Earthquake Safety in the Classroom
Ventura County Grand Jury Report Released

The 2011-2012 Ventura County Grand Jury (Grand Jury) initiated this investigation into methods and systems for providing earthquake safety in Ventura County (County) classrooms based on a newspaper article in the Los Angeles Times.

The Grand Jury requested information with respect to various safety programs from each of the school districts in the County and the Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE). The Grand Jury also reviewed California law and performed internet searches for information related to earthquake safety in the classroom.

The Grand Jury examined the current status of safety programs in each of the school districts in the County and the VCOE. The main emphasis was earthquake safety in the classroom and the proactive strategies that can be taken to reduce potential injury in the school environment.

The Grand Jury requested information from all school districts in the County and the VCOE concerning the various safety programs that are in place in each school. The information requested included earthquake disaster plans, “duck and cover” drill reports, availability of emergency provisions and communication, medical equipment, and classroom inspection records.

The internet was searched for California Education Codes relating to earthquake preparedness and disaster plans.
Each district and the VCOE have a current Earthquake Disaster Plan (EDP) and a Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP). The California Education Code requires schools to update plans annually.

Each plan requires the “duck and cover” drills each school quarter in elementary schools and at least once a semester in secondary schools. All schools, except Rio Elementary School District and Santa Paula Elementary School District, are conducting the required drills.

The Grand Jury recommends that all schools within the County comply with the required drills.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the American Red Cross, and the Ventura County Emergency Planning Council suggest that basic emergency supplies should include water and food for at least three days for each person. These recommendations have been followed by all school districts with the exception of Ojai Unified, Rio Elementary, and Santa Clara Elementary School Districts.

Ojai Unified, Santa Clara Elementary, and Rio Elementary School Districts should purchase and maintain sufficient food, water, communication equipment and medical provisions as recommended by the above organizations. All other districts should continue to maintain their emergency supplies and equipment.

Go to the Grand Jury website to review the entire report