Faculty to discuss ‘Islamic State’ group
Panelists are Cal Lutheran experts in various subjects

Religion, history, political science and communication faculty members at California Lutheran University will discuss the “Islamic State” group and put current events in Iraq and Syria in context on Tuesday, Nov. 11.

“Teach-in on ISIS: Religion and Violence in Today’s Global Landscape” will begin at 4 p.m. in Richter Hall on the Thousand Oaks campus. The presentation and panel discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

Julia Fogg, who chairs the Religion Department, will moderate the discussion. The panelists are Rose Aslan, assistant professor of religion; Paul Hanson, professor of history; Ryan Medders, a communication instructor; and S. Jovian Radheshwar, who teaches in the Political Science and Global Studies departments.

Fogg is an associate professor with expertise on immigration, religious practice, community identity and Islam. Aslan teaches courses on global religions and is a scholar of Islam and an interfaith activist who has conducted research in Iraq. Hanson is a two-time Fulbright Scholar whose research has focused on Islamic history, the politics of the Middle East and the relationship of religion and political legitimacy. Medders has researched the social and psychological effects of online media. Radheshwar specializes in political theory and international relations.

Refreshments will be served.

The departments of religion, political science and history are sponsoring the free event along with the Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture, Center for Equality and Justice, and Residential Life at Cal Lutheran.

Richter Hall is located in the Ahmanson Science Center, which is south of Memorial Parkway near Pioneer Avenue.

For more information, contact the Center for Equality and Justice at cej@callutheran.edu or 805-493-3694.