Myth vs. Fact: Piru Charter School

Myth #1: Piru Charter School is an experimental school.
Fact: Piru Charter School is not an experimental school.

Myth #2: Piru Charter School is a private school and you have to pay to attend.
Fact: Piru Charter School is a free public school.

Myth #3: You have to complete volunteer hours to keep your child in the school.
Fact: There are no volunteer requirements to attend Piru Charter School.

Myth #4: There will be no after-school program.
Fact: There will be an after-school program at Piru Charter School.

Myth #5: Parents and the community will have no control over the school.
Fact: The community will have control over Piru Charter School. The Piru Charter School Board consists of parents and community members.

Myth #6: Small class sizes are not guaranteed.
Fact: Piru Charter School will have smaller class sizes in the upper grades.

Myth #7: There will not be a school bus.
Fact: Piru Charter School will have a school bus.

Myth: #8: There will be no Special Ed program or teacher.
Fact: Piru Charter School will have a special education program and teacher.

Myth #9: If you register your children at the charter school, you will be reported to immigration and deported.
Fact: It is illegal for Charter Schools to report people to immigration.

Myth #10: The charter petitioners falsely told people Piru School was closing.
Fact: Anti-charter school employees spread a rumor that the school will close if it converts into a charter school.

Myth #11: Piru School is doing fine just the way it is.
Fact: Piru Elementary is ranked 11th from the bottom when compared to 100 similar elementary schools in California. The facilities at Piru Elementary are in very poor condition according to Ventura County School Board Member Dean Kunicki.

Myth #12: The charter school’s budget is not sound, and the school will go broke.
Fact: Piru Charter School’s budget was independently prepared by one of the best charter school budgeting organizations in the State. The California Department of Education says that Piru Charter’s budget is sound.

Myth #13: The District told a parent who called that there will be no GATE program at the charter school.
Fact: Piru Charter School will have a GATE program and it will be better funded than the current program.

Myth #14: There will be no band program at the new school and all the instruments will be taken away.
Fact: Piru Charter School has budgeted for a 0.25% Full Time Equivalent Band Teacher, which is exactly what Piru Elementary School has now. Under Proposition 39, if the District provides band instruments to the other elementary schools, they must provide them to Piru Charter School. It’s the law.