Crane making arrives at the Senior Center

Jeanne Faith will be holding a class on “crane making” at the Senior Center on Monday, June 21st from 10-11:30. All seniors are invited to attend and learn how to make origami cranes as part of the Peace Pole project.
Everyone in Fillmore has worked on making 1000 paper cranes to celebrate peace. These will be sent as one section of the United Nations Day of Peace in September. If Fillmore has more than the designated 1000 cranes, the extra ones will be used when our Peace Pole is installed and dedicated in September at the City Hall Park.

Sarah Hansen and Fillmore Soroptimist have accepted this project for our community and many have made donations of both paper cranes and money to pay for the Peace Pole. Any senior may come and learn the Japanese art of origami—folding paper into figures.

Jeanne will be there to instruct and provide all necessary supplies. The Fillmore Senior Center will continue to be a part of the community and participate in every way possible. For additional information call the Center 524-4533.