The sun was shinning bright, the birds were singing, and the flowers were in full bloom. It was a perfect day for a walk around the neighborhood! The Klittich Family invited the San Cayetano Kindergarteners to take a walking tour of their beautiful garden. Mrs. Klittich guided the students thought her vegetable and flower gardens giving bits of information about growing plants along the way. She
also led students through the chicken house! Kindergarteners got to hold chickens, pet rabbits, and hunt for eggs. Thank-you Klittich family for once again sharing your fantastic garden with San Cayetano Kindergarten!



A former student of Fillmore HS, Marcela Becerra, who participated in FHS cross country, track and soccer, has been recognized by Head Coach Sergio Segura from Holy Names University in Oakland, CA where she is currently working as an assistant cross country coach and finishing her masters degree.
She was honored after the NAIA Region II Championships at Woodward Park on November 3, 2007 for her coaching efforts by Coach Segura. The Hawks team finished 11th overall in the competition, and Coach Segura wrote an article praising Marcela’s coaching of the team. It is with great pride that Fillmore HS keeps up with our former students and their career accomplishments!


Picture left to right: 5th Grade Teacher – Ms. Cornejo, 5th Grade Teacher – Mrs. Silva, students: Gildardo Sandoval, Victor Prado, Kathy Castañeda, Shyann Villanueva, Anissa Ortega, Principal Richard Durborow, El Pescador owner Chuy Ortiz.
Picture left to right: 5th Grade Teacher – Ms. Cornejo, 5th Grade Teacher – Mrs. Silva, students: Gildardo Sandoval, Victor Prado, Kathy Castañeda, Shyann Villanueva, Anissa Ortega, Principal Richard Durborow, El Pescador owner Chuy Ortiz.
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Richard Durborow
Richard Durborow
Principal, Piru Elementary School

Piru Elementary 5th grade students just returned from an exciting 4 day/3 night outdoor education camping trip at Rancho Alegre. The students were all smiles as they described their camp experiences.
The Outdoor School facilitates the development of community and environmental stewardship in students through a direct experience with nature. The Camp broadens students’ horizons by inspiring a sense of wonder and curiosity about our local and global environment. Rancho Alegre is located across from Cachuma Lake in Santa Barbara County.
Piru students gained valuable knowledge about botany, geology, wildlife, astronomy, and the Chumash culture. Our students made new friends, acquired new skills of teamwork and cooperation, and developed a new understanding about their responsibility for the natural environment.
Special thanks, for all their efforts, go to El Pescador, Maria Villa (The Friends of Piru), Dewey Thompson, Fillmore Rentals, William L. Morris, La Verne Nursery, Mrs. Silva (5th grade teacher), Ms. Cornejo (5th grade teacher), and Susan Jolley (Literacy Coach).
We would also like to thank the following supporters for their assistance in making our 5th Grade Camping Field Trip possible: Maria Villa – President; Friends of Piru – PTA Group; Dewey Thompson Fillmore Rentals; William L. Morris; La Verne Nursery.
Our 4th grade students are excited about going to camp next year! If you want to find out more about attending the Outdoor School just give us a call. We have many pictures and stories we would be happy to share with you.