FHS News

As every Fillmore citizen knows, Homecoming Week is a big deal for not only FHS but the community as well. The preparations for this - one of the school’s most momentous events- were well underway by Monday the 19th when the festivities began with a dress up day on campus and the float building kickoff party after school. There, at around 8o’clock the Homecoming Court was announced and Homecoming truly began.

Every day was a different dress up day, and every day after school the trucks in the bus garages ceased to be trucks and evolved into the “Fables” themed floats. On Friday, the floats were all (more or less) completed and the homecoming rally began after sixth period at FHS. Homecoming Court was presented and the Queen was revealed: Jaynessa Lopez, an academically and athletically gifted senior was crowned with Robert Bonilla, the Flashes football quarterback as Homecoming King. Our Grand Marshal was Nada Vaughn, and toward the end of the rally the court was dismissed to prepare for the Homecoming Parade, which showcased not only court, but also Miss and Miss Teen Fillmore, Flashes varsity cheerleaders and football players, the Floats, and the FHS band- among other participants.

All this fanfare and celebration- preparation for what? The football game of course! It wasn’t looking good for the boys as halftime approached and the Flashes held the lead by only one point, not to mention lightning that lit up the sky before the game even started, delaying it a full fifteen minutes before it was sanctioned to continue. Things only got stranger when, as the Homecoming court lined up in all their finery to walk down the field, the heavens decided to open up at that exact moment and, though their presentation continued, it made for some very waterlogged memories.

Despite all these unusual and almost discouraging events, the lightning strikes earlier in the night plus the rain must have been good luck, because the Flashes came back after halftime and soundly defeated the Frazier Mountain Falcons with a final score of 59-30.

On Saturday the 24th the Homecoming dance brought the festivities to a close- the turnout and reception of the dance was more positive than it has been in a long time. Hopefully it will encourage equal enthusiasm in school events for the rest of this term!

With the last song, Homecoming ended and FHS has since returned to the less intense business of normality, though the fond memories of this week’s events will surely last much longer.