Natalie Garnica
Student, Fillmore High School
The High School has been a flurry of activity this week, for not only is it Santa Paula Week, but it is also Red Ribbon week.
Red Ribbon week is a nation-wide campaign against drugs. Students are encouraged to wear a red wristband to show that they are proud of being drug free, and there is a dress up day every day of the week that corresponds to an anti-drug message.
However, because this week is also our campaign against Santa Paula in preparation for the big game on Friday, the dress up days cannot be too “red friendly”. The student government has been creative and the week included days such as “Give Drugs, and Santa Paula the Blues” and on Halloween, “Say Boo to Drugs and Santa Paula”.
We have had a variety of noontime activities this week to get students pumped up for the game. On Monday, the Juniors won the “Chicken Chuck” by throwing a rubber chicken the farthest across the quad. The games will culminate in a car-bashing on Friday, courtesy of the cheerleaders. Students can pay three dollars to hit a totaled car three times with a sledge hammer, and all proceeds support the cheer program. There will also be a costume contest, a “Food Day”, and a rally on Friday. The clubs will be allowed to sell sweets on this particular Food Day because it is Halloween.
The girls volleyball team had a home game against Santa Paula on Tuesday.
Pre-sale tickets for the Santa Paula game are on sale in the Student Store. If you buy a ticket, you are guaranteed entrance to the game, but you should still come early to grab a seat. Tickets are free with an ASB sticker, $3 for seniors, $4 for children, and $7 for adults.
For more information, contact the student store at 524-8491.