Sespe Parent Workshop: “Self Esteem and Your Child”

The English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) hosted their second parent workshop on November 17th. The theme of this workshop was “Self Esteem and Your Child.” The workshop was conducted by Linda Arroyo from Triple P. The workshop was the second offered to Sespe parents.

The presenter discussed the importance of building self-esteem in children so that they feel confident and comfortable. She added that it is crucial that children feel like someone is listening to their concerns and needs.

Ms. Arroyo discussed some of the causes of low self-esteem which include: When children are not frequently praised; when parents are critical of their child (academics, sports, etc.); When children are compared to their siblings or other children; When children see physical or emotional violence in the home.

She then discussed a number of ways parents can help build self-esteem in their children. One way is to recognize that all children and individuals are different so it is important to recognize the individual strengths of each child. It is also important to tell your child that you care about them every day. It is crucial also to set aside a time everyday that is devoted to your child when all other distractions are removed, regardless of how busy the day is. It is also vital that parents help their children develop positive friendships and model this as well. Children should also be allowed to make their own decisions when appropriate (choosing outfits, meals, etc.) Finally, it is crucial to avoid solving all of your child’s problems, rather offer them support and tell them that everything will be ok.

The next ELAC parent workshop will take place on Thursday, January 19th at 8:30 am in the Sespe Cafeteria. Parents from all school and community members are welcome to attend.