against Santa Clara, and Track has a meet on Thursday against La Reina and Saint Bonnie.

For more information, call the student store at 524-8491


The Ventura County Contractors Association’s (VCCA) Construction Education Fund created the Ray Prueter Scholarship designed to aid students in the local community who seek to continue an education towards a career in the construction field. The scholarship fund is financed through the VCCA’s 2008 Summer Golf Tourney and contributions from more than 700 VCCA members.

In 2008, VCCA teamed with the local chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) to award $17,000 in scholarships to students pursuing a career in the construction industry.

“The goal of the VCCA Construction Education Scholarship Committee is to ensure that vocationally oriented students have the opportunity and support to begin a career in the construction area,” said Laurie Bennett, VCCA Construction Education Scholarship Committee chair.

“We feel it is important help local students with the funds necessary to pursue an education in the construction field, so that they can come back to our community and contribute to this exciting industry,” said Tommy Tatangelo, president of VCCA.

Candidates must qualify according to set criteria: CONTINUED »