Natalie Garnica
Student, Fillmore High School
As you might have noticed, Fillmore High School is now being fenced in. These new gates are not only going to make our school safer, but the gates should cut down on the amount of graffiti the school receives every year. It is estimated that $30,000 a year is spent on graffiti removal at the high school alone. Hopefully the gates will deter vandalism and protect our new buildings.
The softball team had an away game against Santa Paula on Tuesday, and the Golf team had an away match against Carpentaria. The Swim Team had a meet on Wednesday, and the Volleyball team has a home game on Thursday. The Track Team also has a meet on Thursday at Oak Park.
Juniors and Seniors are busy with reviewing for the SATs, AP Tests, and seniors are interviewing and applying for scholarships. The next SAT is being administered May 3rd, and AP Tests start May 9th and continue for the next two weeks. The Seniors were interviewed for the Alumni scholarship on Wednesday, and countless other scholarships are due. A list of scholarships is available in the College and Careers Center.
Prom is scheduled for May 10th, and tickets go on sale April 16th, starting at $85 for a couple and $50 for a single. This may seem expensive, but the Juniors have planned prom to be at the Ventura Beach Marriott, and dessert, soda, and parking have all been included in the ticket price. The theme is “Top Hats and Tails”.
For more information, call the Student Store at 524-8491.